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By:Lulu Pratt & Simone Sowood

The dancing that felt so right. I haven't danced since before Piper was born. Maybe dancing with Avery was worth the wait.

With my index finger, I tilt her chin and press my lips against her. My balls are still tingling like crazy, and I need them to calm down, but the kiss doesn't help. If anything, they're tingling more and I'm too close to the edge for safety.

I break the kiss and step away. It's impossible to stop my eyes from raking over her naked body. Naked even of the hair I shaved from her. The only thing covering her now are my hickeys.

Avery lifts her arm and trails her fingers down my chest. I close my eyes as her hand nears my cock, but she doesn't touch it. Instead, her fingers move up again, tracing the lines of my abs and pecs.

When she reaches my neck, she slides it over my shoulder and down my arm, this time gripping my muscles in her hand.

She swallows hard when her hand reaches mine. I grip my fingers in hers, a smile springing across my face. Avery looks at me, her full lips half parted and her eyelids heavy.

It's too much.

Still holding her hand, I lead her into the other bedroom. Unlike the one in her videos, this one still looks exactly like it was when Mrs Coupland lived here, but with different furniture. The closet is open, and clothes are piled up on her dresser and the end of her unmade bed.

"Oh, shit, oops. I forgot to clear these away," Avery says as she rushes ahead of me, and sweeps the clothes on the bed into her arms and drops them onto a pile on the dresser.

Wasn't she expecting me tonight? Where did she think we were going to be?

"Come here," I say and hold her as I pull us down onto the bed.

The mattress is firm, and we don't sink into it. Perfect.

Avery lies on her back and I position myself between her legs. I guide my tip into her entrance, her walls tight around me as I move into her.

Our mouths meet, and we kiss as I start moving. She breaks the kiss to gasp for air, her chest heaving from my pounding.

"Don't forget my name," I say, my voice low in her ear.

"How could I ever forget your name, Knox?"

Her voice, her words. My name coming out of her mouth. I need more. I can't even think straight from it.

"Say it," I grunt, and grind myself into her with extra force.

"Jesus, Knox, this is insane. Oh God, oh God! Knox."

Each word gets higher and higher in pitch and tightens my balls more and more.   


"Knox," she screams loud enough my ears ring, and I lose control.

My cock explodes into the condom, shudders rip up and down my back and legs in a violent orgasm.

Avery cries out, digs her fingernails into me and writhes around under me. I swear I'm about to fill the condom all over again at the sight of her.

We're quiet for several minutes, catching our breath. Not ready for me to go.

I roll off her, and lie on my back beside Avery. Taking the condom off, I set it on yet another of her bedside tables.

"What time is it?" she asks.

"Midnight," I say, glancing at her alarm clock.

"You don't have to go yet. Right?" Avery says, gripping my arms.

"Not yet," I say, rolling onto my side.

Avery pulls the comforter up from the end of her unmade bed and covers us with it. She rolls onto her side, facing away from me, and nestles herself into my body.

I drape my arm over her, and pull her tighter against me.

This is the only time I'll ever have the chance to fall asleep with Avery in my arms, or with any woman in my arms. It's one of the sacrifices I've made for Piper. Fuck them, yes. Hold them, no. No relationships, no women in my bed. Since I was twenty two.

On Wednesday I would've been out of here by now. But after hanging out with Avery all day yesterday, and tonight, I don't know. I can't bring myself to leave yet.

"This was good," Avery says.

"Real good."

My body is heavy, and I close my eyes.

Shit. The alarm clock says it's four a.m. I'd planned on resting for ten minutes. Maybe fifteen. Not half the night.

"I have to go," I whisper in Avery's ear, not wanting to wake her.

"No," she moans.

"No choice."

I kiss her hair, rub my hand over her shaved pussy one last time, and get out of the bed as smoothly as I can. After finding my clothes in the other bedroom, I dress and leave.

Without making a sound, I open my door and sneak into my house. Darla jolts up on the couch, her hair springing around her.

"Holy shit, you two are machines," Darla says.

"Is everything okay with Piper?"

"Yeah, she's a great kid. We had lots of fun. Any time you two want another fuck fest, you just let me know. I'm happy to come hang with Piper and give you two fun time."

