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One Hot Desert Night(14)

By:Kristi Gold

"What you have seen has been designed solely for security," he said. "What you will soon see is designed solely for pleasure."

He then punched in another code, and the walls parted like that  proverbial Red Sea. The view he revealed absolutely stole her breath,  but not because the area seemed confining. On the contrary, the place  was massive-and mystical. The palace-size cavern, with glistening stones  dotting the natural walls, could best be described as a fantastical,  natural wonderland. Across the way, stalactites hung from the towering  ceiling while stalagmites jutted up from the ground. And in the middle  of the Caribbean-blue pool of water, a beam of light shone down from a  large circular opening in the cave's roof.

A few moments passed before she recovered enough from her amazement to  speak. "This is unbelievable. It reminds me of Jeita Grotto in Lebanon."

"Yet not quite as large," Rayad said from behind her. "And it is virtually untouched by man."

She couldn't seem to tear her gaze away from the remarkable sight. "It's truly a desert oasis. Where does the water originate?"

"From an aquifer fed by runoff from the mountains. Another of Bajul's hidden treasures."

Amazing. "Water is definitely in short supply in the region."

"That is why Zain has begun the conservation efforts. Eventually, it  will be exported and in turn, secure the country's future, as well as  save lives."

"Zain has seen what the lack of water can do to people. So have I."

She heard footsteps and sensed Rayad's presence before he said, "Are you not curious about my personal quarters?"

Sunny turned to find he was only a foot or so away. "Actually, I am."                       


"Then look behind me to my left."

Only then did she see the makeshift bedroom carved out of the rock. And  on the raised ledge, a huge bed covered in dark blue satin and draped  with a sheer canopy. A cave boudoir definitely fit for a prince.  "Incredible. Do you have an en-suite bathroom? Maybe a steam shower and a  whirlpool tub?"

He smiled. "Who needs those accoutrements when you have your own pool?"

"You bathe in the pool?"

"At times I have."

That unearthed some fairly naughty images involving a very masculine,  well-toned body wet and slick with soap... "I suppose that makes you a  modern caveman."

His low, sexy laugh echoed off the walls of the cavern. "I suppose that would be accurate."

She crossed her arms beneath her breasts against the onslaught of  shivers, resulting from the cool temperature and his overt sensuality.  "Well, as long as you don't beat me with a club and drag me by my hair, I  can deal with that."

His expression went suddenly somber. "I would never do such a thing."

"It's a joke, Rayad."

"My apologies, but I find no humor in abusive behavior toward women."

Evidently he didn't bring his wit along with him. She also suspected a  story existed behind his attitude. "I truly appreciate that. And in case  I haven't said it before, I feel very safe with you."

Rayad surprised her by drawing her into a light embrace then rubbed his  palm gently up and down her back. Funny, she hadn't even flinched,  demonstrating how her trust in him had grown.

A few moments later, he framed her face in his palms and kissed her forehead. "Your faith means a great deal to me."

She smiled. "You're welcome. And now that you have me here, what's next?"

"We still have much to explore," he said as he kept his arms around her.

"Oh, really? What will we be exploring?"

"The cavern, of course."

"Too bad." Her face heated over her spontaneous comment. "I'm sorry. I meant I'm getting kind of hungry."

He stroked his knuckles softly up and down her cheek. "We will take a brief tour, then we will have lunch."

"Not that food in the supply room, I hope."

"No. I have brought something special from the palace." He studied her eyes. "I am very glad you are here."

"So am I."

And she was. By day's end, Sunny hoped that still remained true.


He'd traveled through the tunnels many times before, yet seeing the  cavern through Sunny's eyes made the experience seem new to Rayad. But  when they had ended up in tight quarters several times, she had  inadvertently brushed against him, stirring his body and his fantasies.

Even now, as he walked behind her and watched the gentle sway of her  hips, he wanted her greatly. His fantasies took flight as he imagined  Sunny naked, her long legs wrapped around his waist. He wanted to know  how her bare flesh would feel against his palms, how she would feel  surrounding him as he buried himself deep inside her.

Shaking off the images, Rayad remembered his vow to move slowly. He must  accept that quite possibly nothing would come of his desire for her.

"Which way should I go?" she asked when they met a crossroads.

"To your right."

Once they emerged from the passageway, she turned to him and smiled. "We're back where we started."

"Yes, we are."

She snapped off the flashlight. "Any chance we can have lunch now? I'm really, really hungry."

As he was, but not only for food. "I suppose I could accommodate you."

"Gee, thanks. I'd hate to start foraging for wild berries since I doubt I'll find any."

"Berries actually are a possibility."

She rolled her eyes. "Please don't tell me we're about to trek through the desert to pick berries."

She brought about his smile that arrived more often in her presence. "No  need for that. Now if you will follow me, I will bring our meal to  you."


He guided her around the bank of the aquifer and across the small wooden  bridge he had built with his own hands. Once they reached his private  quarters, he told her, "Wait here, and I shall return shortly."

"Hurry," she called out to him as he entered the bunker. "Or I'm going for the granola bars I brought with me."

He strode into the supply room to retrieve the container housing their  meals. After he returned to Sunny, he nodded toward the pair of large  crimson pillows next to the bed. "We will sit here to dine."                       


Sunny lowered herself onto the cushion and crossed her legs before her.  "I've heard of breakfast in bed, but never lunch next to the bed. So  what's on the menu?"

After he took his place on the opposing pillow, Rayad opened the cooler,  lifted the platter, set it between them and uncovered it. "This is the  palace chef's specialty. Shawarma on taboon bread, topped with hummus  and olives."

She picked up the sandwich, studied it briefly and then took a bite.  "This is delicious," she said. "And I can't wait to dive into the dates  and cheese."

He might have to dive into the nearby pool if he kept watching her mouth  as she ate-and imagining how that lovely mouth would feel on his body.  Instead, he handed her a bottled water, small silver plate and white  cloth napkin. "Please eat as much as you would like. We have another  tray for our dinner if this is not enough."

She paused midbite and frowned. "I thought we'd be heading back before dinner."

He tamped down his disappointment, with effort. "I had planned to have the evening meal here, beneath the stars."

Sunny mulled that over for a moment before she addressed him again. "I  have to admit that sounds tempting, as long as you have me home before  midnight in case I turn into a pumpkin."


She laid the sandwich down and dabbed at her mouth. "You know the story.  Fairy godmother. Handsome prince. Young girl with evil stepsisters...  Never mind. I tend to forget we're not culturally on the same page."

"Actually, I do know the fairy tale. Yet if my recollections are  accurate, the young woman's gown turns to rags at midnight. I do not  recall the threat of becoming a pumpkin."

Her laughter gave Rayad surprising joy. "Apparently, you can be very literal in your interpretation of folklore."

"Do you believe in these fairy tales?"

"If you're referring to happily-ever-after, I'm on the fence. My  grandparents have been married for over fifty years and seem to still be  in love. But my mother, and I use that term loosely, went from one man  to the next, so obviously, she's never found what she was looking for in  a relationship."

"And your father?"

She turned suddenly sullen. "I have no idea who he is. I did some  investigating a few years back and after seeing the possible prospects, I  gave up the search. Some things are better left unknown."