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One Hot Desert Night(11)

By:Kristi Gold

"Are you being intentionally vague?"

Absolutely. "If you must know, I'm about to tour the countryside."


Sunny brushed past Piper and shoved a couple of T-shirts, a swimsuit and  two pairs of shorts into the duffel. "No, mother hen. I have an  escort."

"Do I know this escort?"                       



"You're going with Rayad, aren't you?" Piper asked a little louder than necessary.

Sunny zipped up the bag, set it on the ground and turned to her  meddlesome sister. "You might want to keep your voice down so you don't  wake the baby."

"He can sleep through a sonic boom, and you haven't answered my question."

Time to reluctantly come clean. "Since I suppose you'll find out sooner  or later, Rayad invited me to spend the day exploring his land."

Piper released a shrewd laugh. "I'm sure that's not all he wants to explore."

No matter how hard Sunny tried to fight it, a few wicked images invaded  her brain. "Look, as bad as I hate to admit it, you were right. He's a  nice guy. The perfect gentleman." And a stellar kisser. "Besides, you're  the one who encouraged me to get to know him."

"True, but I thought if the two of you liked each other, maybe you'd  start with dinner and a movie. I didn't expect you to go gallivanting  all over Bajul with him for heaven knows how long."

"This is why I didn't want to tell you, Piper. You're blowing it way out of proportion. It's only a day trip."

"Then why are you packing extra clothes?"

Good question. "Because I like to be prepared, just in case."

"In case he wants to hold you captive?" Remorse passed over Piper's  expression the moment the sarcastic question left her mouth. "I'm so  sorry. Poor choice of words."

Sunny hated pity of any kind, but she'd give her sister a free pass-at  least on this count. "You don't have to evaluate everything you say to  me, Piper. The abduction happened, and it's over. And while we're on  that subject, why did you tell Rayad about it?"

"Because he came to me," she replied. "He sensed there was something  going on with you beyond your breakup with Cameron. He also wants to  help you with the aftereffects."

Now she wondered if Rayad's invitation had more to do with sympathy than  with the desire for her company. A question she'd definitely ask him  for the sake of clarity. "Like I said, he's a decent guy, and he expects  me to meet him downstairs in less than twenty minutes. So if you don't  mind, I need to dress."

Without saying another word, Piper gingerly picked up her sleeping son  and returned him to her shoulder. "Just be careful, Sunny. I'd hate for  you to have your heart shattered all over again."

Funny, her split with Cameron wounded her pride more than her heart.  "Since I have no intention of getting involved with Rayad beyond a  casual relationship, you have no need to be concerned."

Piper crossed the room, patting Sam's bottom as she went. "I didn't  intend to fall for Adan, either." She paused at the door and smiled. "I  want a full report when you get back this evening, and have fun. Just  not too much fun."

With that, she disappeared, leaving Sunny alone to prepare for the trip  with Rayad. She returned to the bag, opened it again and added a few  travel-size toiletries, like they might somehow get stranded on a desert  island, or perhaps in the desert. A ridiculous assumption, but he did  mention swimming, so maybe it wasn't so far-fetched. She'd also learned  the hard way that one never knew what the future might hold. And that  unknown factor drew her in like a moth to a porch light. So did the  prospect of spending the day getting to know Rayad even better.

The thought of an adventure exhilarated her. Thrilled her. If luck  prevailed, she would have an experience she wouldn't soon forget, with a  man she quite possibly would never forget.


"Would you be so kind as to tell me where you are taking my sister-in-law?"

Leaning against the passenger door of the customized black Mercedes SUV,  Rayad maintained his calm in light of Adan's heated tone. "Would you be  so kind as to inform me why this is your concern?"

"She is my wife's sister, and she deserves to be treated with respect."

Rayad's own anger began to build, yet he refused to reveal it. "You may rest assured she will receive the utmost respect."

Adan pointed at him. "If you so much as make one inappropriate advance, you will have to deal with me."

As it had been when they were in their formidable years, he took great  pleasure in tormenting his younger cousin. "Then I am to assume that I  may make an appropriate advance?"

Adan's features turned fierce. "You bloody know what I mean, Rayad. No advances whatsoever. She is very fragile."                       


He would not describe Sunny as fragile. Wounded, yes. Fragile, never.  "If it puts your mind at ease, Rafiq warned me to take care with her  from the moment she arrived."

"My brother is a wise man," Adan said. "And if you find having both of  us taking up verbal arms against you disconcerting, I promise you do not  wish to deal with my wife."

That instilled more fear in Rayad than Bajul's entire armed forces  setting their sights on him. "Again, you need not worry. We will only be  gone for the day."

"I hope I didn't overpack."

Rayad turned his attention to Sunny standing behind Adan, a large olive-green bag clutched in her arms.

Adan shot him a suspicious glance and said, "I believe you stated you are going on a day trip."

"We are," Sunny said, a slight flush coloring her cheeks. "I'm one to  prepare for any scenario, like a car breaking down. Earthquake. Monsoon.  That sort of thing."

"You cannot be too prepared." Rayad opened the door and held out his hand to assist her. "Let us be on our way."

Adan glared at him. "I expect you to have her back here before dark."

After he helped Sunny into the Mercedes, he closed the door and regarded  his cousin again. "I have long since passed the time when I needed  fatherly warnings, Adan. We will return when I see fit to return."

Without awaiting a response, Rayad rounded the vehicle, climbed into the  driver's seat and turned the ignition. He sped away, glancing in the  rearview mirror to find Adan still standing under the palace portico,  appearing as if he would like to chase after them in his bathrobe.

"Nice ride," Sunny said as she ran a slender hand over the console dividing their seats.

The gesture, no matter how innocent, caused Rayad to shift slightly against the tightening in his groin. "It is adequate."

"I'd say the satellite radio, leather seats and moonroof qualify it as more than adequate. Company car?"

"Personal vehicle."

"I should be so lucky," she said. "My personal vehicle is a subcompact, but then I don't really drive that much."

He would gladly escort her anywhere she dared to go, particularly in a  carnal sense. Yet he had to move slowly and accept that any intimacy  between them might not come to pass.

Settling into silence, Rayad concentrated on navigating the steep  descent away from the palace. Yet when Sunny's sigh drew his gaze, he  saw her hide a yawn behind her hand. "You clearly are tired."

"Well, since the crack of dawn is still sealed," she began, "and I  didn't get into bed until after midnight, I'm still a bit sleepy. But  I'll wake up as soon as we get where we're going, wherever that is."

He felt the need to prepare her for the first step of their journey.  "The place I am taking you will involve climbing, if you are willing."

"How much climbing?"

He sent her a glance to find her frowning. "Minimal, and I will assist you."

"As long as it's not Mount Everest, I can handle it."

He had no doubt she could.

When he noted the sky had begun to turn a lighter blue, he picked up  speed, taking care to stay close to the side of the cliff as they  ascended to their destination before they reached the village.

"Is it necessary to go this fast?" Sunny asked, a hint of concern in her tone.

"Only for a few more minutes."

And after those minutes passed, he pulled over at the road's bend and put the vehicle in Park. "We have arrived."

Rayad left the Mercedes and rounded the hood, only to find Sunny had  exited without his aid. He knew better than to debate his duty as a  gentleman. She was fiercely independent, one of the many aspects that  had earned his admiration, though it warred with his protective nature.

As Sunny stretched her arms above her head, her shirt rode up above the  waist of her beige cargo shorts, exposing bare skin that earned his  immediate notice. "What now?"