Reading Online Novel


I continue, "Because it doesn't matter how strong I am, I only have two arms. And know what I'm doing."


I don't understand.

My body is screaming with joy and I can't think straight. I can barely see straight, my body tingles everywhere, including, seemingly, my eyeballs.

"And that's why you can't get your pussy licked in the shower," Knox says.

I still don't understand. Only that the memory of us in the shower comes flooding back. I thought I was going to crack my head open and die in that shower, and a part of me thinks it would be worth it.

"Knox," I say, whimpering at the recent memory.

He increases the depth of his thrusts, his thick cock tight against my walls. I lose the ability to breathe as my muscles coil tight around my lungs.

"Oh, Knox," I cry, and my pussy turns into a spasming wreck.

Waves radiate out from between my legs as I grip Knox for support. I realize I'm digging my nails deep into the flesh of his back, and force my fingers to relax.

Knox growls and his cock throbs. He slams his pelvis into mine and buries himself deep inside me as he comes.

His chest heaves as he hovers over me, and we both struggle to catch our breath.

Looking down at me, he says, "I'm really looking forward to having you beg me to do whatever I want to you," he pauses, and adds with a smile, "and your kitten."

Fuck, I suddenly understand.

My breath catches in my lungs, and I feel like I'm suffocating. I turn my head to the side and force a cough. I can't bring myself to look at Knox, but I can feel his body jiggle as he laughs.

I try to wiggle out from under him, to run away and hide. Knox cages me in, I can't go anywhere. I should've known from the way he didn't freak out at my wall of sex toys on Friday. Idiot.

"Don't run away from your unicorn, you've got to hold onto me tight," he says, grinding his dick into me as he speaks.

I cringe, once again wanting the earth to swallow me whole.

Resigned, I ask, "How long have you known?"

"Since the first time we met."

"Oh, you're a long-time fan?" I tease, trying to turn the tables.

Knox laughs and I snap my head up to look at him. As soon as my lips are angled up, he plants a kiss on them, still half laughing.

"What?" I ask.

"Hardly. That day a friend told me you'd moved to town. I'd never heard of you, so he showed me your videos. When I met you that night, I couldn't believe the hot chick who gives out sex advice was living next door to me."

"Why didn't you tell me? That's some kind of invasion of privacy, or something." I push my hands up on his chest to move him off me, but Knox doesn't budge.

"I tried to comment on the unicorn video," I cringe again when he says unicorn, "But my account's been banned. Apparently you can't make threatening comments."

"Did you make other comments on my videos?"

He kisses my forehead, and says, "Yes."

My brow creases as I try to understand what he's saying. He was banned? Was he the troll?

"Jerk, how dare you make all those comments about me."

"You were supposed to appreciate them."

"This is insane. First you don't tell me you knew about my videos, now you're telling me you were my troll. Do you know how upsetting those types of comments are to me?"

"Why? You should be thanking me."

That's it. "Get out of me," I demand, pushing him.

"What the fuck, baby?" he says, kneeling back. "I shouldn't have told you. I didn't have to, you know. But since you're posting about me now, I thought it would be the nice thing to do."

In my mind, I'm leaping to my feet in outrage. In reality, my legs are like fucking jelly, and they're not leaping anywhere. My mind races over everything he's said and done.

Fuck. The shaving. Shit. The shower. The hard, fast fuck. Wearing the blue top to suck him off.

Knox looks at me. "That Hung like a Donkey guy was saying some nasty things to you. I thought you would appreciate your …  unicorn protecting you."

I understand. A smile spreads across my face. He's not my troll.

"That's why you wanted me to wear the blue top while I sucked you off, isn't it?"

Now it's his turn to look awkward. Knox looks away and for a second, his breathing pauses.

"You've probably been over there watching that video, jerking off and dreaming of me giving you the best blow job ever. Am I right?"

Knox leans down, grabs my head and pulls it close to his mouth. "So what if I did," he growls.

Holy shit, I wasn't expecting that answer. He did? He admitted that? Butterflies explode in my chest.

Breathlessly, I say, "I hope the real thing lived up to your expectations."

"Better, even," Knox says, and crushes his lips against mine.

