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November Harlequin Presents 2(287)

By:Susan Stephens

Then a slow smile spread across his masterful features, which were strongly outlined in the reflective light from the powerful instrument panel in front of him. All right then, he thought, with more than a hint of satisfaction. He had no intention of being thwarted at this stage of his life by a mere slip of a girl who didn’t know what was good for her! Arriving home, he accelerated into the drive and crunched to a stop in front of the big oak doors. There were winners and losers in any skirmish, he thought, and he’d make damned sure which one he’d be! Whatever it took!


THE next day, the atmosphere at Hydebound was charged with a tangible electricity as realisation of the step they were taking dawned. The employees’ plan for the firm was still very new, but already everyone was imagining how it would get started, and whether the transition would prove more difficult than they expected. Although the concept was generally approved of, there was an undeniable anxiety underlying the optimism. What if it all went wrong? Were they up to the mammoth task of going it alone? And what would be the reaction from Jeremy Hunter when he heard about it? Not that it would be any of his business now, everyone argued.

Cryssie kept her head down during all the discussions, offering only vague comments, but knowing very well that when Jed put in an appearance she was going to have great difficulty in not betraying her feelings. She was now exactly where she had been on New Year’s Eve, when he’d first arrived on the scene, she thought dully, with all her emotions at basement level. She was just another member of staff, with no special privileges, no expectations—and no pressures. But how could she pretend that everything that had happened between her and the man was nothing—of no importance? It had been the most highly coloured episode of her entire life—dazzlingly, blindingly, so! And its impact had left her feeling as if she had been put through a mangle.

That Friday Cryssie was alone, sitting at her desk sifting through some of the final invoices, when her internal phone rang.

‘Come into my office, please.’ Jed’s curt voice sent her heart straight into her mouth. She hadn’t even realised he’d arrived! His interest in the place had seemed to be getting less and less as the end was approaching.

‘Do you want to see any…files…records…?’ she asked, trying not to let her voice sound as pathetic and little-girly as it seemed to her.

‘No. No…thank you.’

Cryssie made a face to herself. He was in masterful mode!

She entered his office without knocking, and he got up from his chair to face her. His hair was in need of a trim, she thought involuntarily, with long boyish fronds curling into the nape of his neck below his crisp white collar. But he looked even more fatally handsome than ever, and Cryssie had to look away quickly. Could it only have been two days ago that they’d sat together in the pub while she’d given him the decision he hadn’t wanted to hear? It seemed more like two years!

Now, she gazed at him steadily, and his own expression was equally determined. He didn’t ask her to sit down.

‘I’ve got some important news I think may interest you,’ he said, coming straight to the point as usual, and Cryssie’s mouth went dry. What was coming this time?

‘I thought you ought to know that we intend converting part of the fourth floor of Latimer’s to accommodate Hydebound, so that it can continue trading,’ he announced. He was in Managing Director mode, not expecting any interruption—and he didn’t get any because Cryssie was dumbstruck! ‘It’s actually been under review by the family before,’ he went on, ‘but we’ve now come to the conclusion that it would probably do very well. Initial costs will be absorbed by the rest of the store, and your loyal customers will soon get used to coming into town to buy their specialist leatherwork.’

If he’d just said that he was taking the whole place, lock, stock and barrel, on a trip to the moon, the effect could not have been more dramatic. Cryssie was almost knocked sideways.

‘Naturally,’ Jed said smoothly, ‘I’m calling everyone in this afternoon to let them know, and to find out whether anyone wants to resign. And, more importantly, to know who’s coming with us.’ He paused, his eyes glinting with satisfaction at the effect his bombshell had had on Cryssie. ‘And of course I expect…I’m anticipating…your opinion on the matter.’

For a few moments they stared at each other in complete silence. Then he quirked one eyebrow, his firm mouth betraying the merest hint of amusement, and it made Cryssie fume inwardly.