Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 2(86)

He was clearly impatient to stretch his long legs, but Grace hesitated and chewed on her lip. ‘I wanted to see Dad as soon as possible,’ she explained quietly. ‘Javier…I know you think that he and I devised the plan in which I would…offer myself to you in return for his freedom, but that really isn’t the case. Angus is unaware that I came to you for help, and I don’t want him to ever learn the real reason why we’re getting married.’ She broke off, her cheeks scarlet. ‘He would be devastated. Somehow we have to convince him that we’re in love, and that you’re prepared to forgive him for stealing from the bank because you…care for me.’

‘And how do you propose I do that?’ Javier’s eyes glittered with anger as he remembered Angus Beresford’s betrayal of his trust—a betrayal that had ultimately led Carlos Herrera to decide that his grandson wasn’t up to the job of president of the Herrera bank. He stared at Grace and noted not just embarrassment but sheer desperation in her eyes. ‘You want me to act as though I’m in love with you?’ he queried.

His sardonic amusement caused Grace to grit her teeth, but she pressed on. ‘We’ll tell him that I visited you in Spain to beg for your understanding, and it was love at first sight for both of us. We’re getting married so quickly because we…’

‘…can’t keep our hands off one another?’ Javier suggested helpfully, his teeth gleaming white against his olive skin as he smiled wickedly at her.

‘Something like that,’ Grace agreed, eyeing him warily when he suddenly leaned across her. In the confines of the small car he was too close for comfort, and her senses flared as she caught the seductive musk of his cologne. ‘What are you doing?’

‘I need to practise this love thing. As you know, it’s not an emotion that I’m familiar with, querida,’ he whispered smoothly. ‘Do you think Angus will be reassured if I kiss you like this?’ His mouth brushed over hers in a slow, gentle caress that instantly had her senses clamouring for more. He lifted his head a fraction and stared into her eyes, as if he was seeking an answer to his silent question. What he saw in the blue depths must have satisfied him because he captured her lips once more in a drugging kiss that left her boneless with longing.

His tongue probed the line of her mouth until with a gasp she parted her lips and revelled in his devastating exploration. Her hands crept around his neck as he deepened the kiss to another level that was flagrantly erotic, and she shivered with excitement when she felt his long fingers slide under her tee shirt and close around her breast.

She moaned softly and tipped her head back, allowing his mouth to graze a path down her neck to her collarbone. Reality faded, leaving her a slave to pure sensation. His breath was warm on her skin, but it was the feel of his fingers easing beneath her bra cup and stroking her nipple that caused her to shift restlessly in her seat. She wanted more, wanted more of the exquisite torture as he rolled the tight peak between his thumb and forefinger. Dear God! She wanted him to drag her shirt over her head and replace his fingers with his mouth so that she felt the lash of his tongue on her sensitised flesh.

He captured her lips once more in a searing caress, and then lifted his head to stare down at her, his amber eyes glittering like twin orbs of fire. ‘Will that suffice, Grace?’ he drawled coolly.

She drew a sharp breath and tore her gaze from the mockery in his. ‘I hate you.’ She jerked away from him and yanked her tee shirt into place, horrified at the way her nipples jutted prominently through the thin cotton. ‘I wish I could watch you burn in hell, but for now we’re stuck with each other, so let’s get on with it.’ She scrambled out of the car before he could say another word, and hurried along the pavement and up the path of Aunt Pam’s guest house, her traitorous heart leaping when Javier followed her and curled his arm around her waist.

‘Grace! Thank heavens you’re here,’ Aunt Pam greeted her. ‘Your father’s not a well man. His solicitor visited him again this morning and said something about the charges against him being dropped, but I don’t understand what’s going on.’ As she spoke her eyes settled on Javier, her curiosity tangible. ‘I didn’t realise you were bringing a friend.’

‘This is…Javier Herrera,’ Grace explained, placing a hand on her aunt’s arm when the older woman visibly flinched in shock. ‘It’s all right, Pam, we’re friends…Well, more than friends,’ she added, feeling her cheeks turn pink beneath Aunt Pam’s startled scrutiny. ‘Has Dad seen any newspapers today?’