Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 2(23)

‘It’s Friday.’

Maverick’s scowl deepened. ‘And?’

Like she was going to explain it? She shrugged, belying the sheer intoxication of it all. Success fizzed like champagne in her veins. ‘Everyone loves Fridays.’ Especially me, she thought, especially today.

‘You have plans?’

Just picking up my sister tomorrow from the airport and reclaiming my life! She couldn’t help but smile up at him, despite his scowl. Or maybe because of it. ‘Just the usual,’ she said.

He made a sound like a snarl and headed back to his office.

Maverick had never seen her smile so much. He threw himself into his chair and regarded his desk solemnly. Instead of warming to him like he’d planned, in the last few days she’d kept her distance, keeping any and all contact with him to a minimum, her hazel eyes chilled to ice chips. For days she’d never sent so much as a smile his way. Now her face was lit up brighter than a Christmas tree.

And he had the uncomfortable feeling she wasn’t smiling with him—she was smiling at him.

And he didn’t like it one bit.

His computer registered incoming email. Half-heartedly he glanced over, sitting up in his chair when he recognised the sender. He opened the mail and read.

‘Yes!’ he yelled, slamming his fist onto the desk before picking up his phone and dialling.

She’d closed down her computer and cleaned up the desk. Her glance moved over a wad of papers sitting in the filing tray and Tegan smiled to herself. Welcome home, Morgan.

She pulled her handbag strap over her shoulder and sighed, a long, cathartic ‘glad to be done’ sigh. It was over. All that remained was to say goodnight to Maverick and she’d be gone. She’d never have to see him again. She’d never have to put up with his dark gunslinger good looks or hot and heavy glances. She’d never more have to endure his heated magnetism.

She’d never have to endure another kiss.

Something squeezed down tight inside her. Who was she trying to kid? His kisses had never been something to endure. Instead they’d been like an awakening. And now, for ever, she’d be left wondering how it might have been if things had been different and she’d been in a position where she didn’t have to reject his advances, where she could have allowed Maverick to awaken every last part of her.

Now she’d never know.

She took a deep breath. It was for the best. She knew that. Taking care of her sister’s job for the week had never included taking care of her boss.

It was time to go. She headed through the anteroom to say goodnight and slammed into a wall coming out.

‘Morgan!’ She felt his big hands steady her momentarily, before feeling herself lifted from the ground and spun around in his arms. He set her back down without letting go of her, leaving her breathless and dizzy, and looked down, his dark eyes glinting, his mouth curved into a wicked smile. ‘Giuseppe Zeppa’s regained consciousness and demanding to know why the deal hasn’t been stitched up. He’s giving them hell over there.’

She couldn’t help but smile back at him, knowing what it meant to him, his excitement infectious. ‘That’s great. I’m really pleased.’

‘And I’ve just been on the phone to Rogerson, who can’t wait to get started.’

His eyes crinkled and he looked her over, taking in her bag at her shoulder. ‘What are you doing?’

‘I’m going home. I was just coming to say goodnight.’

‘Not now, you’re not. This calls for a celebration. We’re going out for dinner.’

She tried to take a step back, but he still had hold of her arms. ‘Maverick, I don’t think—’

‘Rogerson’s expecting you to be there. I promised him you’d come along.’

‘You had no right!’

‘Why? You said you had nothing special happening. What have you got to lose?’

Just my resolve. She looked down at her clothes. ‘I can’t go out like this. I’m not dressed for dinner.’

‘It’s still early. I’ll drive you home and you can get changed.’

Her arms tingled where he held her; every part of her seemed to hum with his proximity, and temptation hung thick on the air. She’d almost escaped. She’d almost been home free, and now she was facing one last evening with him.

But why did the thought of that thrill her more than it should? It was a business dinner—admittedly a celebration, but with Phil Rogerson and the legal and financial teams there what could possibly happen? And yet still she felt a bubble of glee that her time with Maverick need not come to an end just yet.

‘Okay,’ she agreed on an impulse she hoped she didn’t live to regret. ‘Seeing Phil asked me too, I’ll come.’