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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

When she was under me, arms clasped around my neck, staring at me like I was the answer to some need she'd never had fulfilled, I got hit in the chest with an emotion I hadn't felt in years. This is the kind of shit I swore off my first year in the courtroom because I saw how relationships ended.

I saw how people dissolved and fell apart and hated each other. I saw massive fortunes dumped into the accounts of adulterers and cheaters. I saw careers end. That shit's not for me.

But all I wanted to do, tangled up with her, was stay there. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want her to go. I wanted that night to stretch on. I wanted to watch her walk out to the balcony, wrapped in white linens, over and over. I wanted to feed her grapes for breakfast and fuck her some more.

It is goddamn unacceptable. I need to sweat out whatever the hell is brewing in my veins because I've got a job to do. She can't be the end of everything.

"Come on, Eric." Paxton taunts again. He nails me in the jaw, hard. "Why are you so off your game? What happened with that girl?"

"I don't know." I grit my teeth and land a few good ones on Paxton. "You can let it go now."   


"I'm your best boy. I don't let things go."

"You're my best boy because you let things go, Pax."

"False. I'm your Jiminy goddamn Cricket. And I'm here to tell you to get your dick out of that girl and focus on your job." He launches after me, endless punches flying my way. "Otherwise, you're going to watch your whole damn career crash and burn."

This, more than anything, fans the flames tearing through my veins, and my jaw sets into a hard line. I'm not going to lose anything because of this woman, not matter how badly I want her.

"Get your shit together."

I turn, deadly calm, and land a full knockout blow to Paxton. He stumbles backwards and falls on his back. I lean over him.

"Eric Stevens always has his shit together."

I leave him in the ring.



Lily pours an extra-large glass of Malbec and slides it my way. I take it and steal a sip while seamlessly finishing my recount of the night with Eric. Wine isn't going to detour this nonsense.

"Was it amazing?" Lily gasps. "The sex you've always needed?"

"Yes." I drop my head to my chest and heave a large sigh. "God, Lily, it was amazing. The best sex I've ever had, hands down. He always acts like such a fucking asshole, but he was someone entirely different in bed. I mean, he was still cocky and arrogant and demanding, but there was a touch of something …  softer. I don't know. It was intense."

"I'm getting chills. That's incredible."

"Not incredible! Terrible! He's David's lawyer, Lily. He's the enemy!"

"Are you sure?" Lily eyes me skeptically over her glass. "Because you two apparently have some sort of crazy chemistry straight out of tinsel town, babe."

"That's all bullshit. Lights, music, soft filters, costuming and some poor assistant running around with mints for bad breath. That's not real. What happened two nights ago was …  something else entirely."

"Are you going to see him again?"

"God no! Yes. No. I mean, maybe?" I rub my forehead. "This is all so bad. So bad. But it was so good."

"Did you …  you know?"

My eyes light up and I bite my lip as I cross through my apartment and rummage around my desk. I find the jump drive in the bin with my pens and hoist it in the air. My prize, my trophy for a night of sex with the sexy evil attorney.

"You have to let me see it!"

"No!" I squeal, cheeks already red. "Oh my God, that would be so embarrassing."

"I've seen you naked at least a dozen times. This is no different."

"Look, college doesn't count, number one. And two, this is so different! It's practically porn. You'll see, you know, all of me. That's weird."

Lily pouts and clasps the bottle of wine to her chest. "I won't share any more if you don't show me. All mine for the rest of the evening unless you plug that bad boy in."

"I don't know, Lily. It's so personal." My plan didn't include sharing the video with anyone other than Eric and David.

"Kate Lilliana Monroe McArthur. This was not a romantic tryst, no matter how amazing it may have been. This was pure revenge fucking and you know it. Stop trying to treat this like some shiny, sparkly junior high love bullshit. You sucked that guy's dick to make David jealous. Now gimme."

"It was such a nice cock, too." I groan, remembering the exact feel of it in my mouth. I had never before in my life enjoyed fellatio until that moment. "No, you're right. I'm being ridiculous. David is going to shit himself when he sees it."

"When are you going to show it to him?"

