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November Harlequin Presents 1(86)

By:Susan Stephens

“Oh, come on. The London party scene is rife with ecstasy and cocaine. I’ve been there, done that.”

“And Peter doesn’t do drugs?”

“Squeaky clean, darling. A total control freak. And no patience with anyone who isn’t.” A nasty smile curled her mouth. “Just thought I’d warn you what you’re in for.”

“Thank you,” Erin said, curiosity completely satisfied.

Apparently Alicia was satisfied enough with having delivered her piece of poison to let Erin make her exit from the ladies’ room without throwing any more nasty darts. No doubt she had been all sweetness and light with Peter, doing her utmost to hang onto him, and was bitter about having been caught out indulging herself with designer chemicals. He was well rid of her, Erin thought. And she didn’t mind one bit about Peter being a control freak—being inclined that way herself—as long as he didn’t try to control her.

It was one thing to choose, quite another to be pressured into complying with someone else’s will.

Peter had been completely fair in his dealings with her so far. Even last night on the balcony of his Bondi Beach penthouse…she paused for a moment, her thighs squeezing together at the exciting memory of being touched so erotically, touching him, her stomach contracting as her mind relived being totally out of control with the wild, hungry passion he’d evoked in her.

Her heart actually quivered as she caught sight of him breaking from a group of people, his vivid blue eyes trained purposefully on her as he made his way to where she stood. Her entire body seemed to hum with pleasure at just this minor connection with him. He was such a magnificent man, and as fabulous as he looked in his superb suit, Erin couldn’t help mentally stripping him of it, revelling again in his splendid physique. She wanted him. Again and again and again.

Her consciousness was so swamped by the desire he stirred, she didn’t pick up his tension until he was right in front of her, his eyes searching hers with sharp intensity. “Are you okay, Erin?”

“Yes, I’m fine,” she quickly assured him, belatedly recalling her distraction with the horses and hoping he would let it slide.

“You weren’t subjected to an unpleasant scene in the ladies’ room?” The hard, ruthless edge to his voice woke her up to the fact he was bristling from his failure to protect her from his ex.

“Oh, that!” She smiled, relieved at hearing the different concern, and loving his caring for her. “No problem, Peter. Though I’d have to say your ex is not a very nice person.”

His grimace was both rueful and apologetic. “I saw Alicia hot-footing it to the ladies’ room but was too far away to run interference.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She stepped forward, hooking her arm around his. “Let’s go back to the terrace. It must be time for the next race.”

“You’re not bothered by anything she said?” he asked, falling in with the suggestion and hugging her arm tightly to his side as they moved on together.

She slanted him a teasing look. “Should I be?”

He frowned. “I like to get things sorted, Erin. Clear the air.”

His tension hadn’t eased. Erin realised a blithe dismissal of her encounter with Alice Hemmings was not relieving it. Peter didn’t want to be left wondering about what had transpired between them. Which was fair enough, given that the idea of being bad-mouthed behind one’s back wasn’t exactly palatable.

“As far as I’m concerned, it was all good,” she assured him, rolling her eyes in amusement as she elaborated. “Alicia called you a squeaky-clean control freak who doesn’t tolerate dirty little habits like recreational drug-taking.”

His mouth took on an ironic quirk. “You thought that was good?”

“Well, since squeaky-clean certainly appeals, and I have no inclination to tamper with how my brain works with mind-altering drugs, the only question mark hovers over the control bit, but I haven’t found you freaky yet, so I’m willing to ride with my own judgement until it’s proved wrong,” she flipped at him.

“Thank you,” he said mock seriously, then laughed as though delighted with how her brain worked, his blue eyes sparkling so brightly, so appreciatively, Erin felt his pleasure in her filling her heart with happiness, making it swell with happiness.

And the realisation hit her…she was falling in love with Peter Ramsey. It was more than a strong physical attraction. She wasn’t going to be able to write off this connection with him as an experience and just move on with her own life. She wanted him with an intensity that was suddenly frightening.