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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

"I'm taking you upstairs to fuck you. It's a treat, for your first time," he says with a grin. "But next time it'll be against a wall."

Lawson grabs me off the couch and throws me over his shoulder. Which is fine, because I couldn't stand up right now if I tried, let alone walk.

He takes the stairs two at a time. We go through a set of doors and he tosses me on his bed. I don't notice much, only that the bed is, thankfully, rectangular. He flicks on the bedside lamp and I feel exposed and awkward for the first time.

"Get your bra off," he says as he unbuttons his shirt.

Without taking my eyes off him, I reach around and try to unhook my bra. Whether from nerves or the after-effect of what he did to me downstairs, my hands are shaking and it takes several tries to get it undone.

Plus I'm not concentrating on it. I've been dying to see the rest of his chest since I felt my way across it last night.

The last button undone, Lawson removes his shirt and sheds his pants. My eyes pop. I'm used to drawing chiseled male life models but Lawson's by far the most chiseled of all.

When he strips off his boxers, my breath speeds. His erect dick stands, waiting for me. It's bigger than I'd anticipated. A lot bigger. Holy fucking shit. I had no idea. The nervous butterflies I'd felt earlier are back.

"You're so beautiful, see how fucking hard you make me?"

I gasp, lifting my hand, reaching for nothing in particular.

"Suck it." Lawson nudges me off the bed and I drop to my knees. I'm face to face with my first cock. It looks fierce but for some reason that causes a flurry of tingles in my pussy.

I want to discover every inch of it. Almost without warning, my mouth fills with hunger and need. Lawson is holding it by the hilt, offering it to me, and I comply.

Without thought, I grab hold of the shaft and open. My tongue tests where I'm about to go, and taps against the head. I'm not able to hold myself back any longer. I don't know where this is coming from, but I don't fight it. I take his cock deep into my mouth.

Each suck, each lap with my tongue, fuels my body with more and more desire. The butterflies are still there, mingling with the tingles. But the tingles are starting to win out.

Lawson knits his fingers through my hair. I worry I'm not doing it right, or he isn't liking it. But he pulls me off him by the hair and pushes me back on the bed.

"My balls are going to explode if you keep doing that. When they do, I plan to be buried so deep in your pussy you won't be able to walk out of here," he says as he rolls a condom down his shaft.

I gasp, worrying it will hurt. But the tingling between my legs silences any doubts.

He pushes my legs apart, and climbs up over me, stopping to suck my nipples.

Then his lips crush against mine. Blissfully powerless underneath him, my mouth submits to him, along with the rest of me.

The touch of his cock against my pussy snaps my attention away from our kiss. I turn my head away and gasp. The nervous butterflies explode throughout me and I shiver.

"Don't be nervous," Lawson growls, "I'm going to make you come so hard you'll be begging me for more."

The tip of his cock is at my entrance, and my breath stops.

Our foreheads are pressed together and our eyes lock, sending a jolt down my spine that lights the tingles in my pussy on fire.

"Please," I say, my voice a breathy whisper.

Lawson pushes into my dripping wet pussy, slowly at first. There's a slight twinge, but nothing as bad as I'd expected. I brace for more. My walls stretch, giving me a filled sensation. It's strange, foreign, but as he moves in me I start to relax and enjoy the pleasure.

"I'm going to give you every inch. Get ready." Lawson says.

Breathless, I moan.

His cock teases me at first, breaking me in. My slick walls stretch to fit him, and somehow he does. He fits in me perfectly.

I hook my legs around his, and his thrusts become deeper, pushing right into the core of my soul.

"Do you know how much I've wanted to do this to you? How close I was to bending you over your car and fucking you right in the street? Next time I will. Consider this your warning."

Lawson's words wash over me, making me wetter when I hadn't thought it possible. All I can do is moan in response.

"I said, this is your warning."

Oh God, his voice ignites a fire in me and I say, "Okay."

He puts his lips to my ear and through gritted teeth says, "Okay, what?"

My eyes widen and the flames in me ratchet up to a white hot heat. "Okay, sir."

Lawson groans in approval and rocks into a rhythm. Soon, I'm tilting my hips as he fucks me harder and faster. I scream as I come on his cock. An explosion of heat bursts through my body, leaving me panting.

