Reading Online Novel


"Sorry," I say.

Hunter presses his lips tight together, and shrugs.

"Harry didn't want to come today, because of the bully. That's why I was late. I had to convince him to come, and reassure him that he'd have fun. I don't want him to miss out on things because of a bully."

"You should report the bully to the school."

"That's my next step, Penny. I was hoping it was just a one-week pick-on-the-new-kid issue, but this is the end of the second week."

"Well, if there's anything I can do, let me know."

"Do you know all the kids in first grade? Maybe you know if the bully has a history of this sort of thing."

"Maybe. Who is it?" I ask.

"His name is Jack," Hunter says, spitting out the name.

My eyes flare. There is only one Jack in first grade, and he's my son.


"Jack? But-" Penny says, furrowing her brow.

"Here's my money, sir," a little girl says, shoving her fist in my face.

The magic show must be finished. Suddenly a dozen kids are in front of us, demanding tokens for the bouncy castle.

Penny and I resume taking cash and handing out tokens. The whole time all I can think about are those full lips wrapped around my cock.

I had no idea there was such a beautiful mother at school. And she's single.

This town is looking better by the minute.

After my wife died, I didn't date anyone seriously. Only some meaningless bar pickups. Is it acceptable to hook up with another parent at your child's school?

I let my leg move back against Penny's. She doesn't move away, so I leave it there and let the contact fill me with heat.

There's another lull in the line of children.

With nothing else to do, all I can think about is taking Penny into the bouncy castle and giving her the ride of her life.

Another hour passes, and Penny and I chat easily in the lulls. She's funny and smart, and the more I talk to her, the sexier and more irresistible she becomes.

She still hasn't moved her leg, and neither have I.

What's the protocol on this? Is it okay to pick someone up at a PTA event?

"Only five minutes left, five minutes everyone! Then we will be drawing the raffle. If you haven't got your tickets yet, get them now," Kate's voice shouts into the PA system.

Kate is the only other person I really know at the school so far. I guess as head of the PTA, her job is to welcome new parents. Or else, sucker new parents into helping at PTA events.

The party seems to be thinning out, I guess parents are bored of the event and can wait until Monday to find out if their child has won a prize in the raffle.

"You know, I have to run. And find my son because-" Penny says, her rambling voice halting between words.

She still hasn't moved her leg away from mine.

"No problem," I say, rubbing my hand on her knee. Her skin is soft, and I struggle to keep my dick in check.

"So, I'll see you around?" she says, not moving.

"Are you busy tonight?" I ask, not sure when else I'll get a chance to ask her out.

She pauses, lost in thought, before saying, "I'll have to sort out childcare."

"Don't worry, I have a live-in nanny, just bring your son over for a playdate."

Penny's face turns white.

"Actually, I just remembered, my son has a sleepover tonight so it's fine. But thank you. For both offers."

"So I'll pick you up at eight?" I ask, leaning towards her.

She smells like flowers and sweetness, and I close my eyes to savor the scent.

It's been too long since I've had a woman like her in my arms. Not since my wife was killed in the car accident.

Penny's breath grows slow and heavy at my nearness. She raises her eyes to mine, and I capture them in my gaze. I hold on to them, both enjoying the way it's making her squirm and demanding an answer.

"Sounds good," she says, her lips forming a perfect O.

I resist the urge to crush my mouth against them. Instead, I hold my lips inches from hers while holding her eyes in mine.

For several moments, the world vanishes and all that exists is the electric chemistry between Penny and me.

"Dad! Dad! Look what I won!" Harry shouts, breaking the spell.

"Wow, let me see," I say, bolting upright.

"It's a giant bag of candy!"

"I have to go, I am late," Penny says, standing.

I glance up at her and smiled. "See you at eight."

She hurries away, and I return my attention to Harry. I'm relieved he had such a good time.

I turn up the temperature of the water to as hot as I can bear. The shower was ice cold, but that wasn't enough to get Penny out of my veins.

All afternoon and early evening I played with Harry, and helped him eat his giant bag of candy. But the whole time, I was thinking about Penny. She will not get out of my head.

