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November Harlequin Presents 2(288)

By:Susan Stephens

‘Well? Are you in favour of the transfer, Crystal?’

She waited a few seconds before saying bluntly, ‘I shall never forgive you.’

He raised both hands in mock surprise. ‘Why? What is there to forgive? Aren’t I doing exactly what you—of all people—wanted?’

‘How could you do that to me? I still can’t believe it!’ she said angrily, colour rising in her cheeks. ‘You said that you and the family have been considering this…Why, then, didn’t you tell me the other night? Didn’t you think I’d be interested?’

He came from behind the desk towards her, and she automatically backed away defensively. Suddenly she realised that she didn’t want to trust this man any more—anything he said or did, anything about him. He was unknowable!

‘Look, I’ve explained that moving Hydebound over to Latimer’s is something the family have discussed before,’ he said slowly, ‘but we talked it over again yesterday, and we’re in favour of giving it a go.’ He paused. ‘And I’m willing to bet that Hydebound stands a better chance of survival under the Latimer’s roof than by giving it a new name and sticking it in a field somewhere. Impressed though I was at the courageous notion,’ he added briefly.

By this time Cryssie’s heart rate had begun to quieten, and she took a long, deep breath. What was this man like? She leant against a chair for a moment. ‘And I take it that my own position is—’ she began. He interrupted.

‘Exactly the same as before. You are employed by the Hunter group, and whether you actually sit in the office at Latimer’s, or come with me elsewhere is neither here nor there. For the moment. And it’s no one else’s business, either.’ He smiled down at her darkly. ‘It’ll be easy for you now, Cryssie. No eyebrows will be raised when we’re together. They’ll all have what they want—their future security—and I’ll have what I want.’ He paused for a second. ‘I’ll have you.’

Suddenly the simple truth hit Cryssie with such unbelievable force that she nearly fainted. Surely, she thought, Jeremy Hunter would not go to such lengths just to get his own way in the matter of acquiring the assistant he wanted! The idea was so preposterous that she almost laughed out loud—a hysterical giggle that she knew wouldn’t stop if she allowed it to start! The man was a monster if that was the case! It couldn’t be that important to him, she thought. Even if the Hydebound staff were equal beneficiaries of his determination. But she was beginning to know Mr Jeremy Hunter, and the way his mind ticked! She felt sure her intuition was correct. Nothing would stand in the way of his wishes—whatever it took!

‘I just don’t believe you, Jed,’ she said slowly. ‘I don’t believe you could have come to such an important decision virtually overnight.’

He shrugged, and now he put a hand on her arm, making her flinch. ‘Believe what you like, Cryssie,’ he said quietly. ‘But before my hotel is up and running Hydebound will have recommenced operations under the Latimer’s banner.’ He treated her to another of his devastating slow smiles. ‘A good result all round—wouldn’t you agree?’

Of course! It was just that—a good result, business as usual, ends neatly tied, Cryssie thought. She should have been feeling over the moon at the news, but she didn’t. She felt wary and disturbed, her mind a kaleidoscope of shifting patterns. There was so much she liked about Jeremy Hunter, but his self-centred, thrusting determination to get exactly what he wanted at all times could be a distinctly unpleasant characteristic—and one which she’d seen enough of to last a lifetime! But then she remembered how wonderful he’d been with Milo at Shepherd’s Keep, so obviously enjoying the little boy’s company. He’d changed from a hard-nosed business executive into a totally relaxed individual, reliving his own childhood. And what about everything else? When they’d touched, when he’d held her…She shivered visibly as her mind ran on like a runaway train.

Afterwards, she couldn’t remember how long they must have stood there in complete silence, but finally as she turned to leave the room, he said, ‘We have plenty of things to discuss, Cryssie. I’m sure you will agree that there are some important details still to be sorted and, since there’s no time like the present, perhaps you’d allow me to buy you dinner tonight?’

‘No—I’m sorry…I’m not free tonight,’ Cryssie said firmly. ‘Some other time.’ The only thing she wanted to do was to stay at home, shut the doors and hide under the bed! she thought. The thought of spending about four hours in close proximity to Jeremy Hunter discussing ‘important’ details was the most unattractive prospect she could envisage!