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November Harlequin Presents 1(75)

By:Susan Stephens

She felt him lift her hand to his shoulder, felt the fingers that had been stroking her face slide into her hair, felt his arm slide around her waist. Then her body was being pressed against his and it felt so good to be held there, her soft femininity revelling in his hard strength, her breasts swelling ecstatically across the hot, muscular wall of his chest, a wild excitement coursing through her stomach at the unmistakable evidence of his desire, her thighs quivering at the tension in his, the sense of melting into him spreading right through her as the kiss went on and on, erotically gathering an urgent passion that was totally beyond any experience she’d ever had of kissing.

She wasn’t aware of thrusting her own hand into his hair, holding his head down to hers, wasn’t aware that her other hand was clamped to his back, doing its utmost to increase the pressure of their embrace. Only when Peter’s mouth broke from hers did she become conscious of her own lustful complicity in what he had started.

“I want you very badly, Erin Lavelle.” Words bursting through ragged breathing.

“Yes,” fell from her lips before she gathered wits enough to know what she was saying.

“Into the car,” came the gruff command.

Erin felt like a bundle of jelly. Peter virtually scooped her into the passenger seat of the BMW, deftly fastening her seat belt before closing her door and striding around the bonnet to the driver’s side. She dazedly wondered how he could summon so much forceful purpose when her body seemed to have lost all sense of co-ordination.

He whooshed into the seat beside her, charging the air inside the car with his highly active energy. The powerful engine of the sports convertible thrummed into life. He flashed a grin at her. “Will you be worried about your hair getting blown about if I put the hood down?”

“No,” she said, thinking a cooling breeze might help glue her back together.

Peter pressed a button and the hood lifted up and disappeared behind them. Then they were off, heading out of the parking station, driving into the night. Red traffic lights stopped them at the Oxford Street intersection. Pedestrians streamed across the road in front of them. People looked at the car, just as she had earlier today, looked at the occupants to check what they were like.

Was Peter eyeing the women as they passed?

She glanced sharply at him.

He wasn’t smiling at any of them. His attention was trained on the traffic lights, waiting for them to turn green. Impatient to get where they were going? He either caught her glance out of the corner of his eye or sensed her unease.

“What?” he asked, his gaze spearing to hers, the blue eyes alert to a possible problem.

The sense of taking a huge risk with him made her blurt out, “Is it a game with you, picking out a woman who’s outside your social circle and—”

“No,” he broke in emphatically. His hand moved swiftly from the gear stick, reaching for one of hers and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re a first, Erin. And you shine more brightly than any woman who’s ever been in my social circle. My life has seemed grey for a long time and today you put colour into it.”

A first…

She liked that.

It made her feel special.

She smiled.

He smiled back.

Warmth curled around her heart and calmed the spurt of agitation in her mind.

The lights turned green. Peter released her hand and drove on. Erin relaxed into the contoured leather seat, telling herself to enjoy the ride in a sports convertible, the sense of being open to the night, air rushing past, ruffling her hair, the sights and scents of the city much sharper than from a closed car.

She wanted to be simply swept along by this man, let whatever happened with him happen, even if it was madly reckless. Yet a natural wariness in her mind kept pricking at a hardy strain of common sense. He might have lied about her being the first. He might get his kicks from taking a trip with a woman he chose out of nowhere.

He had definitely manipulated the situation today, directing her personal co-operation with his plan to defuse the traumatic scene with Dave Harper, appointing her as the person to collect Thomas from his father, giving her his business card and pressing her to contact him, motivating her to meet him again. None of it was really spontaneous. All of it spoke of a man primed to seize opportunity and turn it to his advantage.

Peter Ramsey…billionaire…ruthless in going after what he wanted and getting it?

Here she was, taking a ride straight to his bedroom, right where he wanted her, maybe where he’d decided he’d like to have her from the moment she’d smiled at him. A Latin phrase her father was fond of quoting slid into her mind, Julius Caesar’s famous boast…Veni, vidi, vici… I came, I saw, I conquered.