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One Hot Desert Night(22)

By:Kristi Gold

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"Having fun, Sunshine?"

She was speaking into a shortwave radio with a gorgeous man's-man  standing behind her, running his hands up her T-shirt. She defined that  as great fun. "So-so. Not much to do here."

"Where exactly is here?"

"South of Bajul."

"Adan said you were staying in a village."

"Not far from a village," she said, trying hard not to gasp as Rayad cupped her breasts. "Is it still raining there?"

"Unfortunately, yes, and it's not going to let up for at least another two days. What's the weather like there?"

"Hot." Extremely hot, and growing hotter by the minute. "How is Maysa?"

"Still pregnant, but she said she's been having some twinges, whatever  that means. I hope you make it back before the big event."

She hoped her legs would hold her when Rayad unbuttoned her shorts.  "Well, I just wanted to check in and see..." Her voice betrayed her when  he slid the zipper down. "I just need..." To stop talking altogether.

"Sunny, are you there?"

Two more minutes and she would be. "Gotta go, sis. Bad connection. See you soon. Take care."

After she flipped the radio off, she turned into Rayad's arms and groaned. "You're determined to be a bad boy, aren't you?"

He nuzzled her neck then kissed her quick. "I know what I want, and I want you. Now."

She glanced behind her and realized the long table holding the  communication equipment happened to be the only surface available.  "You're not serious."

"Not here."

That gave her some relief. "Then where?"

"A place where I can finally fulfill one of your fantasies."

Her mental lightbulb snapped on. "Where we dined last night?"


"But it's still daylight."

He clasped her hand and brought it to his lips. "There is an erotic  quality to spontaneity. Making love in the open and the possibility of  detection only heightens that eroticism. However, it is highly unlikely  anyone will come upon us since the perimeter is secure, if that is your  concern."                       


She thought of one particular disconcerting scenario. "What about airplanes overhead?"

"Unless we are visited by Adan, that will not be an issue."

Great. Just what she needed-getting caught with her pants down by her  brother-in-law. Time to put on the big-girl panties and get with the  program. Or take them off as the case might be. "Well, no risk, no  reward. Let's go."

Rayad led her back up the narrow steps and to the place where their  journey to intimacy had begun. Once they arrived, Sunny discovered a  different blanket spread out on the sand, and realized her new lover had  planned this all along.

"Spontaneity, huh?" she said as she dropped down onto the makeshift bed.

He joined her and smiled-a sly one. "Perhaps not completely spontaneous, yet I did not know if you would agree."

He had a point. "I'll hand you that. What now?"

"Stand and take off your clothes."

"You don't want to do it?"

"I wish to watch."

His words generated more heat than the afternoon sun beating down on  them. "I suppose I can do that since you've basically seen every part of  me."

After returning to her feet, she crossed her arms and quickly pulled the  T-shirt over her head, exposing her bare breasts. She tackled the rest  of her clothing a bit slower in an effort to draw out the tension. Rayad  visually followed her every move as she unfastened her shorts and let  them fall to her feet, leaving her wearing the white muslin underwear.

"Satisfied?" she asked, even knowing what he would say.

"Everything, Sunny," he replied, confirming her prediction.

She shimmied out of the final garment and remained planted in the same spot, letting him look his fill. "Better?"

"Much better. Now come here."

"Not until you get naked, too."

Without hesitating, or standing, he began to strip but much faster than  she had. Once he was down to his birthday suit, she reclaimed her place  next to him. "You're leading this parade, so tell me what you want." And  hopefully, she could deliver.

"Roll to your side away from me."

She threaded her lip between her bottom teeth. "I guess I could, but-"

"Do you trust me, Sunny?" he asked.

"Yes, I do."

"Then you must trust I will treat you with the greatest care. Now turn over and allow me to give you great pleasure."

Sunny complied and waited for what would come next, all the while  thinking a month ago, she would never even consider doing this in the  great outdoors. A month ago, she didn't know him. She was dizzy with  anticipation. High on adrenaline and heated from head to toe.

He moved against her back, brushed her hair aside and whispered, "You  will feel me better this way." Then he slid his leg between her legs,  placed one hand between her thighs, and eased inside her.

Rayad had been right. The position allowed her to feel every nuance as  he moved deep inside her. He began to stroke her with a fingertip,  coaxing a climax that wouldn't take long at all. And it didn't.

Before she knew it-before she was ready-Sunny experienced an incredible  orgasm made more powerful by Rayad's thrusts. She had truly found a  paradise with him, and in turn rediscovered her natural sensuality.

Not long after, Rayad tensed against her, moved deeper inside her and  released a low groan. He shuddered and when he climaxed, Sunny enjoyed  every pleasant pulse of his body, knowing she'd given him as much  pleasure as he had given her.

After a time, he loosened his hold on her and brought his lips to her ear. "Do you have any regrets?"

Only one. She turned into his arms and stroked his cheeks. "No regrets  at all other than I hate this will all have to come to an end in the  not-so-distant future. Unless you invite me to stay here indefinitely."  When his expression went somber, she added, "Don't look so worried. I'm  not serious, and I'm not going to start spewing sonnets and propose  marriage. I know this is only temporary. When we leave here, you'll go  back to your life, and I'll go back to mine."

"For that reason, I prefer we enjoy each other while we still have time."

Too little time to suit her, and that thought gave her pause. "I'm  absolutely enjoying our time together now. You certainly know how to  make a woman's fantasy come true."

He brushed her hair back from her face and lightly kissed her. "I vow to  you I will endeavor to make each of your fantasies a reality in the  days to come."

* * *

For three whole days, Rayad made good on his promise. He had touched her  in every way possible and in places she didn't know existed. He had  made love to her in various ways, with the exception of one due to his  concern over her fear of confinement. He had been careful and  considerate and extremely sexy. So sexy that he could have her with only  a look, and he had several times.                       


Never before had she made love four times in twenty-four hours until  she'd met him. Never before had she given that concept much thought.  Cameron had been a once-a-week kind of guy. Her first lover had been an  inexperienced jerk, but then they'd only been seventeen. Though her  sexual conquests were somewhat limited, she knew enough to know that  Rayad Rostam was a special breed. The kind of man who could steal a  woman's heart like a thief in the night then leave with his own heart  still intact.

Regardless of the possible emotional fallout, with every interesting  conversation over shared meals, with every sultry kiss, every sweet  nothing whispered in her ear, Sunny acknowledged she was in grave danger  of losing herself to him and landing in love. Unfortunately, the danger  had become her reality, and she'd already crashed and would probably  burn from their inevitable parting.

She'd always been upfront to a fault, yet in this case she worried if  she divulged her feelings to Rayad, he wouldn't reciprocate. She debated  whether to come clean, or carry the secret the rest of her life. She  despised secrets, and for that reason she decided to put it out in the  open, let the chips fall and all that jazz.

On that thought, Sunny turned over in bed to find Rayad had left without  her knowledge. She sat up and looked around, hoping to discover he'd  gone for his morning bath and swim without her, though she would be  disappointed if he had. The reservoir was undisturbed and the cavern  starkly silent.

She needed to find him and confess before she lost her courage. That  need drove her to search for her underwear balled up beneath the sheet  at the end of the bed and put them on. Then she grabbed her discarded  T-shirt and slipped it on while heading toward the bunker's entry.