Everything about her is enticing. Her beauty, her laugh, the way she pouts her lips. Her juicy ass hanging over the edge of that tiny chair.

I've never looked forward to a date so much.

Neither has my cock.

I close my eyes, but all I can see are her pouty lips. I imagine them wrapped around my dick, and my semi instantly grows into a full-on erection.

Breathing deep, I remember her sweet scent and grip my cock.

In my mind, Penny's tongue works its way around my head before she relaxes her throat. I fist her hair, and urge myself deeper into her wet mouth, her tongue pulsing against the underside of my shaft.

Shudders slide up and down my back, and my balls tingle as they get tighter and tighter.

My hand moves faster and faster as I imagine Penny taking my cock deeper and deeper into her mouth, her pouty lips wrapped tight around it.

There are so many things I want to do to that woman.

A massive shudder ripples up my back, and I spurt into the stream of water from the shower.

I imagine her gulping it down, swallowing everything I give her. My breath is heavy, and I have to prop my free hand against the wall for support.

Just imagining her gave me strongest orgasm I've had in years. I can't imagine what it would be like to really fuck her. But I intend to find out.

There's no doorbell, so I knock on the red door. Loud rustling noises come from inside, I wait patiently for the door to open.

A few moments later, it flings open and Penny appears in the doorframe.

My breath is taken away by her beauty.

Unlike respectable mom Penny at the PTA event, evening Penny has her hair down, her make-up done, and her dress perfectly reveals her curves.

I can't resist her. Leaning in, I press my lips to hers. I have to pull away quickly, while I can still stop.

"Good evening, you look stunning," I say into her ear.

Penny's eyes are wide, and stuck to me as I stand to my full height.

"Hi," she says, a smile forming across her face.

"These are for you," I say, giving Penny the bouquet of sunflowers I brought for her.

Her cheeks flush as she says, "Thank you."

"Ready to go?"

"Just let me put these in water."

She turns on her heels and heads into the house. I follow behind, dodging soccer balls and toy trucks.

"Sorry, my house is such a mess," she says, apologetically.

"I guess it's hard when you don't have a live-in nanny."

"You could say that. It seems like all I do is work, laundry and picking up toys. It's amazing I even have time to go out with you tonight, but as my son's got that sleepover, it works out."

"I'm glad you chose me over picking up toys," I say, chuckling.

We reach the kitchen, and Penny finds a tall vase in the cupboard over her refrigerator. I watch, mesmerized, as she fills it with water and trims the end of each sunflower.

She sways as she moves, taunting me with her curves.

My dick stiffens, and I decide I can't keep my hands off her any longer.


I try to focus on trimming the sunflower stems, but Hunter's presence in the room has set my body spinning. My heart races, and heat blooms in my core.

Every inch of my body tingles, making it difficult to work the knife.

He looked good at the PTA party, amazingly good. But here, now, he looks a million times better.

It's scarcely believable that he's here for me.

My panties are already damp, I don't know how I'm going to make it all the way through dinner without them dissolving.

"Need some help?" he asks, moving his body alongside mine.

My heart leaps at his nearness, even though he stands an inch apart from me. Even without him touching me, electricity jumps between us. I long for physical contact with him.

His clean, manly smell wraps around me, and I fight the urge to melt against him.

"Sure," I manage to say, though I'm not sure what help I need exactly, other than to be taken into his arms.

"Want me to cut that for you?" he asks, placing his hand over mine on the knife handle.

His touch sends a river of heat through me, from my hand all the way to my core. My body has never reacted like this to any man before. Not even my ex-husband. Especially not my ex-husband.

I swallow and say nothing, merely watching as our hands trim the rest of the thick sunflower stalks. I'd never realized how thick sunflower stems were before, and my mind wanders to what other thick thing Hunter has to give me.

"Finished," Hunter says as we cut the last one.

With my free hand, I shove the sunflowers into the vase, not bothering to make sure they're nicely displayed. Hunter's hand is still over mine on the knife, and I'm wondering what else I can find to cut so that he doesn't take it away.

"Hungry? We should go get dinner," I say, regretting the words as soon as they've left my mouth.