Old Magic(60)
She doesn’t say anything, but I can tell what Kate is doing to Morgana. Kate picked up on Morgana’s fear and is now probing the poor young girl’s mind, picking her brain for emotions. I hope she doesn’t go too far as we have to be careful. But probing minds is second nature to Kate. I doubt she could ever live without it.
‘Why are you afraid of this man called Rhauk?’
Morgana goes straight over to the huge four-poster bed, her long skirts swishing with every step. She pulls back the bedding and fluffs the pillows. ‘Everyone is, my Lady. Even the Lord.’
‘Why?’ Kate asks softly.
Morgana pauses, pillow in hand. When she looks up her eyes look glazed ‘They say he is descended from the devil and that father and son talk often.’
‘Do you believe these rumours?’
It’s the older girl, Glenys, that answers. ‘We know nothing, my Lady. Naught has ever happened in our lifetimes. These are but childhood stories, exaggerated to make a wee child scared enough to go to bed.’
I smile at this, instantly liking Glenys’s sensible mind, and glance at Kate. She doesn’t pursue the subject, yet I can see she’s still disturbed.
The last steaming buckets fill the two wooden tubs that sit side by side in the middle of the room. Morgana finishes laying out our night clothes, long white gowns, across the bed. Glenys taps the rim of the nearest steaming bath. ‘I’ll see to your soiled clothes after Morgana helps you with your baths.’
She means for us to take off our clothes. Now. And step into the baths. Immediately Morgana starts working the buttons at the back of Kate’s dress. Kate jerks uncomfortably aside, and catches my eye. It’s apparent the maids intend staying while Kate and I bathe simultaneously.
I quietly observe Kate’s eyes. I don’t need any so called gift to feel her discomfort. Her wide-eyed look urges me to say something, but honestly, I don’t mind the idea at all, and it’s amusing watching Kate look uneasy for a change. I watch a hot blush spread across her pale skin, darkening it. The hard part is trying not to laugh.
‘Jarrod!’ Kate hisses between clenched teeth. She can tell I’m enjoying myself and she’s totally unimpressed. ‘Do something!’
I shrug, and pull off my tunic.
She hisses. Really. Like a snake. I’m sure she’s thinking of some nasty spell to put me under.
It’s a relief to yank off the too tight muddy boots. Kate’s shoulders spring back.
‘My Lady,’ says Morgana softly, picking up on Kate’s sudden change in temperament. ‘It would be easier if you allowed me to disrobe you.’
I have to hand it to her. Inhaling a long steadying breath, Kate drags an amazing smile to her face and says calmly, ‘Morgana, if you don’t mind, Jarrod and I will tend to our own baths.’
I’m sure Kate isn’t prepared for young Morgana’s outrage, or her steely determination. The young maid practically squeals and there’s real fear in her voice. ‘Oh no, my Lady. We cannot leave you unattended. The Lord, you see, he would beat us till our bones are skinless.’
From what I heard in the village I don’t doubt Morgana’s words for a second. And neither does Kate, but she hasn’t finished trying. She puts her arm around Morgana’s much smaller shoulders and leads her towards the door. ‘Now don’t worry, either of you.’ Her gaze includes the older Glenys. ‘I’ll assure Lord Richard personally what wonderful servants you were, tending to all our needs. You have my word.’
Morgana glances at Glenys, looking for advice. But Glenys is shaking her head. ‘You don’t know the Lord, my Lady. If he found out you had no one to tend to your bath, it’ll be our hides that bear the brunt of his anger.’
Kate’s tolerance collapses. It’s the closest I’ve seen her come to pure panic. She must be exhausted, I know I am. And even though it’s amusing to see her squirm, I decide not to stand by and watch her lose it completely and risk our plans because of this small hiccup. So I try a different angle with the maids. ‘Glenys,’ I start, for she’s obviously the one who makes the decisions. ‘The reason my Lady is so close to tanning your hides herself, is that she likes to attend to my bath personally … and, well, privately.’ I smile, find Kate’s eyes, which have grown huge, and add, ‘We are newly-married after all.’
Morgana has the grace to blush profusely, giggling behind her hand. Glenys just huffs stubbornly, but does at last agree to leave, promising to return at a suitable time to put out the lights and collect our soiled clothes.
They leave and Kate spins on me. ‘You enjoyed that, didn’t you?’