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One Hot Desert Night(28)

By:Kristi Gold

"You look as beautiful as I remember."

So did he in his navy sport coat, matching slacks and white shirt. "Mind telling me why you're here?"

"I have been doing a lot of thinking since you left Bajul."




He leaned forward, his hands clasped before his parted knees, his usual  position when he was about to get all serious. "I returned to duty for a  few days, yet I could not stop remembering our time together. I could  not discard that the danger I frequently face might take me away from  you permanently."

I will not hope. I will not hope... "But we're not really together, Rayad."

"And that is why I am here." He hesitated a moment before he spoke  again. "You have been right about many things, Sunny, the least of which  involves my inability to regain my life. I want to change."

She leaned across the end table and touched his arm. "You can, Rayad. You will."

"I am still not certain that is true. I know I cannot accomplish that  without your help, yet I question if it would be fair to ask that of  you."

Hope crept back in despite her determination to stop it. "I can only  help if you let me, and that's going to be difficult if you're  determined to find your family's killer."

"I have taken a leave from the military, with Adan's blessing."

Once again she was shocked senseless. "Does Adan know about us?"

He leaned back and rubbed his chin. "He does. He was instrumental in  convincing me to seek you out. He went so far as to pilot the plane that  brought me to Atlanta once I decided to come here."                       


The next time she saw her brother-in-law, she was going to give him a big sisterly kiss. "I can only imagine that conversation."

"He told me that he regretted almost letting your sister go, but he doesn't regret seeking her out and making a life with her."

"It's obvious he doesn't."

His gaze drifted away before he leveled it on her again. "Would you be willing to return to Bajul with me?"

"Why would I do that when I just got back from there a month ago?"

"Because I wish to be with you."

"For how long?"

"Until we determine if we are suited for each other."

Not quite good enough, but close. "I can't throw away my career and run  off with you on the chance that you might want to seriously pursue a  relationship."

"You could still work and be based in Bajul."

Damn his logic. "That still doesn't diminish the risk I'd be taking,  especially since you've never really said how you truly feel about me."

"Would you take that risk if I told you I love you?"

Exactly what she wanted to hear, but could she believe him? "How do you know you love me?"

He rose from the chair to join her on the sofa and wrapped one arm  around her shoulder. "For the past few weeks, my nightmares have been  replaced with dreams of you, when I happened to actually sleep. You are  all I have thought about, and the ache over the loss of you has been  unbearable. I know I do not deserve your forgiveness for my disregard,  but I implore you-"

"Shut up and kiss me, Rayad."

He did as she asked, melding his lips to hers in a meaningful, heartfelt kiss.

Once they parted, she asked the question foremost on her mind. "If I do decide to return with you, where will we stay?"

"That is a dilemma. I would offer the cavern, but it will soon be filled  with military trainees. Perhaps I should stay here for a time. I have  seen little of the United States, and I have never explored Georgia."

"That sounds just peachy," she said, even knowing the Southern reference  would be lost on him. "Do you honestly believe we can make this work  after knowing each other such a short time?"

"Do you still love me?"

She laid her head on his shoulder. "Yes, I do."

"Will you always accept my faults and failures?"

"If you'll accept mine."

"Then I do believe we have a chance at a bright future."

"So do I." And she did.

"Someday I hope to have another child."

Only then did she know for sure he was ready to move on. "I'd like to have children, too, at some point in time."

"I am happy to hear that. And in the very near future, you should know I plan make you my bride."

She reared back and stared at him. "Hold your horses, Arabian cowboy.  Let's slow down a bit. First we need to get each to know each other  better before we even consider going down that road."

He pressed a kiss on her cheek. "I agree, yet I will warn you I am not always a patient man, and I can be very persuasive."

"That might be true," she said. "But it's going to take more than pretty  words and a lot of good sex to convince me we need to get married  anytime soon."

He gave her a wink and a patently sexy smile. "We shall see."

She winked back. "Yes, we will."

* * *

"By the power vested in me by the great state of Georgia, I now pronounce you husband and wife."

And there, a scant three months later, while standing on the lawn of a  gorgeous antebellum mansion before a few friends and family, Sunny  McAdams-Rostam swallowed her pride and ate her words.

Fortunately, the kiss her new husband planted on her lips made the  harried decision to jump headlong into wedded bliss seem completely  worthwhile. So did the fact he looked incredible in a tuxedo. And he was  rich as chocolate. So rich he'd bought her the house serving as the  majestic background. Not that his money ever mattered, nor would it.

But that wealth did enable them to take an extended honeymoon in Milan  following the ceremony, as suggested by Adan, who as Rayad's best man,  now followed behind them as they walked back down the aisle, the matron  of honor-her twin-on his arm.

When they passed the last row of chairs, Sunny leaned over to Rayad and whispered, "Do you think they have caves in Italy?"

"I am certain if they do, we will find them."

They shared a laugh as they strolled to the gazebo where the reception  was being held. Once they arrived, they paused for a picture with the  attendants, greeted a few guests then unfortunately parted ways when  Adan took Rayad aside for an impromptu military conference.                       


Piper approached her then and gave her a hug. "You look fantastic in  that wedding gown, Sunshine. Satin and strapless suit you well."

Sunny surveyed the bridesmaid gown from hem to neck. "You don't look so  bad yourself, Pookie. And you said you couldn't wear red."

"I look like a large tomato," she said, her hand automatically going to  her belly. "It's only going to get worse when I move into the second  trimester."

She gave her sister a squeeze. "I can't wait to have another nephew or niece."

"I can't wait to stop throwing up morning, noon and night." Piper's features turned solemn. "Are you happy, Sunny?"

"I can't begin to tell you how happy I am. I never thought I would find  anyone who is so much in sync with me, and in many ways, like me."

"So he's stubborn and bites everyone's head off in the morning?"

"Very funny, Pookie."

"Bite me, Sunshine."

"Honestly, I'd rather have something to eat. Lately I can't seem to get enough food."

Piper eyed her suspiciously. "Is there a reason for that?"

She should have known her twin would unearth her biggest secret. "Yes, there is, but I haven't told Rayad yet."

"You're going to have a baby, too?"

Sunny grabbed Piper's arm and pulled her away from the guests. "Please  keep your voice down. I don't want to have to explain this to Nana and  Poppa, and I sure don't want my husband to learn the news from a  stranger before I have a chance to tell him."

"What news would that be?"

Sunny took her attention from her sister and gave it to said husband,  who was standing to her left. "Just something I learned a couple of days  ago."

Piper stepped back, a sheepish look on her face. "I believe that's my  cue to give the bride and groom some alone time." She then had the nerve  to give Rayad a hug and tell him, "Congratulations on the wedding, and  what you're about to find out."

When Piper practically sprinted away, her low ponytail swinging in the  March breeze, Rayad turned to Sunny, his face fraught with confusion.  "Would you please tell me what she meant by that comment?"

She set her bouquet aside on a bench and hooked her arm through his. "Yes, I will gladly tell you, while we're taking a walk."

They took a stroll through the manicured gardens washed in gold due to  the setting sun. "I still can't believe you gave me this place as a  wedding gift," Sunny said after a time.