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November Harlequin Presents 2(290)

By:Susan Stephens

By the time she arrived Henry had been moved into a small side ward where Jed was standing, staring out of the window. He turned quickly to see her. And, without the slightest thought that it wasn’t the thing to do, Cryssie ran across and put her arms around his waist, holding him so tightly they could have been one person. And he didn’t let her go as she buried her face in his neck, a tiny sob escaping her lips.

It didn’t take much for her to remember those other times she’d visited hospitals…holding Great-Aunt Josie’s hand as she and Polly had whispered goodbye to their parents, losing their battle to live after the accident, and then seeing Josie, who’d been so strong for them, lying inert after a fatal stroke. She and Polly had had each other to cling to then—but who did Jed have at this precise moment? No one, she thought fleetingly. He’d had to ring his PA to support him in this very human moment.

Eventually she slid away from his embrace, and together they went across to the bed where Henry lay quite still, being kept alive by wires and bubbling sachets of liquid. Still holding his hand, Cryssie looked up into Jed’s troubled face. The strong features had suddenly taken on a haggard look, she thought, and dark stubble was already forming on the line of his jaw.

‘What do they say, Jed? What have they told you?’ she whispered.

‘Not much,’ he replied quietly. ‘The next forty-eight hours are crucial, apparently. My mother is in Edinburgh, so there’s no way she can get here at this time of night. I’ve made arrangements for a flight for her in the morning—she’ll know about it at first light—and I’ve ordered a car ready to pick her up at the airport and bring her straight here. I’ve left messages with her hosts.’ He looked away for a second. ‘I…apologise…for ringing you, Cryssie,’ he said. ‘But I didn’t—’

‘You don’t need to apologise,’ Cryssie said quickly. ‘I’m glad…I’m pleased you felt you could,’ she added softly.

He gazed down at her then, for a long moment, and his eyes seemed to melt into pools of melted dark chocolate…soft, liquid, and appealing. He was appealing for warmth, compassion and understanding. And in Cryssie he’d come to the right person!

The sister came in then, to check on her patient, and she smiled at Cryssie, who was still standing close to the bed, holding Jed’s hand. She took in the girl’s appearance at a glance, taking pity on the frail figure, pale face and anxious green eyes. ‘Try not to worry too much, Mrs Hunter,’ the woman said kindly. ‘Your father-in-law is in good hands.’ She paused. ‘Would you like some tea—or coffee? I’ll get a nurse to bring you some.’

‘A cup of tea would be lovely,’ Cryssie said—almost adding, ‘And my husband would like black coffee.’ But she stopped herself in time! The sister had clearly put two and two together and come up with five. But somehow it hadn’t come as the nasty shock Cryssie might have expected!

‘Black coffee, please,’ Jed said, and the moment passed—but not before he’d caught her eye and winked, just slightly. Perhaps he hoped that the natural mistake the woman had made would set the seal on his requirements? Cryssie thought. But now was not the time to go into all that. This present trauma was a matter of life and death—and there wasn’t anything that her control freak of a boss could do about either.

Their drinks arrived, and they sat down on two hard-backed chairs.

‘I can’t really believe this is happening.’ Jed shook his head. ‘My father has been so well. He’s obviously on medication all the time, but this is totally unexpected…’

‘No one ever expects the worst to happen,’ Cryssie said slowly. ‘And when it does we’re never prepared for it. How could we be? We’re not gods…none of us…we’re just poor human beings, trying to make the best of everything, of every day. Whatever it may bring.’

Jed looked at her as if seeing her properly for the first time. Why was it that he didn’t want to take his eyes off the woman? he asked himself. As usual, there was nothing special about her appearance—she was dressed anonymously, as she normally was, her hair hanging loose around her face. Yet there was this thing about her…her simplicity, her vulnerability, her amazing stoicism and bravery. Suddenly he began to feel ashamed at the deck of cards that fate had handed him.

They drank in silence for a few moments, and, glancing across at him, Cryssie had an almost insane desire to clutch him to her and smother his face with kisses—as she did when Milo had fallen down and hurt himself. She wanted to tell Jed that it would be okay…that it would be better tomorrow…And those sudden thoughts shocked her momentarily. Had Jed been right when he’d accused her of only wanting to nurture everyone, to look after people? Was that what her instincts were really all about? But then she remembered how she’d felt when he’d enveloped her in an almost overpowering embrace! That had been her need for passionate loving from the most achingly handsome man she was ever likely to meet!