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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

His hand leaves my breast and runs over my skin until it comes to a rest between my legs.

Steel swallows, and says, "Does it hurt?"

"What hurt?"

"This," he says, gently moving his hand against my mound.

My God, it's feeling pretty damn good.

"No," I say.

He kisses my shoulder and says, "Good. Because I popped your cherry."

My heavy eyes open wide as I remember the little bit of pain when he first touched me. The question and the memory make me blush.

"Oh. Yeah, I think I felt something."

"I didn't mean to."

"It's fine, it doesn't matter." At least it makes the idea of having sex for the first time more appealing.

More silence follows. I could lie here forever like this. Although I really do need to sleep. Time fades away as we talk and rest, then talk some more. Who knew the carny with the neck tattoo was such an amazing person. I should've known by his smile.

Sunlight starts to come through the window, brightening the room. Shit, it's seven thirty. I sit upright and reach for my bra.

"You don't have to go, we don't open until ten today."

"My car is at the gate! Someone will see it."

"What happened to the girl who wanted the town to know she's all grown up?"

"There's a difference between an after-closing party and spending the whole night. Word will travel fast. I need to get home."

The panties are a write-off, Steel ruined them when he ripped them off me. Commando it is. I pull my dress on and Steel helps me do it up.

"I'll walk you to your car," he says, opening the bunkhouse door.

I look at him and sigh. I really wish he'd taken his clothes off.

"When do you go?" I ask, wanting another night like this. Except my parents get home at supper time today and I don't think that's an option.

We rush through the quiet trailers and vacant rides.

"We close early today, at five, then leave tomorrow night or Tuesday morning."

"Good, maybe I'll come to the carnival later, to enjoy myself."

Steel flashes that broad, Hollywood smile at me and it takes all my willpower not to turn around and go right back to his bed.

We reach my car, the boring mom-car Corolla. I open the door and turn to face Steel. He immediately pulls me into him and squeezes me tight. My heart pounds against my ribs, telling me I shouldn't be leaving this man. I don't want to, but I have to.

"I'll come back tonight," I say.

"You get rested up today. I'm taking you back to my bed tonight, and I don't think we're going to get much sleep again."

A smile springs across my face, and I say, "I can't wait."

He gives me a nice goodbye kiss, one that reminds me what I'm coming back for and will make sure I'm back here the second they close.

I get into my car and look up at him. Steel rests a hand on the top of my open door and leans down to me.

"I can't wait to see you again. I mean it, Goldie, you're not like any other person I ever knew. You're amazing."

Sucking air into my lungs, I swallow and say, "You're pretty amazing yourself."

There's that smile again, the one that I could follow like a lost puppy.

"Later," Steel says and shuts the door.

I start the car and drive the few minutes to my house. It's a good thing it's so close, and my head is nodding with fatigue. I've been awake for over twenty-four hours. I'm grateful the streets are still pretty quiet, even though it's after seven.

When I get home, I stagger up the stairs and flop into my bed, not even bothering to take my dress off. I close my eyes and sleep.

Victim of Changes (Steel)

The carnival opened an hour ago. I slept for an hour after Emily left, but I'm a walking zombie. Even though I've chucked endless coffees down my throat, the noise of this place is the only thing keeping me awake. That and the memory of her. I don't know what she did to me, making me cum in my fucking pants like that. It freaks the shit out of me.

Already I'm missing her, for fuck's sake. I've never missed anyone before, ever. Not even my mother.

I'm going to need a good sleep since I plan to stay up all night again with her tonight. Hopefully Papa Smurf doesn't send me off to the next town until Tuesday, giving me tomorrow night with her as well.

Another hour passes, and another. My feet are dragging something awful. I'm a bigger zombie than Zombie.

We're supposed to start ripping apart the rides right after close. I'm going to need energy. For that and Emily.

"Razor, keep an eye on things for me, I need some shut-eye."

He nods. At least I think he does.

There are not many choices of places to sleep in peace in the middle of a carnival in full swing. Going back to my bunkhouse isn't an option. The best place I can think of is the back of Cess' basket toss game. I may get hit with the odd softball, but I'm so tired, I doubt I'll notice. I'll be too busy dreaming of Emily screaming my name.

