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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

"Then are you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"Why you joined?"

"I joined so I could travel to this town and meet you."

I burst out laughing. "To meet me? You joined a decade ago."

"It took me that long to find you, but I never gave up looking. I knew I'd find you."

"Do you use that line on all the girls?"

The ride moves again, but this time it doesn't stop. The noise of it creaking and groaning as we sped up is even louder than the thumping music.

Our cage swings more and more each second. One second it's like I'm lying on my back, the next I'd facing the ground and locking my grip on the bars to keep me from falling on my face. Steel still hasn't grabbed the bars, and sits like he's on a chair at a dining room table.

But it's stupid fun, and I can't stop laughing.

We're at the highest point, and our cage flips upside down, causing me to squeal. On reflex, I grab Steel's thigh. The hardness of the muscle underneath his jeans draws my attention away from the ride.

He puts his hand on mine, and says, "Don't worry, I won't let you smash your face."

I want to ask if many people smash their faces, but I'm breathless from being whipped around. At least, I think that's why I'm breathless. It could also be from being locked in a tiny cage with a really hot guy. Even with a neck tattoo.

For whatever reason, the excitement, the flattery, the way it makes me tingle, I don't take my hand from his leg, and keep it there the rest of the ride. It's not because his hand is still on top of mine radiating heat into me.

We reach the bottom again, and Steel moves his hand from mine to my bare thigh. I'm laughing at the ride, when his touch immediately commands all my attention. Tingles are spreading from his hand and pooling between my legs. It's wrong, but I don't do anything to move it.

After a few more rotations, the ride slows and stops to let passengers off. I should take my hand off Steel's thigh. I really should. But I don't. He makes no move to take his hand off my thigh either.

We continue to chat as we're waiting for our turn to get off. He's easy to talk to, and we laugh and joke around. I still wish he'd tell me why he joined. It intrigues me.

"What makes someone drop out of society and live a completely different lifestyle?" I ask. I'm almost embarrassed by my question.

"Look how much fun I'm having. Every day's fun. Life's a party. Can't you understand that?"

"I suppose. But, I don't know. What about real life?"

"Real life? You mean running in a hamster wheel to pay bills? Thanks, but no thanks."

"So you'll never quit?"

"No fucking way. It's who I am."

Courtney and Maddie's cage opens, and they get out. We're next.

Steel looks at me and says, "We always have a party after the carnival closes, come join us. It's just a few beers and a good time."

"Beer? I'm not old enough to drink."

He laughs, "That don't matter for shit."

"Thanks, I'll think about it," I say out of politeness. Steel may be gorgeous and charming and fun, but he's a carny. As if.

"I serious, Goldie. Come find me."

Our cage opens and I climb out and walk towards Courtney and Maddie.   


"Enjoy the carnival," Steel calls after me.

I look back at him and laugh. How many times has he said that tonight?

"What was that about?" Courtney asks, her lip snarled. For once, the Zipper has left her with disheveled hair.

"Steel came on the ride with me so I wouldn't have to ride alone."

"Ew. What's with that guy?"

I don't know Courtney, you mean, what's wrong with him because he's flirting with me over you? Who even cares, he's a carny.

"He's just joking around and having fun," I say.

"Besides, who wouldn't mind being trapped in a cage with someone as hot as him?" Maddie says.

"Exactly," I say and laugh.

Maddie laughs too, and I hook my arm through hers.

"Whatever, you're lucky he didn't grope you," Courtney says.

"He was a perfect gentleman," I say. After all, I touched him first.

"A gentleman with a neck tattoo," Courtney says, her nose twitching in disapproval.

"Lighten up," I say.

"You just be careful, he's scamming you for something. He probably noticed your Burberry dress and is going to try to get some money out of you," Courtney says as we walk to the Scrambler.

"As if, Courtney," Maddie says.

"Thank you, Maddie," I say.

"Like the guy knows what Burberry is. He's scamming you to get in your pants," Maddie says and laughs.

"Well, he did say there was another reason he's called Steel," I say.

"Just be careful. Your father's going to freak as it is, since everyone in the town has seen Steel single you out," Courtney says.

