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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

"That's it? Not even any notice or time for you to prepare?"

"Prepare? I spent most of the nine months thinking it was his. At most I thought I'd have to pay child support. You stick a baby in the arms of a twenty-two-year-old guy, and suddenly I was a father? What the fuck did I know about babies? All I knew was cars and partying."


I'm still stunned. During my restless night of being torn between wanting Knox to come ravage me in the morning and having to end our arrangement, I never believed there was a third option with Knox. I refused to even consider the idea of a real relationship. An idea I wanted so badly, but refused to consider because I never once thought it could come true.

And yet, here we are. Together on my couch, with Knox opening up to me about his life. I lean into him a little harder.

I can't imagine plunking my baby in the arms of an unprepared twenty-two-year-old guy to take care of for a day, let alone forever.

"How did you cope?" I ask.

At first I felt like I was prying. But now it seems like he needs to get this off his chest. I wonder how many other people he's told this.

Knox's lips move into a half smile, and he says, "I learn real fucking fast."

"Did your mom help you?"

"At first, yeah, but then she moved to Florida with another of her boyfriends."

"To retire?"

"She retired, but the guy was my age."

"She sounds like Darla," I say, laughing.

Knox laughs, and says, "She is like Darla. All my mum needs is that curly hair."

"Well, things worked out. Piper's a great kid, you did a great job of raising her." This time I don't feel awkward when I tell him I think he's a great father.

"Thanks," Knox says, and takes a sip of his coffee.

"You're too humble."

Knox grunts.

"You should be proud of what you've achieved. You're an amazing dad."

"She isn't grown up yet, there are still plenty of opportunities to mess up."

"Somehow I don't think you  –  or she  –  will."

"Like the bra? And the period? I don't know anything about that stuff."

"It doesn't matter. You let me help her, and that's the best you could do."

"Maybe. At least it got me in your skirt."

"All you had to do for that was smile once in a while. And be nice. Neighborly, even."

"You want neighborly?" he asks, a gruff edge to his voice.

"It would've been nice when I first moved in."

As I finish my sentence, Knox grips me by the back of my head and pulls me to his lips and crushes his mouth against mine. I whimper at his touch. Our tongues poke and twirl around each other's and this time when my heart flutters, I do nothing to try to ignore it.

I have feelings for this man, and I no longer have to ignore them. Somehow, that makes the kiss more powerful.

Knox then kisses to my ear, and in a low voice asks, "So this is official?"

I wrap my arms tight around him, and in a quiet voice say, "Definitely."

"And you'll be at my table tonight?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss your cooking."

Clamping his lips back on mine, he half scoops, half pushes me onto the floor. I'm wedged between the couch and the coffee table, on the old carpet. Knox fumbles with the belt of my housecoat before finally getting the knot out and yanking open my housecoat.

I'm in my panties and old t-shirt, but don't care. Neither does he. His big hands put my t-shirt up to my neck, exposing my breasts, before he pulls off my panties. His lips are back on mine, and my walls are slick with want.

In moments, Knox's weight is on me, and still dressed, his hard dick is at my entrance. Without waiting, he pushes into me. I moan as my walls stretch to fit him.

Only then do I realize he didn't stop to put a condom on. My heart is beating like crazy, and butterflies explode in my chest. I moan again, my walls tight around his bare cock.

The hard floor holds me firmly in place while he pounds into me. Heat burns between my legs, but above that, my heart pounds harder for him.

I wrap my legs around his, my body building and building and I clutch onto his shirt.

"Knox," I whimper as waves burst through my body. My pussy turns into a quivering wreck and spasms tight around his dick. His bare dick. I moan at the thought of him filling me.

Knox groans and releases himself into me, his dick throbbing as he comes.

Breathless, he kisses my lips and says, "I hadn't planned to do that."

"Not use a condom?"

"Not fuck you on the floor like this."

I swallow, and say, "Sometimes the situation calls for it."



"Yeah?" he asks, brushing my hair back from my face.

"Thank you for trusting me."

