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November Harlequin Presents 2(289)

By:Susan Stephens

‘Tomorrow night, then,’ he said. ‘I’ll book a table at the Laurels—you enjoyed it last time, didn’t you?’

Later that evening, after she’d put Milo to bed, Cryssie sat down opposite Polly, who was idly flicking through a magazine. Glancing at her sister, Cryssie envied her the ability she seemed to have of switching off her troubles—she’d not referred to the matter of the stolen scarf since the evening she’d poured out her heart to Cryssie, though each time Jed’s name came up her features did express a fleeting anxiety. But that was just like Polly, Cryssie thought, she always did brush any fears under the carpet, out of sight, hoping they’d go away—or hoping that Cryssie would make them go away.

But the one that didn’t go away was fast asleep upstairs, and Cryssie smiled to herself. Sometimes a nightmare could turn into the sweetest of dreams, she thought. Then her brow furrowed. She herself had been living between those two scenarios ever since Jed Hunter had entered her life—and it wasn’t over yet! Yes, she still had her job—and, yes, all her colleagues and friends at Hydebound had theirs. The reaction to the news that afternoon, when Jed had explained what he intended doing, had been one hundred per cent in favour. The relief had naturally been spontaneous and genuine, and Cryssie had joined in with the general surprise and gratitude, being careful not to look at Jed, because she’d known what she’d see in those penetrating black eyes. Total smug satisfaction! But in spite of all the positives, the mountain she still had to climb was her decision about his proposal of marriage. That was something that would not go away—not something that could be brushed under the carpet—because she knew he wouldn’t give up until he’d beaten her into submission. The thought made her want to scream, because it went against all her natural instincts of survival. And it was a quandary she’d never had to face before.

‘I had an important meeting with Jed today,’ Cryssie said now, and Polly looked up from what she was reading. ‘Hydebound is going to re-open at Latimer’s,’ Cryssie said briefly, ‘so the other idea I told you about is out of the window. It’s not going to happen.’

‘Well, that’s a relief all round, isn’t it?’ Polly faltered, her colour rising at the mere name of the shop, which she’d kept well clear of lately. ‘So we won’t have to worry about money, will we, Cryssie? I mean, if things hadn’t worked out we could have ended up penniless!’

Money. That was the bottom line in Polly’s book, Cryssie thought. And in someone else’s she could mention! Well, somehow she was going to have to keep her job and keep him at bay at the same time. Because she was more convinced than ever that she could not marry a man who was so obsessed with getting his own way that he would allow nothing to obstruct his plans.

Much later, after Polly had gone to bed, the phone rang and Cryssie’s heart leapt. That had to be Jed—no one else would ring at this hour!

‘Cryssie? I’m at the General Hospital…’

‘Why…? What is it…? Are you hurt…?’ Her mouth went dry. He’d had an accident! ‘Are you…all right…?’

‘Yes, yes, it’s okay—I’m all right. It’s my father…he’s had a heart attack.’ There was a pause. ‘He’s in a pretty bad way, I’m afraid…’

‘Oh, Jed! I’m so sorry!’ Cryssie’s mind immediately conjured up a vision of that handsome silver-haired man lying helpless in a hospital bed. ‘What…when did this happen?’

‘A couple of hours ago. I was working in the office at Shepherd’s Keep—my mother is away staying with friends—and I heard a crash. He’d collapsed in the hallway. The ambulance came pretty quickly, but—’

‘I’m coming over,’ Cryssie said at once. ‘It’ll take me about forty-five minutes from here.’

‘Oh…are you sure, Cryssie…Would you mind? It’s late.’

‘I’m coming over.’

Driving as fast as her ancient car would allow, Cryssie made for the local General Hospital, feeling as anxious and fearful as if this was someone of her own. Henry was a big, powerful man…Who could begin to imagine those black, twinkling eyes closed perhaps for ever? And Jed’s voice on the phone…Strong as ever, but tonight it had seemed different. He clearly wanted someone there with him. Alice was obviously too far away to get there quickly—so he’d rung Cryssie! A surprising warmth ran through her body as she thought about it. At this moment Jeremy Hunter’s need had nothing to do with business, or profit and loss. What he was experiencing now was a natural human desire to be close to someone he trusted, who could support him as he watched his father lie seriously ill.