"I'm not sure. I feel like I need to tell Vivian first, given the parties involved. Maybe I'll save it for after everything finalizes. Not only will I get my freaking money that I deserve out of this shithole excuse of a marriage, but then I'm going to show him a video of me fucking his lawyer. God, I can't wait to see the look on his face."

"We should hold a showing at a drive-in. Sell popcorn. It could be great."

"Amazing. But no one else is going to see my bare ass, thank you very much. Why do you think I'm going to face him in person instead of emailing him? I can't risk it being anywhere near the internet."

"Fine." Lily slides next to me on the couch. "At this rate, no matter what happens to you in court, you'll have his balls either way."

"Who's laughing now, asshole?" I scowl, picturing David's terrible, stupid face.

"Us. We are laughing. Now you should show it to me. I need to see what will undoubtedly kill David, because karma is such a beautiful bitch."

"No, you can't - hey!" I grab after Lily, but she's off running and hooks the drive up to my TV. "Oh, God. This is going to be so bad."

"Please, what am I going to do? Leak it?"

I pause and mull this over. "Maybe I could become the next famed hotel heiress with it. Get my own fashion line or something if it blows up."

"There's the Kate I love. Now let's see Mr. Lawyer-Man's huge cock."

Lily plays around with the remotes until she's got the video up on the screen. I immediately cycle from incredible embarrassment to arousal. I'd set up the camera before I met him the park, just in case. Everything from the moment we tumbled in the door was recorded and is now playing back.

"Goddamn that boy undresses fast." Lily breathes.

"He's superhuman."

Watching everything happen again makes me all but forget Lily is next to me until she started squealing and jumping in her seat, hitting me with pillows.

"Did he just? Oh my God he did!" She smacks my arm. "Did you see what he just did to you?"

It is so surreal to sit on the couch and watch this incredibly sexy man take total control of my body. From the way he licked my nipples down to his dark head between my legs. I can almost feel his hot mouth back down there.

"Girl, you look so hot. Forget him. Look at how sexy you are, all wound up while he's all up on you!" Lily smacks me with the pillow again. "Shit, if this David thing goes south, you should go into porn. I'd watch all your videos. I mean that in the least creepy way possible."

"I think I'm flattered?" I force out a laugh, but the air is stolen from my lungs. Watching this is such a bad idea. Every action on tape I can feel across my body: the way his body felt on mine, the firm way he grabbed me, the intensity of his tongue and lips.

Lily gasps next to me. The angle shows a perfect angle of Eric's cock. It looks magnificent in the lamplight. It felt just as good, if not better. We fall into total silence as we watch Eric and me have sex on top of very expensive hotel sheets. For a minute, I forget to breathe.

"I gotta go home." Lily suddenly says, breaking our trance. "I gotta go, um, you know. Stuff. Listen to me, Kate. Listen to me. If you can have sex with that man again, do it. He is so sexy and you two have this incredible chemistry that is like lightning. I would kill for someone to fuck me like that."

"You know that I can't do that."

"Fine. Once your divorce is finalized, hunt that boy down and fuck him twice. Three times on Sunday." Lily quickly gathers her things and gives me a peck on the cheek. "That was marvelous, thank you. It'll hold me over ton …  I mean, it was fun. I'll see you tomorrow."

She practically runs out of my apartment and leaves me alone with the video still rolling. We've both just hit our second orgasms and he's working his way back down between my legs. I get chills just thinking about it.

"I want to know how you taste once I've marked you," he told me.

He says it again on the tape. I look around my apartment and find my glass of wine. I drain it, slip off my sundress, and sprawl out on the couch. I mean, what the hell, right? All I can think about is having Eric again, and that's impossible. So I will take him any way I can have him, even if it's just in my head.

My fingers mimic his tongue against my clit. His groans fill my ears and I can see that he was stroking himself while licking me. It's incredibly sexy. When I cry out in bliss in the video, real me climaxes at the same time.



"Tequila, boys." Becky slides the tray into the middle of the table. She doesn't look at me, but instead shoots a wink to Geoff. "Let me know when you need refills."