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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

Hell, I don't even know where I'd start with her. I'd wrap her ponytail around my hand and tug it, just to hear her squeal the way I used to make her squeal when I pulled it. Then I'd silence her with my mouth, and taste those delicate pink lips I've always loved.

Most of all, I want to show her what it's really like to be fucked right. I want to turn her into a quivering mess, and make her brown eyes roll so far back into her head she'll see her brain. Is she doing this for a mind-blowing orgasm? I'll give her one so intense it'll blow her head off.

I wonder if she remembers me.

Eloise stands in the doorway, clearly torn.

"You'll be glad you did it afterwards. It'll give you a lifetime of feelings you never knew existed."

Every inch of her exposed skin turns red. She's so pale, it was always so easy to make her turn red. But even now bright red, she holds her ground. She'd always held her ground. That's one of the things I liked most about her. She was fun to toy with.

I figure she'll walk out the door, but maybe come back another day when she's had time to think it over.

She closes the door and says, "Okay, fine. Let's get this over with."

I'm shocked. My dick twitches at the knowledge Eloise Hutchinson is about to drop her panties for me.

"I'll have to see which type of piercing suits you. Ideally, you want the triangle."

"Right. Of course." Her eyes avoid mine.

"You won't regret it. See what jewelry you like while I prepare," I say, pointing to the jewelry case.

Eloise gives a slight nod and shuffles to the case. I hurry into the back and lay a towel over my barber-style chair. Back at the front of the parlor, Eloise stands stiff in front of the counter.

"See anything you like?" I ask.

"Yeah, I like these ones, with the pretty blue jewels."

Of course she does. Opening the drawer underneath, I pull out a few sample styles of the ones with the pretty blue jewels and a few boxes of new, sterilized ones.

"Okay, Jewel, I'm ready for you."

She follows me into the back room, and I lead her to the chair at my station. She freezes and her eyes take in the four tattoo stations, each with its own barber-style chair. I motion for her to sit. Her breathing is heavy as she stands beside the chair in my station.

"What should I do?" she asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Should I take my panties off?" Her cheeks blaze red.

I can't help the massive smile that spreads across my face.   


"It'd be helpful."

"What about my skirt?"

"Nah, you can leave it on, just bunch it up around your waist." It kills me to say that. Maybe I can talk her into a nipple piercing to get her top off.

She discreetly slips her hands under the waistband of her skirt and wiggles around. Taking her hands out of her waistband, she moves them under the hem of her skirt. A moment later, her panties are in her hand.

I watch in amazement throughout the whole thing.

"Ready," she says.

"Take a seat."

She backs into the chair, and flicks the back of her skirt up. Her ass plants on the towel, and she leans into the backrest. The front of her long skirt falls over her legs to her shins.

"Put your feet there and there," I say as I raise the footrest.

Eloise does as I say, and I take a seat to begin my assessment. I squirt some hand sanitizer onto my palm and massage it in. Opening my bottom drawer, I pull out a new pair of latex gloves.

"I hate wearing latex gloves," Eloise says.

I look up, and her dark eyes are wide, staring at me.

"Me too, but gotta follow protocol."

She has no idea how much I hate these gloves right now. I want to feel her skin against mine. Why did I pull them out of the drawer?

While I pull them on, her eyes are fixated on my right hand. The back of it is covered in a roaring lion tattoo.

"I like your tattoo," she says.

"Yeah? I didn't figure you for much of a tattoo person."

She shrugs, "I'm not really, but I love animals."

"Yeah, you like lions?"

"Love them, but I prefer tigers."

"Are they your favorite animal?"

"No, rabbits are my favorite."

I chuckle. Of course she'd like bunnies best, look at her.

"I can always design you a fluffy little bunny to tattoo on your thigh."

"Oh, no. I definitely don't want a tattoo," she says, her eyes wide and her head recoiled into the chair.

"Right, just the pussy piercing then."

Eloise's body shifts, and I regret saying the word pussy. It just slipped out. I hope she doesn't run out of here.

"Well, I haven't decided for sure yet. I need to know what I can have first. And some more information."