He closes his mouth over mine, and our mouths lock in a tender kiss. I don't think I could ever get enough of him.

Eventually, he pulls away. While I clean myself up, he makes us each another cup of coffee. We sit on the sofa, and I snuggle up against him while we drink and talk.

After half an hour, Knox says, "I have to get some work done, I have no choice."

"Of course. Me too. I'll see you at dinner?"

"I expect you there," he says, and kisses my forehead.

After he leaves, I stay on the couch both letting my body and mind recover and process what went on here this morning. It's almost too good to be true.

Eventually, I haul myself upstairs and dress. I have to film a product-pimping video today on the physically possible sex positions book, which is good because otherwise I'd end up making some gushing vlog about Knox.

At my desk, I can see Knox out the window, working on his latest car. My heart flutters, knowing he's mine now. I could sit here all day watching him, but I can't. I have too many exciting ideas to share with my fans.

But first, the book pimping video.

I work all afternoon, shooting it, editing it and doing admin tasks. It wouldn't have taken so long if I hadn't spent so much time looking out the window at Knox. Somehow I'm going to have to find more discipline.

Now it's nearly six, and I wrap a fashion scarf around my neck to cover the still visible hickeys.

I ring his doorbell, and Knox answers, a grin on his face. Before I can say hello, he leans over and kisses me. That's a much better hello than I'd expected.

Standing tall again, he says, "Come in."

Knox takes my hand and leads me through to the kitchen. Everything feels different now. The charged air between us settled, relaxed.

Piper's still upstairs, and we chat as we get supper ready. He's made a beef and barley stew today. Somehow he found the time for that. I reach up to get the bowls out of the cupboard, and he puts his hands on my ass.

"You're bad," I say, laughing.

"I couldn't help myself," he says.

"I'm glad you two are finally together," Piper says.

I drop the bowls and they shatter on the floor.

"Piper," Knox and I say at the same time.

"Aren't you supposed to be doing your homework?" Knox says.

"I finished it, and thought you'd want help to set the table. I didn't know Avery was here."

"Since when do you help set the table?" Knox asks.

Piper looks at me and smiles. I guess my lecture yesterday about helping out her father has sunk in.

"Do you have a broom?" I ask as I pick up the bigger shards of the bowls.

"I'll get it," Piper says.

I clean up the broken dishes, while Piper sets the table and Knox ladles out the stew in more bowls. Through dinner, Piper and I chat as usual. Knox even joins in, a lot more than he did before. He's relaxed, smiling and visibly happy and is even more fun to be around.

After dinner, the three of us clean the kitchen together.

When we're finished, we head into the living room. Piper sits on the armchair, and Knox sits beside me on the couch and puts his arm around me.

It's a perfect day. Sex in the morning, and cuddling in the evening.

So perfect, we repeat it every day for the next two weeks.


"I'm so excited, tomorrow is going to be the best day ever," Piper says, her face beaming.

She's finished grade school, and tomorrow officially graduates from eighth grade. All week, she's been reminding me that she's a high school student now, and officially almost a grown up. And that her birthday is in a month and she'll be fourteen. As in not my baby girl anymore.

I know the next four years are going to get even worse. That she'll want less and less to do with me, and more and more to do with her friends. Until the day she brings a boy home. How the fuck am I supposed to deal with that?

"I still remember my eighth grade graduation," Avery says from her position beside me on the couch, "I tripped when I went up to get my certificate."

"And that's why we didn't get the shoes with the heels too high, right?" Piper says.   



"I don't want to make a fool of myself tomorrow, especially with the surprise I have planned."

"What surprise?" I ask.

"Duh, it's a surprise. Surprise means I can't tell you. Or it wouldn't be a surprise."

Piper's gone on about her surprise for the past two weeks. I don't like surprises. No matter how much I've pressed her on what it is, she wouldn't tell me. It'd better be something stupid, and not anything like introducing me to a boy at the ceremony.

"You'd better get to bed, or you'll be too tired to enjoy tomorrow," I say.

"Night," Piper says as she runs up the stairs.