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November Harlequin Presents 2(258)

By:Susan Stephens

Swallowing hard, she reached for the bottle of water she kept by her side and sipped. She must keep reminding herself that so far as the man was concerned the evening had been inconsequential, unimportant. It must be obvious to him that she could never compete with all the women he had bedded in his lifetime, and from a sexual point of view she had nothing that would satisfy him. She knew that. And she cringed again as she remembered his almost curt directive that their evening and night together must remain a closely guarded secret. The thought of her name being linked with his in any other way than business would hardly add to his professional or personal standing! However much he’d tried to excuse his directive! Well, as she had assured him, her lips were sealed.

Almost at the end of the day, the internal buzzer sounded and Cryssie was summoned to enter the office so recently vacated by the Lewis brothers. She couldn’t help feeling a tinge of sadness to see their place taken by someone else—even if it was by the rich and gorgeous Mr J. Hunter!

He stood up as she came in, indicating the chair at the other side of the desk where he was sitting. In spite of herself Cryssie felt her mouth dry up as she looked at him squarely. Even someone like Rose—well on in years and happily married—had made it clear that she would find a night alone with the man appealing! And today, in this dusty office, he was certainly that. He was well turned out, as always, but his dark hair seemed to fall more carelessly over his forehead than usual, and it made Cryssie want to put out her hand and smooth it gently. Stop! she told herself. That night is history! Any such familiar thoughts were out of order! And, as well as that, these teenage feelings were not part of her agenda—they had been buried long ago. But she realised with growing concern that he was filling more of her thoughts than was good for her—for either of them. She must keep her eye firmly fixed on the goal ahead—which was to constantly improve her prospects so that she need never feel afraid for Milo and his future.

‘Sit down, Cryssie,’ he said formally, and their eyes locked for a second as he looked across at her. ‘I take it that your family were not unduly alarmed at your delay in returning home from the Laurels?’ he added quietly.

‘They weren’t alarmed at all, thank you,’ Cryssie answered—which was true. Polly had barely expressed any interest in what the ‘meeting’ had been about, her only reaction being amusement in seeing Cryssie turning up still dressed in her long frock. But Milo had rushed into her arms and showered her with kisses, demanding that she must come and play with him.

Jed didn’t even bother to open the file with her name on it, but leaned back and glanced up at her from beneath his dark eyebrows, his expression cool. Cryssie would have loved to be able to read his thoughts…Did they match her own? she wondered. The memory of their time together would be impinged for ever on her consciousness!

‘I have very little to discuss with you,’ he said casually. ‘I think we know each other reasonably well, and you’ve told me most of what I need to know.’ He paused. ‘The Lewises have given you a very good recommendation, saying that your figures were always in order and everyone got paid on time.’ Cryssie said nothing, so he continued. ‘Also that you are very popular with the rest of the staff. Relationships are important,’ he added, shooting her a quick glance.

‘In a close-knit environment that’s certainly true,’ Cryssie ventured. ‘But the staff are really happy here—happy with their lot.’

She hoped he was getting her message: that he shouldn’t start making a clean sweep through the firm, upsetting everything and everybody.

‘Our previous discussions have made my meeting now with you unnecessary,’ he went on coolly, ‘but I thought it might look strange not to ask you to come in as everyone else has done.’

But of course, Cryssie thought—don’t let’s forget our big secret!

He looked up then, and added, ‘So that will be all, for the moment.’

Looking at her, as she sat with her hands clasped anxiously in her lap, suddenly made him want to say something to reassure her. But instead he got up abruptly, indicating that the meeting was over.

Cryssie waited for a second before throwing discretion to the winds. ‘I…we…are all very anxious to know what your plans are, Mr Hunter. No one feels safe. Will we all have our jobs next year?’ She swallowed. Why was she bothering to ask him? she thought. Wasn’t he just the sort of employer she’d vowed never to work for ever again? But for the moment she couldn’t afford to be choosy! She needed the money!