"Information? Like what? The healing time? I thought Kaylee went over all that with you." I drop my hands to my thighs, and continue. "It can take up to six months. It's best if you clean the area with a saline solution several times a day. You can have sex while it heals, but you have to be careful. Gentle. No swinging from chandeliers. And you have to keep it clean so it doesn't get infected. So no oral sex without a dental dam."

Her eyes widen and then squeeze shut as I speak, and she looks more and more confused.

"Just tell your boyfriend to be cautious," I say.

"I don't have a boyfriend."

That's music to my ears. Not that I want to be her boyfriend in any way. I just want to fuck her.

"Okay, so the next guy you pick up in a bar has to go easy with you."

"I don't pick up men in bars," she snaps, and moves to stand.

I block her escape route with my body, and say, "Sorry, I'm just joking around."

"What happened to you being a professional?"

"I am professional. I'm trying to relax my nervous client."

"I'm not nervous."

"No?" I quirk an eyebrow at her.

"Fine. Wouldn't everyone be in this situation?"

Without thinking, I put my hands on her thighs and rub them.


Even with his gloves and my skirt separating our skin, something electric flies between us. I try to ignore it and focus on why I'm here.

"What about with just me?" I ask, my cheeks blazing.

Gabe furrows his brow for a moment before a look of understanding washes over his face.

"You mean solo play?" he grins.

Rolling my eyes, I say, "Yes."

"I guess that depends on how hard you like to go at yourself."

"Somehow I imagine it's less vigorous than you go at yourself."

He laughs, his shoulders jiggling. The rich sound cuts through the tension in the air, and I can't help but laugh as well.

"You'll be able to feel when it's too much, but try not to rub the piercing. The most important thing while it heals is to keep the area clean. So if you use lube, be sure to wash when you're done."

I mentally picture my favorite vibrator sitting on my bedside table, waiting for me with fresh batteries. If I go through with this, will it be too sore to use today?

The thought of laying back on my bed in bliss fuels me with the need to carry through with this. Out of nowhere, the image of Gabe running his hands up my body and planting his lips on mine flashes through my mind. Heat rushes through my body at the thought.

"Do you have the same problem by yourself as you do when you're with a guy?" Gabe asks, snapping me out of my daydream.

His hands are heavy on my thighs, grounding me to the chair. His intense eyes blaze into mine, and I'm unable to lie to him.

"Usually," I admit.

"Well, a piercing will certainly help."

"You really think so?" I ask, hopeful.

"You won't know until you have it, but in my experience it will make a difference."

I manage a weak smile. Gabe's done a good job at relaxing me, but there's still something about him that intimidates me.

"I hope so."

"Are you ready for me to look?"

My chest explodes with butterflies, and my entire body trembles but I force myself to nod.

Gabe tilts his head, his eyes examining me. It's as though he can tell how I feel on the inside.

"Did I tell you about the different jewelry options?" he asks, letting go of my thighs. The heat from his hands disappears and I realize how badly I want them back on my body.

Twisting in his chair, he picks up two of the boxes that he took from under the counter. He passes me them one at a time.

"You can go for the ring or the barbell. For the vertical piercing it's probably better for your goal if you use the barbell. Same with the horizontal piercing. But most women who get the triangle go for the ring. We can hold these up and you can look in the mirror to see which you like best."

"I don't think I need to look in the mirror," I say, shaking my head.

Gabe laughs again, and says, "Okay, but you're going to be wearing these all the time. Are you sure you don't want to know what they will look like?"

"I'm not doing this for aesthetics. Straight or curved makes no difference to me. These ones have pretty jewels on them, that's good enough."

"Suit yourself, Jewel," he says, shrugging.

"If I have a choice, I like the ring best."

"What would be best is if you can have the ring as a triangle piercing. Do you want me to have a look now?"

"Yes," I say, more confident than before.

Gabe takes the jewelry samples from my hands and sets them back on his table.

He turns back in his chair to face me. My heart feels like it's about to burst out of my ribs. I don't know whether to lift my skirt. Does he do that? Maybe he can use it as a tent so I don't have to see him while he's looking at me.