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November Harlequin Presents 2(77)

By:Susan Stephens

‘I can’t help it,’ Grace muttered. ‘How can I look happy on the worst night of my life? Why does it matter what anyone thinks, anyway? Isn’t it common knowledge that you’re only marrying to secure your place at the head of the bank?’ She stared speculatively at Javier’s closed expression as a thought struck her. ‘Who knows about the marriage stipulation in your grandfather’s will?’

For a moment Javier looked as though he would refuse to answer. His nostrils flared, and he regarded her with such icy disdain that Grace felt like crawling beneath a stone. ‘Apart from you and me, only Carlos’s lawyer, Ramon Aguilar, is aware of the contents of the will. And that’s the way I intend it to stay,’ he added, the inherent threat in his voice causing Grace to shiver. It was difficult to read his thoughts when his eyes were shielded behind his ridiculously long black lashes, but from the stiffness of his shoulders Grace detected a hint of embarrassment.

‘Why did your grandfather insist that you must marry before you could take over as head of the bank?’ she queried, her eyes widening as she noted the dull flush of colour that ran along Javier’s cheekbones.

He shrugged dismissively. ‘He believed that if I was seen as a contented family man it would be a better image than that of a playboy. I confess I have never lived the life of a monk, querida,’ he drawled, his eyes flashing with amusement at the sight of her pink cheeks. ‘I have a…healthy sexual appetite. But Carlos deemed that my personal life could have a detrimental effect on my business judgement and lead me to make mistakes.’

‘And did it? Did you make mistakes?’ Something must have happened to make Carlos Herrera add the marriage clause to his will.

‘Only one.’ His smile faded and he subjected her to a cool stare. ‘I appointed a man called Angus Beresford to manage the British subsidiary of the bank.’

‘Oh no!’ Grace’s hands flew to her mouth. ‘Did your grandfather know…?’

‘That the man in whom I had put all my faith turned out to be a common thief who abused his position to embezzle a fortune from El Banco de Herrera? Oh yes, he knew. My grandfather made it his business to know everything. For years he groomed me to take his place as head of the bank, but when he was dying he learned of your father’s deception and it caused him to doubt my abilities as a good judge of character.’ Javier gave a mirthless laugh. ‘Carlos obviously concluded that a wife would take care of my sexual desires, leaving my mind free to focus on business.’

‘Is that so?’ Grace mumbled, feeling her heart lurch in her chest. ‘Is that how you view our marriage, Javier—as a means of convenient sexual satisfaction?’

‘I regard our marriage as a damned inconvenience,’ he informed her harshly. ‘And I have no intention of allowing anyone besides us to discover the true reason behind it. But there is a certain irony about the fact that in order to adhere to my grandfather’s demands I am to wed the daughter of the man who caused Carlos to doubt me in the first place.’ His eyes trailed a scorching path down her body and settled on the soft swell of her breasts revealed by the daring neckline of her dress. ‘Although I can see that there will be definite compensations in making you my bride, querida.’

‘What sort of compensations?’ Grace croaked as panic swept through her. She had assumed that their marriage would be in name only; it hadn’t occurred to her that Javier would expect her to fulfil the full duties of a wife. The car drew to a halt and she inhaled sharply at the sight of the assembled press pack waiting outside the hotel. She couldn’t do this, she thought frantically, tugging at the sapphire ring which seemed to be glued to her finger. She had to end it now, before her farcical engagement led to the reality of becoming Javier Herrera’s virgin bride.

‘Compensations such as this…’ Something in his voice brought her head round and she swallowed at the lambent heat in his eyes. Too late she realised his intention but before she could jerk away from him he caught hold of her chin and lowered his head.

He had kissed her briefly at the castle earlier that day—a fierce, brutal assault that had left her reeling. Remembering it, Grace steeled herself, confident that he would not draw a response from her. But, although his lips were firm on hers, they were warm and sensuous as he skilfully coaxed her mouth apart.

She should not be allowing him to do this, Grace thought dazedly, but her willpower seemed to have deserted her. If she was honest, she had fantasised about his kiss since she’d first seen him at El Castillo de Leon, and now, instead of rejecting him, she was trembling with excitement. Molten heat flooded through her veins so that she felt boneless, unable to prevent herself from leaning into him, so that she was pressed against the hard wall of his chest.