Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 2(34)

‘Hey,’ he growled, putting his hands on her shoulders. ‘You asked. And I’m trying to be honest up front. I don’t do long term.’

‘So you’re saying the sooner we get started, the sooner we get each other out of our systems, the sooner we can get back to how things used to be?’

‘That’s about the size of it.’

The waves rolled in. Joggers splashed through the shallows and moved on. The sun continued to shine down. Everything was the same and yet everything was different, and her crazy day had just defied all odds and got even crazier.

Nothing could dissuade her from the thought that the idea had some merit. Morgan was gone for maybe six weeks. And until she came back Tegan could undertake the duties on Phil Rogerson’s team as she’d agreed. She could continue to perform her sister’s role as Maverick’s PA by day and occupy his sheets by night. And, by the time Morgan came back, this brief affair would have burned out and the fires long grown cold.

She could be the good sister, the good employee, and she could safely satisfy his needs and her own desires at the same time.

It was the answer to everything.

It was perfect.

‘In that case,’ she said, turning her face up towards him, the unmitigated thrill of anticipation setting her flesh to tingling, ‘maybe the sooner we get started, the better.’

Had he been a lion, he would have roared his victory from on high for all the world to hear. As it was, the blood rushing in his ears served the same purpose—a crashing roar that heralded a victory, a triumphant roar of possession.

She came into his arms more than willingly, and as his mouth descended upon hers he knew she was his for as long as he wanted her. It was everything that he wanted.

It was everything he had craved.

And Morgan was no conniving bitch. He knew she was no more like Tina than summer was like snow. This time it would be different. This time he was making no mistakes.

He drank her in, right there on the beach, inhaling her perfume, supping on her essence. She’d run from him before, but she was no longer running. She was his for the taking. And he intended to take all he could while he could.

He broke the kiss, his chest heaving, his breathing out of control, knowing only too well that a public beach was no forum for the type of culmination to this activity that he had in mind.

He looked down into her flushed face, her glazed eyes and kiss-plumped lips. ‘What’s in the diary for the rest of the day?’

Warm hazel eyes shone back up at him, their intention clear. ‘Nothing I can’t reschedule.’

It was the right answer. He smiled his approval and gathered her in the crook of his arm before heading back along the beach towards the car. Business could wait. Today he had much higher priorities.


IT WAS a world she’d never dreamed existed, like living in a fantasy. Days and nights blurred into one long, sensual experience, with meals becoming orgies of the senses, with work becoming a journey of discovery into new and interesting ways to use office furniture.

Tegan loved the way he made her feel, loved the way he could so easily arouse her, loved nothing more than when he drove himself home inside her and brought her to completion.

And then at night he’d insist she dress up in clothes he’d had delivered especially from the best boutiques, and he’d wine and dine her in the best restaurants on the strip, then afterwards he’d take her to his island house with the glass walls and he’d make love to her all over again.

Never had the idea of going to the office been more appealing. And never had dressing for the office been more fun. Because now she wasn’t interested in repelling him, so she’d abandoned Morgan’s severe suits and pencil skirts. Now she dressed in soft fabrics that showed off her figure and teased Maverick to distraction. Now she dressed for easy access. And easy removal.

It was two o’clock in the afternoon, and Tegan leant back amongst the bubbles of the deep spa-bath and closed her eyes, letting the jets work their magic on muscles and flesh wearied by another matinee lovemaking session while she waited for Maverick to join her.

He was such a wonderful lover, she could almost forgive him his relentless pursuit of success. Almost. It was a shame they were such different people, because one day she’d love nothing more than to find a good man who could make her feel this wonderful permanently, not just for the length of a fling.

‘You look good enough to eat.’

She opened her eyes to see him standing there watching her, his eyes at her breasts, where they bobbed through the water’s surface, their pink tips fringed with foam. Her nipples peaked as he watched her, his body similarly stirring into action.