"Yep, he's going to freak when it gets back to him." Because he always freaks. Still, there's a weight in my chest, knowing the lecture that's coming.

When we get off the ride, our cheeks are flushed from laughing so hard. Rides that fit all three of us are always the most fun.

Steel stands at the exit, with a stick of cotton candy.

"Hey, Goldilocks, you like cotton candy?" he says, holding out the stick to me.

Ace of Spades (Steel)

"Thanks, but we can buy our own," the brunette says.

"Go on, take it, otherwise I have to put it in the trash," I say, nudging the stick against Emily's hand.

She looks at me, smiles and takes it.

"I've always loved the way cotton candy dissolves on my tongue," Emily says.

I can think of another thing I'd like to put on her tongue.

"Are you enjoying the carnival?"

Emily starts laughing, and I don't know why. Is she laughing at me or with me?

"What are you laughing at?" I ask.

"You keep telling me to enjoy the carnival."

"Well, that time I asked you if you were."

"Same thing," she says, still laughing.

"So are you?"

"Yes, it's lots of fun, just like every year."

"I was hoping this year would be even more fun for you."

She shrugs, "Maybe a little bit."

"Only a little bit?" I say, flashing my best get-them-into-bed smile.

"Why can't you just leave us alone?" the brunette says.

"And why can't you just let us have a little fun. That's all this is, no need to get snippy."

"Don't worry about Courtney. She's just jealous you aren't giving her the cotton candy."

I turn to the brunette and say, "Courtney, eh. You're beautiful too." I pause and turn to the redhead, "You too, Red. What do you say I take you three beautiful ladies for some funnel cakes?"

"Oh my God, funnel cakes are the best thing ever," the redhead says.

"No thanks," Courtney says.

I nod and smile at the redhead, and turn to Emily and say, "What about you, Goldie? You're the tie-breaker, do you want funnel cakes or not?"

She thinks about it, her eyes flitting between her two friends. I catch her blue eyes and hold them, to convince her.

"All right, funnel cakes it is," she says, and stuffs a piece of cotton candy in her mouth.

"Awesome," I say, and lead the three of them to the funnel cake hut.

I overhear Courtney tell Emily, "You dad is going to flip when this gets back to him."

Fucking ace. There's nothing better than corrupting the good girls. I could tell from the second I laid eyes on her that she was ripe for the picking. Who else comes to the carnival in a fancy-looking dress like that? Not that I'm complaining, she looks hot. Fucking hot. I can't wait until I'm ripping it off her and tasting her pussy.

We have to walk down the midway to get to the funnel cake hut. Shitloads of townspeople are looking at me. No doubt wondering what I'm doing with three of the town's finest young women. Suckers would all be jealous if they knew it's like this in every town I go to.

"Don't look now, it's Connor," Courtney says.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"The jerk she used to date," the redhead says.

"Is that so," I say, turning to look at her. Emily's cheeks turn red, and I laugh.

"He's winning at that game. Look, he has a massive tiger and he's trading it in to win a giant dolphin." It's the Basket Toss, all you've got to do is get the baseball in the peach basket. Her ex-boyfriend seems to be cleaning up at it.

"Your ex, you say?" I start to walk to the booth. Time to have a little fun.

"Hey," I say. "That guy cheated, I saw from out here." Cess is going to love me for this. It's a big hit to her wallet when the big prizes are won, since she's paid on commission.

"Is that so?" Cess says.

"Yeah, he put spin on the ball." It's the oldest carny excuse in the book.

"Sorry, sir. No putting spin on the ball."

"What the fuck? That's not a rule."

"Yes, it is," Cess snaps back.

If anyone can handle herself in a situation like this, it's Cess. She doesn't need any more of my help.

"Can you smell them funnel cakes yet?" I say to Emily, returning to the three girls.

"I can't believe you just did that."

"Why? Your friend said he was a dick."

We pass the Balloon Dart and Shoot The Star. The midway is busy. When it's this busy on a Saturday night, it usually means there's shit else to do in the town.

A little further down the midway, I notice a boy at the Basketball Toss. He's maybe five, six, fuck if I know. His age doesn't matter, he's young. But he's holding a basketball and taking aim with a big smile on his face.