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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

We chat for awhile longer, until Steel comes along.

"Come with me," he says.

"I'll come back and find you later," I tell Cess.

He takes Trixie from Cess and holds her. I walk along beside him, pushing the empty stroller.

Steel leads me straight to the Ferris wheel, past the massive line and right to the front.

"You fucking cocksucker, why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Whiskey says with a smile.

"Watch your mouth around my kid," Steel says, covering one ear of Trixie's ears.

"You gotta be shitting me, I never thought I'd see your ugly face again," Whiskey says.

"And I was hoping I'd never see yours," Steel says. He sounds tough, but I know he's laughing on the inside.

The ride stops, and Whiskey moves to unload the first car. The people get off, and Steel steps on with Trixie, with me right behind him.

"You can't take a baby on that ride!" someone yells.

"There's a line here!" another yells.

Barbara's going to love this juicy bit of gossip, but not one iota of me gives a shit. In fact, I'd love tell her myself. Actually, what I'd really love to do is describe Steel's dick to her. The look on her face would be priceless.

Steel's holding Trixie in his arms, and I know she's completely safe. I snuggle up beside them. The Ferris wheel stops and starts, loading and unloading, and soon our car is stopped at the very top.

"Look, Trixie, you can see everywhere from here," Steel says.

Trixie's eyes are wide, and her head turns in every direction.

"You can even see Grandma's house," I say, pointing.

She follows the direction of my finger, but I doubt she can see where I'm pointing, there's too much in between, and her eyes are drawn by the other moving rides.

"Would you believe, little miss, that your mommy and I had our first date right here, in this very spot?"

My eyes shift to the car number, and I see it's the same car we first sat in together. And the same one we got married in. Obviously Steel set this up with Whiskey before.

"I knew the moment I first laid eyes on your mommy that I had to have her."

"I don't think she gets the double entendre," I say, smiling.

Steel doesn't look at me, instead he continues talking to Trixie. "At first she only wanted me for one thing, but when I didn't give it to her, she started to realize I was just more than a pretty face. And she started loving me, just like I loved her. And then you came along. You're very lucky you have the best mommy in the whole wide world. And I'm going to take you, all around the whole world, just to prove it to you."

We've been at the top for ages, far longer than it takes to unload and load a car, and I realize Steel's arranged this with Whiskey too.

"I never thought I'd get win at anything, and here I won the biggest prize of all. Except I keep doing something wrong. Even though I keep trying to do better. Three times, and I still never got it right."

I look at him, and though he's talking to Trixie, his blue eyes are boring straight into me. He moves his closed hand over to me, and opens it. A massive solitaire lies in the center of his palm.

Swallow Hard


I'll show her mine if she shows me hers

Being a single dad at new school isn't easy.

Especially when your son's being bullied.

Then I meet single mom Penny, and am instantly hard.

All I want are her pouty lips wrapped around my cock.

Until I find out she's hiding something from me.

Quick, super steamy instalust story with a guaranteed HEA


I said never again, and yet here I am. In my idea of motherhood torture.

"I know you didn't want to do this after last year, so I've given you the easiest task. It's the bouncy castle. The bouncy castle company operates it. All you have to do is take the money, give the kids the token, and tell them to stand in line," Kate says, her voice soft and slow, as if she's talking her daughter into going to the dentist.

"Thanks for giving me the bouncy castle, I appreciate it."

"Hunter should be here any minute to help. The two of you just have to sit here in these nice, comfy chairs for two hours and you're done."

My eyes shift to the blue chairs. Designed for six-year-olds, the chairs come up to my knees and are definitely not my idea of comfortable.

I nod and sit, my knees almost at my ears.

Kate flashes me a fake smile and rushes off, clearly stressed. I don't know why anyone would volunteer to run the PTA spring party.

I learned that the hard way, after I ran it last year when my son, Jack, was in kindergarten. It rained, volunteers went AWOL, barely anyone came and we hardly made any money despite the weeks I spent working on it.

The worst part was that other parents complained about the job I did, and that it was my fault the party didn't make money. Yes, I caused the rain.

