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November Harlequin Presents 2(292)

By:Susan Stephens

‘Yes, I think we’re out of the woods at last,’ Jed said. ‘But I’m afraid I do have a request. Henry wants to see you—he’d love you to come over, if you could spare us a couple of hours.’

‘Of course I can!’ Cryssie said at once. ‘When were you thinking of?’

‘Now—today—if possible. I know it’s your day for doing things, and taking Milo somewhere, but—’

‘That doesn’t matter—it’s okay,’ Cryssie said, thinking that those were trivial considerations compared with spending a short time with someone who had so recently cheated death. ‘I could leave in about half an hour or so—and I won’t stay long, because I don’t want to tire Henry out. I’m sure he’ll need a lot of rest for a while.’

‘I could come over and fetch you—’ Jed began, but she interrupted.

‘No—no, there’s no need. I know exactly how to get to you, and it would be silly, you having to make four trips.’ If she drove herself, it also meant that she could leave when she wanted to, Cryssie thought. Without waiting for Jed to make up his mind about when he would bring her back.

‘It’ll be good to see you, Cryssie,’ Jed said slowly. ‘I’ve missed you,’ he added. ‘And I’ve actually missed going to work each day. I’ve decided that I don’t much care for illness and hospitals.’

‘I’ve never met anyone yet who does,’ Cryssie replied dryly. ‘But you were right to stay there, with Alice and Henry. We must all be aware of where our priorities lie.’

They rang off just as Polly and Milo came downstairs, and Cryssie told them where she was going.

‘Can I come too, Cryssie?’ Milo asked eagerly.

‘Oh—don’t you want to go to the park after all, darling?’ Polly asked hopefully.

‘No. I want to go to Jed’s house. Please, Cryssie…can I?’

Cryssie poured some cereal into a dish for the little boy, and he clambered up into his seat at the kitchen table. ‘I’m sorry, sweetheart. You know that Jed’s father has been very ill, don’t you? You made him that lovely card, didn’t you? Well, he’s getting better, but he has to keep very quiet for a little while, so not many visitors are allowed, I’m afraid.’

‘But I wouldn’t make a noise,’ Milo persisted, picking up his spoon.

‘No, I know you wouldn’t,’ Cryssie said gently. ‘But, look, if you go with Mummy to the park this morning, I promise that I’ll take you to Jed’s house soon.’ Cryssie paused, wondering when that might be. ‘And I shan’t be late back. We’ll do something special then, okay?’

‘What like?’ Milo said grumpily.

‘The summer fair has come to town. We could go for an hour this evening.’

‘Yeah!’ Milo cried, cheering up a lot.

Presently she got dressed and went downstairs. Polly glanced at her. ‘Mmm, you look nice, Cryssie,’ she said, noting her sister’s simple white cotton blouse, and the short denim skirt which emphasised her slim legs. ‘And I like your hair done like that.’

‘Like what?’ Cryssie asked, knowing very well that she had taken more trouble with it than usual.

‘I like the knot really high on your head, with the curly strands escaping around your face…it suits you.’

‘Oh—thanks,’ Cryssie said, looking away. She had arranged it differently today, she admitted—but why? She knew the answer to that! Why was she having this tug of war with herself? she agonised silently. I want him to want me; I don’t want him to want me; I don’t want to want him!

It was almost lunchtime when she made her way slowly up the long drive at Shepherd’s Keep. It was a perfect June day, and the spring flowers she’d admired last time had been taken over by ranks of bright red tulips. Cryssie sighed. This place was like a little bit of heaven, she thought.

Seeing that another car had already been parked in front of the big wooden entrance door, she stopped a little way away, and got out just as Jed came across the garden to meet her. He looked lean and suave, dressed in chinos and an open-neck black shirt. Realising that this was the first time they’d come face to face, alone, since the night they’d been at the hospital made an unusual shyness sweep over Cryssie. She was totally confused about her true position in life, she told herself. Confused about almost everything!

But Jed was as self-possessed as ever, and he bent and claimed her lips as if it was the norm. How far they’d come, she thought. But…how? Helplessly, she didn’t resist, but closed her eyes in a kind of wonder that this man should play such havoc with her life, with her emotions. One moment she was sure that she could never trust him, the next she was certain that he was all she wanted!