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November Harlequin Presents 2(262)

By:Susan Stephens

‘Cryssie—the Lewises were ready to file for bankruptcy. Surely you must have realised?’

Cryssie had to admit that she’d had no idea things were that bad.

‘I’ve at least saved the brothers from that ignominy,’ Jed went on. ‘I’ve settled all their debts, including their tax and VAT, so they’ve been able to leave with their heads held up, because all the town knows is that they’ve sold out and retired. Perfectly natural after forty-five years of popular trading.’ He looked down at her, waiting for her to say something. ‘And,’ he added, ‘I’ve paid well over the odds for Hydebound, because it’s the land that I’m interested in. It’s a very valuable site, and it’ll be money well spent.’

By this time Cryssie’s role as provider for the family had reasserted its importance in her mind and she hesitated. ‘So…you need me—’ she began, and he interrupted her.

‘Yes. And you need me, Cryssie.’ He paused, ready with the knock-out blow. ‘And Milo needs me. Or he needs my money. As I’ve said, you can count on a more than favourable salary for as long as you want it. Life will be easier—a lot easier—for the family. Doesn’t that make any difference?’

It made all the difference! And they both knew it. Cryssie groaned. ‘No one will ever speak to me again,’ she said. ‘When they find out that I’m the only one to be given future employment. How can I cope with that? We’re all friends here!’

‘You’ll cope with it by not saying a word,’ he replied evenly, now totally Mr Big, ready with all the answers. ‘You’ll be here for the next few months, as will everyone else, and there’s no need for anyone to know a thing until the heat has died down. After that—well, who knows what will happen?’

‘If the plans for the hotel go through—’ Cryssie began, and he interrupted again.

‘Oh, they’ll go through,’ he said at once, and Cryssie shot him a quick glance. Of course they would—if Mr Jeremy Hunter said so! ‘The hotel will be up and running on this site in eighteen months—or less, if I get my way.’

You’ll get your way, Cryssie thought. Mr Unstoppable!

But he was right about the most important thing in all this, and her common sense prevailed. She knew that for Polly and Milo’s sake she couldn’t refuse this once-in-a-lifetime offer. But she still could not fathom why she was his choice of personal assistant. There must be many whom he’d be proud to be seen with, who could provide exactly what he needed. Finally, she turned to look up at him, her mouth firm.

‘Then…I accept your offer,’ she said, in a tone of regret, and she watched the slow smile of conquest cross his elegant features. And that irritated her, because she knew that he had won.

‘Thank you, Crystal…Cryssie!’ he amended quickly. ‘You won’t regret it.’

‘I sincerely hope not,’ she said pertly. She hesitated. ‘I’d better go, or Rose will wonder what on earth you had to say to me.’

Turning, she walked swiftly across the room and threw open the door—to find Rose standing there, transfixed, with a look of total incredulity on her face. A massive wave of horror swept over Cryssie as she realised that the woman must have been outside all the time. Help! She might easily have witnessed the physical encounter between her and Jed through the partially glazed door panel!

‘What the hell was all that about?’ the woman said. ‘I couldn’t quite catch all of it, but I saw…Did he force himself on you?’

‘Well, hardly,’ Cryssie denied, closing the door behind her. ‘And what you saw was anger, Rose—total, uncontrollable anger.’

‘What do you mean? What at?’

‘Oh—at something I said,’ Cryssie said quickly. ‘I was totally out of order, and he couldn’t take it. It was too much, coming from someone like me! What you saw was the typical reaction of some men when they’re infuriated. They show their annoyance in that way to regain their self-belief. It’s a male thing,’ she added. ‘He sort of pushed into me—pushed me away—that’s all,’ Cryssie went on, hoping that all this was making sense.

‘It looked a bit more than that to me,’ Rose said, throwing Cryssie a shrewd look. ‘And if you want to take it further I’ll be your witness!’

‘It won’t come to that,’ Cryssie said at once. ‘I don’t hold with going to law at every opportunity. Anyway, it wasn’t anything that would stand up in court.’ She hesitated. ‘Don’t worry about me, Rose. I can look after myself.’