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November Harlequin Presents 2(254)

By:Susan Stephens

‘It will give me great pleasure to allow you to have the use of the bed yourself, Jed,’ she said defiantly, ‘because I won’t be sleeping on either side.’ She glanced down. ‘This will suit me just great, as long as I can have a blanket and a pillow.’ She glared up at him. ‘I’ll be fine,’ she added, realising that although in one way she felt absolutely shattered, she was now wide awake and in charge of her emotions, and it filled her with a sense of superiority.

He shook his head gently from side to side as she spoke, as he might at a difficult child. ‘We could put something down the middle of the bed, you know—to keep us well apart…’ he began, then stopped as she turned to give him another mouthful. ‘Okay, okay, Cryssie—anything you say,’ he said quickly. He took off his jacket and draped it over the back of a chair, and Cryssie swallowed. Was the man going to start undressing in front of her? she thought. ‘Why don’t you use the facilities first?’ he added, in a conciliatory tone. ‘Take your time. Don’t mind me.’

Thankful for the chance to escape before he took off anything else, Cryssie went immediately into the adjoining bathroom and shut and locked the door. Sitting on the edge of the bath for a moment, with her head in her hands, she wondered how on earth she’d landed in this predicament. The stuff of silly dreams! Whatever would Polly say if she ever dared tell her—or anyone else, for that matter—how, where and with whom she’d been forced to spend the night?

Standing up slowly, she looked around her. Hung up against the door were two white towelling robes—great! She would sleep very comfortably in one of those, she thought. She slipped out of her dress and underwear, thinking that it was a bit late to have a bath, but a warm shower suddenly seemed irresistible. She switched it on, grateful for all the complementary toiletries there on the shelf, and she soaped and shampooed luxuriously, suddenly feeling up-beat for a brief second or two. After all, she’d never stayed in a place like this, nor spent a night in any hotel in her life. This was luxury, and she should try and enjoy it, she told herself.

Then she thought of what—or who—was on the other side of the door, and her mood plummeted again instantly. She’d better hurry and take up her position on that sofa—and pray that morning and a rapid thaw would come quickly! And that this whole episode could be over with and forgotten—if that were possible!

Using one of the several huge white fluffy towels, she dried herself, and her hair, as best she could…there didn’t seem to be a hairdryer—completing the exercise with the liberal use of the powder and fragrances so thoughtfully supplied. Then, taking a deep breath, she opened the door softly, peeping out, hoping that Jed would be already fast asleep, and that no more words need be said that night.

No such luck. As she emerged he was there, totally undressed apart from a pair of boxers, stretched out casually on the bed, with his hands clasped behind his head. Cryssie caught her breath, for even with the quickest of glances that she’d shot him she was breathtakingly aware of the mat of dark hair under his armpits and across his sun-tanned chest, of his long legs and taut, muscular thighs, all encompassing a finely toned and athletic, vigorous body.

She averted her eyes quickly, before there was time to admire anything else! And he watched her as she padded across the room in her bare feet. He smiled inwardly. She was certainly nature unadorned, he thought, with her long, damp hair curling around her shoulders, her body completely concealed amongst the folds of the over-sized robe. Yet, oddly, the healthily natural picture she presented was as acutely desirable as any of the women he’d ever met.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed and made for the bathroom. ‘You smell wonderful,’ he said, glancing across at her.

‘Thanks to the management,’ Cryssie said coolly. ‘I’ve left plenty for you.’

He turned as if to say something, then thought better of it and went into the bathroom. Cryssie noted with a stab of appreciation that he’d made her up a bed on the sofa. He had taken the duvet and made a sort of nest, complete with two pillows, leaving himself just one, plus a cover. She hoped he’d be warm enough—then she shrugged. Jed Hunter was well able to take care of himself—and so was she! She snuggled down, thinking that ever since she and Mr Jeremy Hunter had met her life seemed to have been running away with her! And she was having difficulty keeping up!

It was surprisingly comfortable on the sofa, she thought—though it was a good thing she wasn’t any taller, since her toes just reached the bottom edge. All in all, things could be worse, she thought sleepily, and whatever she thought of the man, one thing was certain—he was not likely to ravish her, to overpower her. Enveloped in her cosy cocoon, she smiled to herself. What a shame for poor Jeremy Hunter that he’d picked the wrong woman to help him celebrate the start of the new year! Because he could get lost if he’d ever thought of her as a one-night stand!