I might've lost my temper at the next PTA meeting. It's possible I yelled at the top of my lungs that I would never do any PTA stuff again during that meeting, and then I stormed out in tears.

Yet here I am, helping out again.

By myself, apparently. This Hunter mother has yet to show, and the party just started.

Squeals get louder and louder as the party fills up with children. Naturally this year is a beautiful, sunny day.

In an instant, twenty kids are lined up at my table, all excited to get on the bouncy castle.

And there's still no sign of Hunter.

I smile and take the money as fast as I can.

"Mom!" Jack exclaims, pushing his money at me. His sandy brown hair is disheveled, and I try to smooth it with my fingers.

"Hi, sweetie, are you having fun?"

"This is the best spring party ever!"

"Better than the one I organized?"

He quirks an eyebrow at me and shrugs. "It's sunny."

"Yes, you're right. Now go to the bouncy castle lineup, there are lots of people behind you waiting to pay." And no sign of Hunter to help me.

Jack and his friend Mason move across to wait their turn. I frown, wishing he would play more with my friend Kate son's Tyler. Tyler's such a sweet boy. Especially compared to Mason.

I continue taking money and directing kids to the lineup.

"Sorry I'm late," a man's deep voice says.

I look up from what I'm doing. A man is standing beside my chair. He's tall, and my chair is so low to the ground that he seems like a giant standing next to me. The sun is on his back, creating a glow around his body.

His muscles pull his T-shirt taut across his chest, and his bare arms are thick. I drag my eyes up his body, squinting from the sun.

He's smiling, and it beams brighter than the sun. His light brown hair is somehow perfectly coiffed but also effortless looking.

This is Hunter?

His bright blue eyes wander over me, and heat pools between my legs.

Without a doubt he's the best looking person who has ever graced a PTA event. In fact, I'd say he's easily the best looking man I've ever seen in the flesh.

My earlier anger and frustration of him being late vanishes into thin air.

All I can do is look at him.

"What do I have to do?" he asks. His voice is rich, and mesmerizing.

I swallow hard to clear the lump in my throat, but I still can't form words. As I clear my throat again, I point to the little chair beside me.

As soon as I gestured to it, I wonder how Hunter can sit on it. I feel like a giant sitting here, and he's easily twice my size.

He furrows his brow, and shrugs.

Still unable to speak, I watch wide-eyed as he moves behind the little table, before sitting on the baby chair.

Miraculously, the chair legs don't collapse.

He tries to get closer to the table, which causes our legs to touch. A thousand bolts of electricity blasts through me at the contact. Hunter adjusts his leg so that we are no longer touching, and it takes all my willpower not to move my leg back against his.

There's only an inch between us, close enough for me to be in his electric field.

"I want to go on the bouncy castle!" a boy cries, snapping me back to my task.

Somehow, I'd forgotten all about the children, the bouncy castle and the PTA.

"Here you go," I say, exchanging his money for the token.

"That's all we do?" Hunter asks.

"Yep. This is the easy stall," I say, glancing over at him.

Our eyes connect, sending fresh current of electricity through my body.

"That's good, I'm glad it wasn't too bad for you to be here by yourself."

"Attention everyone, the magic show is about to begin," Kate's voice booms out over the loudspeaker. Children squeal and cheer, and run en masse to watch the show.

Suddenly the lineup is gone, and there isn't a child in sight.

It's just Hunter and me, alone, in a tucked-away corner of the playground.

"Are you new at the school? I don't remember seeing you before. By the way, I'm Penny."

"Yeah, my son just started a couple of weeks ago. He's in grade one."

"I have a son in first grade," I say, when what I really want to ask is if he's married. Not that I'd ever have a chance with a god like him.

"Cool, we should set up a playdate with them. My son's having a hard time fitting in. He's made a couple of friends, but this one kid has been bullying him."   


"That's terrible. We'll definitely have to have a playdate," I pause before adding "Does your wife arrange them?"

Hunter shakes his head slowly. "No, she died when Harry was a baby."

My face falls. As much as hearing he's single excites me, it's so sad to hear about a child without a mother.