Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 2(228)

‘Sorry to keep disappearing!’ He didn’t sound remotely so, his distraction evident as he smoothed the evening along, working the tables, delivering a rousing speech with such impeccable wit and timing that even Lily was left reeling, wondering how on earth he managed it all. But when the tables had been cleared, when a very perfunctory dance had been all she’d been awarded by the master, when the other couples at the table were up dancing and even Emma and Jim were running out of polite conversation, Lily’s patience started to run out.

Just where the hell was he?

Staring beyond Emma, her eyes working the room to find him, with a jolt she saw them by the door. She watched as Hunter lowered his head to talk to Abigail, saw her red talons wrap around his arm as she gave him a tender squeeze, her beautiful, cunning face smiling tenderly at him. Lily felt the knife inside her twist further as, in an intimate gesture, Abigail stroked his hair back from his forehead, touched him in a way surely only a lover would.

The last flicker of false hope was doused for ever as he wrapped his arms around her and they wandered, entwined, out of the ballroom.

As he utterly humiliated her.

And all Lily knew was that she couldn’t go on like this—couldn’t sit in a ballroom, even if it was for charity, just to keep up appearances. Knew that with every day that passed her normality faded, that with every kiss, with every night spent in his arms it became easier to forgive the unthinkable, easier to accept that little piece of him he offered than to be left with nothing at all.

‘Excuse me!’ Picking up her bag, Lily tried to disappear without making a scene, tried to pretend she was just nipping out to the loo, but Emma’s eyes were frowning.

‘Is everything OK, Lily?’ she checked. ‘Wait a second and I’ll come with you.’

Which put paid to her rapid exit.

‘I know he’s practically ignored you all night.’ Emma chewed her lip nervously as Lily blew her nose into a handkerchief, hateful tears escaping the second they hit the ladies’. ‘But that’s the way he is when he’s working—and tonight is work, Lily. I haven’t even told him about Jim and I. Once this ball’s over things will calm down. He should never have taken it on.’

‘It isn’t that…’ Lily snapped her lips together, Emma absolutely the last person she could reveal her plight to, but it scared her how much she wanted to. ‘I’m just being silly…’ Lily attempted a smile, but it was a rather poor effort.

‘Come out and have some champagne.’

‘I’ll just stay here for a bit.’ Lily shook her head. ‘Try and make myself presentable.’

‘Alone?’ Emma checked, and Lily nodded, tears welling again in her eyes as Emma turned her wheelchair and left, smiling at her proud independence as she negotiated the doors. Knowing their friendship was probably at an end and missing her already.

It was all over.

Bypassing the raucous queue for a taxi, Lily chose to walk. Her high heels clipped as she walked along the river, oblivious to the occasional wolf whistle, too blinded with grief to care whether walking alone at this late hour was a wise move. She arrived at Hunter’s apartment block and realised it never had been, nor would it ever be, home.

She’d tell him about the baby when she was ready, Lily decided, pressing the lift button and stepping inside. His reaction didn’t worry her now. It was the baby that was her sole concern—and either way, whatever way he played it, she’d stay strong. For now she’d get her things and leave him a note, tell him she’d be in touch in a few days…

It never once entered her head that he’d have beaten her home.

Even when he was being his vilest, she’d never thought he’d stoop as blatantly low as this, but stepping out of the bedroom, smiling with malice, was Abigail.

‘What are you doing here?’

‘Actually, I could ask the same of you.’ Abigail gave a small scoff of laughter. ‘You just keep coming back for more, don’t you?’

‘Get out!’ Lily spat the words like a hissing kitten as she flung open the front door. Abigail must have realised she was serious because after only a second of hesitation she picked up her bag and smartly walked out of the door.

‘Oh, and, Lily!’ Turning as she came to the lift, Lily saw the twist of a smile on Abigail’s face as she called out to her. ‘Happy birthday!’

He’d cheapened her more than she’d ever thought possible.

Stepping into the master bedroom, hearing the soft, ever-present music, seeing his magnificent profile sprawled sideways, the white moonlight draining all the colour and leaving only grey.