Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 2(273)

‘I did. First time,’ Cryssie said at once. ‘Our great-aunt was a bit old-fashioned, but she knew a thing or two, and she passed a lot of it on to us…me.’ She paused. ‘We lived with her after our parents were killed in an accident. We were just children at the time.’

There was silence for a moment, then Jed said quietly, ‘That must have been a very tough deal…I’m sorry…’

Cryssie shrugged. ‘Well, you know…kids are resilient. And Josie was always kind to us.’ She paused. ‘I’m glad she was no longer around when Polly got pregnant.’ She looked across ruefully. ‘So, you see, all the worrying has been passed on to me.’

Jed didn’t reply to that.

He cleared his throat. ‘Did you manage to sort things out at home? Will Milo forgive me for taking you away for the day?’

Cryssie smiled faintly, and nodded. ‘He’s going to see the latest kids’ film this afternoon, with Polly.’ She turned to look at Jed, her chest tightening. His powerful masculinity exuded from him with every movement he made, and a tremor ran through her which she tried to stifle. She waited a few moments before going on. ‘What exactly is happening today?’ she asked, returning her gaze to the road ahead.

‘Something I hope I’ll be able to sort out,’ he said. ‘But I thought it might be useful for you to come along and look the place over—see the sort of enterprise I’m involved with for future reference.’ He paused. ‘I’ve been so caught up with things at Hydebound I’m afraid I’ve let one or two other matters slip, so I’ve got some catching up to do. I haven’t had time to put in an appearance at this hotel for a bit, and I like to keep my finger on every button where possible.’ He frowned impatiently. ‘It’s something to do with the staff, by the sound of it, and I could do without that at the moment. It’s bad enough trying to make a decent profit these days, without blasted personnel problems.’

‘Personnel are people—human beings with feelings,’ Cryssie said at once. ‘If something’s wrong, there’s bound to be a good reason.’

‘I know that,’ Jed said, ‘and that’s what I’m hoping to find out.’ He frowned. ‘It can be difficult to get to the heart of a situation…People don’t always say what they mean. To me, at any rate.’ There was a brief silence, and then, without looking at her, he said, ‘It’s good you’re coming with me today. And, by the way, I shall pay you your first new paycheque next week…Obviously it won’t go through the office accounts at Hydebound.’

He turned to look at her, taking in her appearance in one swift glance. ‘And today we’ll drop down into Bath and visit a department store in Milsom Street—I know one of the buyers there—and purchase a warmer coat for you.’ He paused. ‘I noticed that you shivered just now, and the one you’re wearing is—’

‘Is not very nice at all,’ Cryssie interrupted quickly. ‘And I’ve had it for years. But when I see the price of them in the shops I can’t justify spending that sort of money. This one is perfectly serviceable,’ she added defiantly, ‘and, since I’m not at all interested in fashion, the fact that it’s not up to the minute doesn’t faze me in the slightest.’ She tried not to let her annoyance at his remarks show, but he’d better not think he was going to take over her life completely!

He glanced at the dashboard clock. ‘There’s plenty of time to shop before we go over the bridge,’ he said casually.

Cryssie gave him a sharp look. So he didn’t want to be seen out and about with her dressed as she was today! And if it meant forking out for a new coat it would be worth it to him, as a face-saving exercise. She pursed her lips to stop herself from making an ungracious retort as these thoughts filtered through her mind.

As soon as they entered the long-established store, Cryssie was aware straight away of the attention that Jed attracted. He strode in front of her towards the ladies’ wear department, and spoke briefly to the first assistant he came across.

‘Is Ms Fletcher in today? Would you mention my name—Jeremy Hunter—and ask if she could spare us a few minutes?’

Almost at once Ms Fletcher gushingly presented herself.

‘Jeremy!’ The voice was audible to everyone within fifty feet. ‘Why didn’t you ring to say you were coming? I’d have put out the red carpet!’

Jeremy smiled darkly at the woman, and planted a brief kiss on both her cheeks. ‘Hello, Lucinda. Good to see you again.’ He paused. ‘My assistant wants to buy a coat to wrap herself in against this cold wind.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘Impress me—we’ve about forty minutes.’