But Lawson doesn't stop; his thrusts get even deeper, marking me as his. He rams in his cock to the hilt, and my pussy lusts for every inch of him.

His thrusts are faster now; wilder. I'm building and building and he's pounding and pounding, the sweat pouring off both of us.

Lawson groans, a heady and erotic noise. My body responds by spasming hard around his cock, the spasms ripple up through my body and I think I'll melt into a puddle on his bed.

He thrusts deep into me one last time, releasing his seed.

I struggle to catch my breath. Every muscle in my body has been used. There's no way I'm walking out of here tonight. I hadn't planned to stay the night, but unless Lawson carries me home, I'm not moving.

I watch as he walks across the room to his ensuite. His ass is as sculpted as the rest of his incredible body.

Unable to move, I'm still in the same position when he comes back. Suddenly aware of how exposed I am, I haul his comforter over me.

"Don't cover yourself. I was enjoying the view," Lawson says, pulling the cover back off me.

My breathing had calmed, but now, with him standing over the bed raking his eyes over me, it speeds again. I watch his eyes move slowly up my body until they reach mine and he says, "I hope you don't plan on going anywhere tonight." Though it seems impossible, a tinging blooms between my legs again.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

The Foundation


That was the sweetest pussy I've ever had. It's like this is what I've been looking for in all those other women. And a virgin. Skye's pussy is mine and mine alone. No one else will ever taste her sweet nectar.

I don't know what it is about her that makes me think things like that. I've lived my life convincing myself I don't need anyone. That I didn't want anyone because all they wanted out of me was my money.

An issue Skye clearly doesn't have. But even if she did, I'm not convinced I'd mind.

I lay on the bed beside her, my hand grazes over her perfect peach of a body. The body I'm claiming.

Pulling the comforter over us, I turn out the light and bring her close to me.

I don't wake up until nine. That happens when you're up fucking half the night. I came four times in total, Skye countless more. The noises I drew out of her are enough to make me hard just thinking about them.

Skye is still asleep. She'll probably be for some time, I doubt she fell asleep until very late. It isn't every night you lose your virginity. I still can't believe she didn't tell me beforehand. My dick twitches again just thinking about it, and I adjust it to get it to behave.

After a quick shower, I head to the kitchen and start making breakfast. In anticipation of having Skye here, I gave all my staff the weekend off and ordered them to stay away from the house.

I don't want Miss The Rich Are Evil to lecture me about having them. She'd probably demand proof I'm paying into their retirement funds.

It's the kind of attitude that pisses me off when I see it on the news, but when it comes out of her, it doesn't. Nothing that ever passed through those full lips could offend me.

While I'm frying up some bacon, Skye appears in the kitchen doorway.

"Good morning," she says.

"You found me."

"I followed my nose. I'm starving."


"I'm amazed you know how to cook," she says when I set a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her.

"I'm not completely useless." I know she's implying that she thought I'd have a cook, what with all my money. And I do have a cook. But I decided before our date that I'd avoid the topic of money today.

We talk while eat our breakfast, the words flowing fast and easy between us. I'm surprised to learn she's estranged from her parents, but don't push anything. That's her business.

"More coffee?" I offer.


I'm about to gesture with my hand to my housekeeper to pour us more coffee, but I realize I've given her the day off and quickly pull my arm back, hoping Skye hasn't noticed. I jump up and get the pot, and pour us each another cup.

While still standing, I ask her, "Would you like a tour of the house?" Everybody always wants a tour.

"I'm good. I don't need a tour of some shrine to the one percent," she says, staring straight at me. Here we go, the topic I wanted to avoid.

Sitting, I say, "The world wants to give me a billion dollars and you think I should turn around and say thanks but no thanks?"

"Oh, the world just handed you the money?"

"I didn't rape anyone for it, if that's what you're asking."

"Not directly, anyway."

"Whereas you paint for the masses. I suppose after you finish at Kelso's, you'll be heading down to your local housing project to hand out your work for free."

Her eyes narrow, and I can't help feeling under attack by shooting daggers.

She cocks her head and says, "How much did you give to charity last year?"