Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 2(216)

Every now and then there were moments as perfect as this.

‘What?’ Hunter asked, as he caught her staring.

‘Nothing,’ Lily answered, but the smile on her lips faded as she watched him, appalled as he turned to the ending and started to read.

‘You can’t do that!’ She grabbed at his wrist but he started to laugh, holding the book up higher and somehow managing to keep her back and read at the same time. ‘If you tell me what happened to her, if you even hint at the ending, then I’ll never ever forgive you.’ She was on her knees now, reaching for her book, and they were both laughing, really laughing as he teased her, laughing as, despite her attempt at protest, somehow she let him. But suddenly it all changed, the atmosphere charging in a very different direction as nakedness hit, the innocence of the moment deliciously gone as Hunter, on cue, rose to the occasion.

‘Now look what you’ve done,’ Hunter admonished, staring down at his splendid erection. ‘You just can’t leave me alone for even five minutes, Lily! There I was, trying to quietly read….’

‘Keep reading, then,’ Lily said, but there was a provocative note to her voice that Hunter registered, a small pregnant pause that spoke volumes—energy, arousal crackling between them so potently Lily could feel the tiny hairs on her arms rise to the static charge between them.

‘Keep reading,’ Lily said huskily again, delivering a velvet-wrapped order, watching the bob of his Adam’s apple, a beat of hesitation before he picked up the book and seemingly resumed reading as Lily knelt beside him.

His face obscured by the book made her braver somehow, no knowing eyes on hers, nothing to distract from his magnificent splendour. A low rumble of excitement stirred in her groin as her tentative fingers reached out for him, his blatant want growing in her hands. Never had she wanted him more, bringing her hungry lips to taste him, the soft feel of his skin on her tongue a contrast to the strength beneath it, one hand in her hair guiding her to where he needed her most, inhaling the soapy clean smell of him she took him deeper, hearing his moans of pleasure, the thump of the book falling to the floor as fingers laced into her hair.

‘Lily.’ His voice was a husky kiss, his pleasure completely hers as he delivered his salty kiss, and when afterwards as he slid her up his body, dragged her up to join him, clung to her so intensely, so fiercely, it truly felt as if he would he never let her go.


NORMALLY Hunter was up before the birds, showered and ready to go before she had even surfaced, but on this Monday morning it was Lily dressed and fragrant, smiling as he leant back on the pillow and closed his eyes. ‘How come you’re up so early? I thought you weren’t working till eleven?’

‘I’ve got an interview at nine!’ Lily beamed as his eyes snapped open, taking a sip of her coffee as Hunter sat up in the bed. ‘I rang the university last week and they’ve squeezed in an appointment.’

‘You didn’t say anything.’

‘Didn’t I?’ Lily gave a vague shrug—she probably hadn’t. Even though Hunter had remained in Melbourne for the past week he’d still been inordinately busy, as had Lily, organising and adapting to her life and surroundings. Hunter’s bland apartment was now weighted with texture and colour, scented candles burning into the evening, glorious silk cushions and vast vases of flowers delightfully breaking the structured ambiences. The fact she’d forgotten to mention a brief phone call was hardly a big deal—or so she’d thought! ‘I’ll make you a coffee while you have a shower.’


‘Tea, then,’ Lily offered, turning to go, blindly missing his angry point but stopping in her tracks as Hunter’s voice followed her down the hall.

‘I meant no to the interview.’

‘Excuse me?’

She was sure she must have misheard and still Lily gave him the benefit of the doubt, frowning as she turned her head.

‘You’re not going to the interview, Lily, you’re not going to university. You’re needed here.’

‘For what?’ Lily gave a shocked incredulous laugh. ‘To preen myself for when you come home, to rattle around in shops and spend a fortune on clothes and furniture? To meet you for lunch when Abigail can slot me in? I’m not even having this discussion with you, Hunter—we agreed I’d do this course and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.’

Almost gibbering with rage, Lily marched to the kitchen, half expecting him to follow her, picking up the paper again and pretending to read. Only when it was clear he wasn’t coming, only when she heard the sound of the shower being turned on did Lily let out a long-held breath and try to fathom what was taking place.