I grunt, wanting her to leave before she ruins my good mood.

"You don't have to worry about how long I stay, I've got my iPad. I just FuckTimed my boy toy is all. Poor thing, he's going to have a hard time cleaning his keyboard. All that jizz getting underneath the keys and all."

What the fuck is her problem? I glare at her in silence.

"Anyway, you better have taken care of Avery's needs, and not just your own, Mister."

Shocked, tired, my lip snarls at her.

"I'm going to bed," I say, and walk up the stairs.


I wake up at seven, a ball of energy. Despite all the physical activity last night, I haven't felt this good in months.

I'm overflowing with ideas for my vlogs, thanks to Knox. Ideas about things that never even occurred to me before. Or things Nathan would never do. The facesitting, the spanking, the shaving. Fuck me, Knox is good.

Though despite all the incredible sex, the memory that warms me more than anything else, surprisingly, is the laughing and dancing. Although falling asleep in his arms was pretty fucking nice, too. Being with Knox was pure fun.

Just like having supper with him the other night was fun.

Remembering the rules, I sigh. This is an itch-scratching arrangement, and I can't forget that. I have to get better at suppressing my emotions, is all.

Darla is still asleep. I don't even know what time Knox left last night. After closing her door to let her sleep in peace, I shower, dress and go into my fake bedroom to shoot some of my new ideas.

Holy shit, this place looks like a bomb went off in it. Dried puddles of shaving cream dot the new carpet, the stuff from my shelves and lingerie rack are strewn around the room, and the bed is a caved-in mess.

I spend half an hour quietly tidying, going over and over what I want to video in my head before I forget it. The bed is a nightmare to get to look good again, and I end up flipping the mattress so there's no massive ditch in the middle.

Finally I'm ready to shoot my video. Shit. A last careful look in the mirror, and I realize my neck is covered in hickeys. I run the tips of my fingers over the marks. Instead of anger, my mind is filled with the memory of Knox giving them to me, and I have to adjust myself before my panties get too wet.

After digging around in my closet, I find a pretty pink scarf and fasten it around my neck to hide the hickeys. Back in my fake bedroom, I hit record and I start talking.

"Ladies, if you find a man who knows what he's doing. I mean one who really knows how to treat your body, someone just so utterly amazing he blows your mind, hold onto him tight. Even if it is just a fuck-buddy relationship. Because those men are unicorns, and I think we all know how much every little girl dreams of finding a unicorn. But don't worry guys, I'm here to teach you how to become a unicorn. Or at least a white horse. Guys, you become one of those types of lovers, and your woman will be begging you to do whatever you want to her."

How would I have made this video with Nathan as my reference point? That man wasn't any sort of special, and he certainly didn't treat my body like I was special.

I talk a bit more, about how a man can learn, trying to give them hope - and more importantly, make them want to watch the rest of my videos and become one of my subscribers.

Still flushed with the excitement of last night, I rush edit the vlog and post it.

After I hit the button, I tap my teeth with my finger, wondering if I should do a shaving video. I definitely want to, but maybe it's better to wait a couple of weeks, until it isn't so personal. After all the purpose of my videos are to help people improve their sex lives, not air my sex life. Just because my sex life suddenly went from nunnery to off the scales, doesn't mean I have to share every detail with my viewers.

At least I have good news in my inbox, the troll comments have been removed and the person who made them banned.

I change my top, and am about to shoot a video about spanking, when Darla bursts into the room.

"I can't believe you're in here. You shouldn't even be able to walk. Was Knox a disappointment?"

I burst out laughing and shake my head no.

"Then why can you walk? You were up until four, I can't believe you're even awake."

"Four? That's what time he left?"

"Yes babe, I was up all night so you could fuck longer."

"We fell asleep at midnight."

"What? No wonder you look so rested" she says, plopping onto the bed.

Darla messes up the bed again, but I'm too busy laughing to tell her to move.

"You should've slept on his couch. Got some rest," I say laughing.

"Can't. Had the toy boy amuse me online, you know?"

Alarmed, I say, "Piper better not've heard."

"Don't worry, she was deep asleep by then. I checked."

"How was she last night? Because I'll have to kill you if you slipped any info about where Knox was."