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November Harlequin Presents 2(252)

By:Susan Stephens

‘Quite a few of the guests live fairly close by, apparently, and will have no problem walking home. Some might even make it in their cars, with a bit of luck—if they haven’t got that far to go. But I’m afraid those of us living in town haven’t a hope in hell.’

‘Well, we shall all just have to start walking back together, then,’ Cryssie said firmly. ‘There’s safety in numbers, and it shouldn’t take that long, should it?’ She stood up, suddenly feeling alert and decisive.

‘No, Cryssie,’ Jed said patiently. ‘I thought you were a bright girl. Just think of the dress you’re wearing, the jacket you came in, and your…um…sandals.’ He glanced down at her feet, and Cryssie winced as he itemised her rather pathetic outfit. ‘How far do you think you’d get in those?’

‘I take your point,’ she said stoutly. ‘But I’ll be fine—honestly,’ she added. ‘If we walk briskly I’ll keep warm enough, and wet feet aren’t the most life-threatening things in the world, are they? I’ll survive.’

Her words sounded bright enough, but she had to admit to a sinking feeling as she spoke. It would not be easy, she realised that, trudging through snowdrifts, but what other option was there? It didn’t even occur to her to consider his own mode of dress—as equally unsuitable as hers for this sort of situation. The only thing on her mind was that they should depart from this place, and the sooner the better!

He put his hands on her shoulders and looked down into her upturned face, into her green eyes which were bright and alive, like those of a small animal facing a predator. ‘Cryssie—I’m sorry—but there is no way we can get home tonight. It would be madness to attempt driving—we’d probably get stuck, unable to move forward or back. And walking is not an option—for either of us. It’s much too far. We shall just have to sit this out until the morning, when it’s light and we can see more clearly what’s ahead of us.’ He dropped his hands to his sides and shrugged. ‘I’m sorry. I—no one—had any idea that this would happen. It’s just one of those things.’

Cryssie stared at him blankly for a moment, her brain suddenly refusing to function. ‘So what are we going to do, then? Stay here all night?’ she demanded. ‘We can’t do that—I must get home. They’ll wonder what’s happened—Polly will be frantic!’ Well, when she eventually wakes up, Cryssie thought briefly. Her sister was not an early riser, and hadn’t managed to get Milo his breakfast for years.

‘Well, I’m sure your sister will put two and two together,’ Jed said dryly. ‘Ring her now, leave a message on the answer-machine, or send her a text explaining the situation so that she knows when she wakes up. Really, Cryssie, don’t look so…dramatic,’ he added, noting her desperate expression. ‘This is not the beginning of the end of the world.’

Cryssie plonked herself down on her chair. How on earth was she going to sit here all night making small talk with Jed Hunter? She was suddenly dead tired, and, sighing deeply, she raised her eyes to his.

‘Well, it’s a good thing it’s Bank Holiday tomorrow—or should I say today?’ she said. ‘Because I’m fit for nothing if I don’t get my sleep. I’m afraid you wouldn’t have your money’s worth out of me if we had to go to work in the morning.’

‘Oh, I’ll make sure you get your sleep,’ he assured her. ‘Even if it is to be a short night.’

‘And how exactly are you going to do that?’ she retorted, feeling alarmed and distinctly rattled at the way things were turning out. ‘I can’t sleep sitting up…’

‘You won’t have to,’ he said briefly. ‘They’re letting me have one of their rooms.’

‘Uh? What do you mean?’ she asked stupidly. ‘This is not a hotel—it’s a restaurant.’

‘It’s a hotel-restaurant—with a few rooms. Four, to be exact,’ Jed explained patiently. ‘And we, and a few others, have been lucky enough to be allotted one. The less fortunate will be making themselves comfortable wherever they can.’

Naturally! Cryssie thought at once. He’d said he had a financial interest in the place, so they’d make sure Jed Hunter’s needs were taken care of!

Just then, the manager came up to them. ‘Everything’s ready for you, Mr Hunter,’ the man said. ‘Room one—at the top of the staircase.’ He smiled down at Cryssie. ‘These are not the usual circumstances under which we welcome our guests,’ he said cheerfully, ‘but it’s a very comfortable room—the best one, actually,’ he added. ‘You’ll find everything you need there.’