I slip in the back of it and lie down.

"You lazy son of a bitch, do you know you cost me today?" Papa Smurf screams.

"Huh?" I say, disoriented with sleep.

"That useless-piece-of-shit Whiskey fucked up on the tickets and cost me big. Because you weren't doing your job."

Rubbing my eyes, I try to digest his words.

"Sorry, boss." I sit, hoping he'll go away and let me lie back down.

"Fucking sorry don't mean shit. If you want to stay up all night fucking some local pussy, that's your business, but make sure you're here and ready to work when it's time to work."

"I'll work, right now." I still don't make any move to stand. Papa Smurf is famous for interpreting anything as being aggressive.

"The twenty-four hour man is leaving now, and you're going with him."

"Fuck that. Since when do I go with the twenty-four hour man? You need me here to break down the rides."

"You're too fucking tired to be any use to me here. Go help him put up signs in the next town. It's about all you're good for today."

"No, I ain't going."

"Get your sorry ass in his truck now, before I bust it open so bad you won't be able to sit for a year."

Papa Smurf is a mammoth mountain of a man with a passion for beating the shit out of his employees.

"Maybe I want to stay in this town."

"One night with some local pussy and you're ready to screw the carnival? Then what would you do? Show up at her doorstep and be welcomed in with open arms? Dream the fuck on. Now get in the truck. This is your last warning." He hoofs me something fierce in the thigh and I stand.

This thing with Emily was only ever going to be a weekend fling. Tonight and maybe tomorrow, depending on when the carnival leaves.

I'm only losing one night. Though one night with her was already better than all the others I've spent with other women combined.

There's no doubt in my mind I could floor Papa Smurf, but he's probably right. As much as I'd love to go knocking on Emily's door, I don't expect a good girl townie like her would let me move in. Plus her father would shoot me.

"Fine," I say, walking away to my bunk.

I grab my backpack. I fill it with a change of clothes and my toothbrush and get into the carnival's advanced advertising truck. I can't believe Papa Smurf's sending me to staple signs to lamp posts.

The twenty-four hour man pulls the truck away from the carnival. As we leave the town, I can't help thinking what a stupid mistake I'm making.

Alone (Emily)

"Emily Grace Williamson, how dare you disgrace our family!"

The roar of my father's voice startles me from my sleep. Disoriented, my heart thumps in my chest at being awoken so abruptly.

I sit up and blink to clear the sleepiness from my eyes. A glance at the clock shows the time is five pm. I vaguely panic that I should be getting ready and going to find Steel.

"What kind of whore are you?" my father screams. He moves to the side of the bed and towers over me, his eyes burning into my skin. My mother stands behind him, looking worried.

Still in the process of waking up, I don't say anything.

"Do you know how many phone calls I got about you whoring at the carnival? The carnival! So help me God, what did I ever do to deserve a daughter who goes around with carnies? Carnies!"

"Dad," I start.

"You single-handedly destroyed my good name in this town. How am I ever going to be elected regional Lions Club president now?"

I pull the pillows over my head, blocking myself from him.

"Honey, why did you do that? You're a good girl from a good family, it's not safe," my mother says, on the verge of tears, her voice breaking. Or maybe she's been crying already.

All I want to do is get out of here and find Steel.

"Leave me alone," I say, my voice muffled by the pillows.

"How am I supposed to recover from this? I'm the president of the Lions Club, and your actions are going to cost me that."

I fling the pillows off and sit up.

"I am an adult. My actions are nothing to do with you and your stupid club."

"I don't give a damn what age you are, I will not stand by why my daughter drags my name through the mud!" my father screams.

"Honey, I'm just so worried about you, it's not safe to be hanging around with those types, you're liable to end up dead in a ditch," my mother says through her sobs.   


"You two are ridiculous. And selfish. I'm leaving."

Grateful I still have my dress on, I leap out of bed and stomp to my door. My father moves faster than a wide receiver and reaches the door before me.