Our kiss has all the heat and passion as the earlier one in the bathroom. For a moment, I think we're going to start all over again.

He breaks the kiss, and says "I have to get some work done."

"So do I."

"What are you going to say about me today?"

"Nothing. You're not always the subject, you know. In fact, you barely ever are." There goes my idea for today. I'll have to do a question-answering video to make up for it.

"Let me know if you need any help. I'll be more than happy to give you some more ideas."

Knox leaves the room. His clothes are still in the bathroom. I'd follow him to get my bathrobe but my body is still tingling so much that I can't bring myself to get off the bed.

He returns, carrying his clothes, and sits on the edge of the bed to dress.

"Are you at your car thing tonight?"

"Every Monday."

"Want me to watch Piper?"

"Yeah, if you don't mind."

"Not at all, she's a cool kid. You've done a great job raising her," I say, and immediately feel foolish. Is it weird to tell a guy you think he's a good parent?

Knox turns his head to me, his eyebrows raised, "You think so?"

I manage to crawl over to him, and drape myself over his back.

"Absolutely. Piper sure is lucky to have such a great dad."

He doesn't say anything, and I feel like an idiot. Why did I say that? Just because I think it. I have to get better at this arrangement. It's sex, nothing more.

How can I make it nothing more?

Knox stands to pull up his shorts, and I slump back onto the bed. He does up the button, and I don't want him to leave. I want him to stay and hang out with me all day. But I know we both have mortgages to pay.

"See ya," he says, and steps towards the bedroom door.

"If you want a nice lunch break, you know where I am," I say.

He grunts as he goes through the door. Maybe the father comments were too much. Too far out of a fuck-buddy agreement.

A second later, he pokes his head back in the door, and says, "Come for dinner tonight, before I go."

"Sure," I say, filled with relief as the butterflies fill my chest again.

"We eat early tonight, I leave at five thirty."

Knox's feet are heavy as he walks away. "Okay," I call out as he thumps down the stairs.

"I still don't know why you're so angry at me for attacking that other poster," he yells up from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm not," I yell on reflex, and the door bangs shut. How could I be? I still can't believe he's Ox Man, and that he cared enough to attack Hung like a Donkey for me.

I'm speechless. And still jelly. I flop back on the bed, hoping I'll be able to walk straight by dinner.

Why do I have to live next to such a great guy when I can never be anything more but a neighbor with benefits?


Every Monday, I stop working at five, have a quick shower, and heat up the leftovers of the one-pot wonder I make on Sundays for supper. I don't have much time, the classic car ride starts at six, and it's a thirty-minute drive.

Today, like every day after school, Piper is in her room doing homework. She likes to get it out of the way so she can watch Law & Order in the evening. She only shows her face after I call her for dinner. Though maybe she's avoiding helping to get dinner ready.

At one minute to five, the doorbell rings. I expected Piper to get it, but she doesn't so I make my way to the door and open it. Avery stands on the step, a silky scarf wrapped around her neck, a half smile on her face.

Damn her. I don't know what I was thinking when I invited Avery for dinner tonight.

"Hey," she says.

"Come in." I turn and walk back to the kitchen.

"Where's Piper?"

"Upstairs, doing her homework."

Avery stands close to me, too close. She stands on her tiptoes and whispers, "Don't worry, not even a hint."

Before she can move away, I grab her tight and breathe her in. My lips brush against hers and her mouth parts.

This isn't good she shouldn't be here. This goes against all my rules. The rules I've followed for thirteen years.

The problem is, I want her here.

"I need to hurry," I say, backing away from her before my dick wakes up.

"Of course."

Avery passes me the plates from the cupboard, and I load them up with my chili. When they're full, Avery puts them on the table and gets the cutlery while I get the sour cream.

"Supper," I yell.

Piper thumps out of her bedroom and comes bounding down the stairs.

"Avery!" she says when she enters the kitchen.

"Hey Piper. I thought I'd come hang out with you tonight, keep you company."


"I won't be late, Piper. Home by seven thirty on the dot." The ride ends at seven, I can leave any new clients to Marcus and get the hell out of there and back to my girl.