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One Hot Desert Night(27)

By:Kristi Gold

If she didn't get away from him now, she would have a total meltdown. In  an effort to prevent that, Sunny headed to the desk in the corner,  retrieved a piece of royal stationery, and jotted down her personal  information. When she was done, she willed her composure to return  before she went back to him and offered him the paper. "This is my  temporary address until I find a new apartment, and my cell phone  number. Should you happen to find yourself in Atlanta, stop by and see  me. And if you change your mind and decide, miracle of all miracles, you  want to give us a chance, give me a call. If you don't, call me anyway  if you'd like, just so I know you're okay. That is, when you're not  packing an AK-47 and searching for bad guys, of course." She attempted a  smile, but she was sure it fell flat.                       


He stared at the page for a few moments before centering his gaze on hers. "I can make no promises."

"I know that," she said, her eyes beginning to mist. "Just promise me you'll at least try to be safe."

"I will try."

She gave in to her need to hold him again, and he thankfully accepted  her embrace. He also gave her a gentle kiss that only served to shatter  her heart a little more. Then he left without looking back, or saying  goodbye.

After the door closed behind him, signifying the end to an unforgettable  chapter in her life, Sunny stretched out across the bed and cried.

* * *

For seven long days she had been gone. For seven long nights he had missed her company.

Rayad could only think of one way to abandon all thoughts of Sunny McAdams and bring his mind back to the ever-present mission.

For that reason, he dressed in uniform and sought out his  commander-in-chief. "I am respectfully requesting my immediate return to  active duty, Adan."

His cousin did not bother to rise from the chair when he'd strode into  the office without announcing his arrival. Nor did Adan look surprised  by the request.

"The answer to that is no, Rayad. You have yet to be medically cleared."

"I am completely recovered."

"We'll see what the physician says about that."

Fortunately he had prepared for this argument. "I saw him earlier this  morning and he pronounced me quite well. If you do not trust me, call  him."

"I will most certainly do that," Adan said. "And then I will determine  if I believe you are not only mentally but physically ready to return to  work."

Rayad braced his hands on the desk and leaned forward. "If my memory  serves me correctly, you summoned me back to the palace last week  because you were in need of my services, yet you have avoided me since  my return."

Adan tossed the pen he'd been gripping aside and watched it roll onto the floor. "I lied about the mission."

His blood began to boil over the deception. "Why?"

"Because of my concern for my sister-in-law's well-being."

"I did not harm her, nor would I."

"Not intentionally," Adan said. "But Piper believes you didn't help her,  either. In fact, my wife is convinced you're the reason she departed  earlier than planned."

He could deny that conjecture, but then he would be telling a falsehood. "She is preparing to resume her career."

Adan inclined his head and studied him straight on. "Are you certain  about that? Sunny seemed fairly down in the dumps when she left, not to  mention I've been informed you took advantage of her during your  respite."

One more insult, and they might come to blows, as they had a time or two  in their youth. "No advantage was taken. Sunny and I are adults, and  what transpired between us was consensual."

This time Adan leaned forward and glared at him. "I know you, Rayad.  After your wife's death, you used your mysterious charm and machismo to  pull women into your tangled web. Then you would leave them high and dry  with a wounded heart."

He felt the need to defend himself, despite the truth in his cousin's  acerbic comments. "What I shared with Sunny was very different. She is  different. I care a great deal for her. More than I have cared for any  woman in years. I would never intentionally cause her any pain,  emotional or physical. Still, I am not the man for her, and that is why I  was forced to let her go, although I despised every second of it."

Adan suddenly began to laugh. "Bloody hell, Rayad, you're in love with her."

He straightened from the shock of hearing his name in relationship to that word. "I did not say that."

"You didn't have to say it. It is written all over your lovesick face."

Rayad realized Adan was correct in his assumption. He had fallen in love  with the beautiful journalist. He loved her still, and most likely  always would love her. Yet one issue still prevented him from exploring  their relationship further-he had yet to find those responsible for  murdering his wife and child. "Regardless of my feelings, I cannot act  on them."

Adan chose that moment to stand, sending the rolling chair backward into  the bookshelf behind him. "Are you daft, Rayad? Of course you can act  on them. Nothing is holding you here. You have more money than you can  spend, and you no longer have a home to speak of. I will grant you an  extended leave to get your head on straight and go after her, the same  as I went after my wife. I have not once regretted that decision, and  neither will you."

The suggestion seemed to make sense, yet he harbored several concerns.  "I have not found my family's killers. She would never understand my  need to complete that mission."                       


His cousin leaned forward and glared at him. "Perhaps it's time to move on from that mission."

Had Adan suggested that before Sunny, Rayad would have immediately  rejected that notion. "If I did decide to seek her out, though I am not  claiming I will, she most likely would refuse to see me."

"My bride also happened to tell me Sunny gave you her number and  address," Adan said. "That is not the action of a woman who doesn't want  to see you."

Another correct assessment, followed by more internal debate. "If I  pursued a relationship with Sunny, I would be giving up all that I have  gained in my career. I would be giving up on avenging my wife and  child's deaths."

"And the gifts you would receive in return would be tenfold." Adan  sighed. "Just remember, retaliation won't bring your wife and child  back, Rayad. You should put the past to rest, otherwise, your futile  quest will rob you of a future with Sunny. Honor your wife and son by  learning to love again."

His cousin's logic only served to confuse him. "I will take your advice into consideration, but I make no promises."

"Fine, but don't wait too long to decide. And should you need to pay  Sunny a visit, I will personally fly you to the States myself."

"In the meantime, I will report for duty at the base in the morning," he said as he walked away from his well-meaning cousin.

Rayad left the office in a state of turmoil. He could not go to Sunny  unless he was prepared to discard his need for revenge. He could not  give his all to her unless he learned to forgive himself. He could not  move forward in his life unless he prepared to let go of the past.

Until he was absolutely certain he could manage all those things, he  would return to his mission with only memories of a very special woman  who had changed him in many ways through her unconditional acceptance.  If that certainty did not come, he would face spending the rest of his  days alone. And for the first time in many, many years, that concept no  longer appealed to him.

He had much to decide and hoped he arrived at the correct decision. Only time would tell.

* * *

When the bell rang, Sunny was just about ready to give the pizza guy a  good piece of her mind for taking two hours to deliver her dinner.  Poised to do that very thing, she threw open the door, only to find not  some skinny adolescent, but her erstwhile lover and favorite tough guy.  She opened her mouth, closed it then opened it again. "Is this a  mirage?"

He cracked a crooked smile. "No mirage. May I come in?"

"Of course. Have a seat and take a load off."

He sent her a confused look as he breezed past her then dropped down on  the lounger next to the sofa. It took a minute for Sunny to move, and  she was trembling so badly she thought she might shake right out of her  fuzzy purple slippers.

After she sat down on the couch, she stared at him a moment, expecting  him to disappear. "If I'd known you were coming, I would've baked  cookies. Or at least dressed in something nicer than sweats and a  hoodie."