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November Harlequin Presents 1(58)

By:Susan Stephens

‘You should be resting,’ he said with concern. Taking hold of her arms, he drew her in front of him.

‘Nico, I’m sorry.’

‘For what? Carrie…for what?’

‘For trying to change you. Can we stay as we are? Can we be friends? I know I shouldn’t try to change you any more than you should try to change me. Will you forgive me, Nico?’

‘Slow down…What are you talking about?’

It was the most she had said in a long time, and as words never came easily to her, she had used them all up and could only shake her head at him now.

‘I’m in no hurry,’ Nico said gently, ‘Take your time and tell me what’s wrong. What’s upset you?’

‘It’s not enough to be married to you, Nico,’ she finally managed. ‘I want to be loved….’

His beautiful blue-grey eyes darkened. ‘And do you think I don’t love you?’

‘You’ve never said so…except after the race, and that was different—’

‘Different? Why?’

‘You were upset and shocked…we both were.’

She was right about that. And what she didn’t know was that words didn’t come easily to him, either, which was why he had always felt close to her. He was capable of strong feelings, but expressing them…that, he found impossible. He could tease her, he could make light of anything, but expressing his love for her…‘I love you, Carrie.’ He looked deep into her eyes. ‘I’ve always loved you and I will always love you. You’re my one love, you’re my life, you’re the air I breathe, my world, my whole existence. Please say you’ll marry me and spend your life with me so that I can try to make you as happy as you make me…’

‘Nico…’ She looked at him, wanting him to say the words he’d just said over and over again.

‘I loved you from the first moment I saw you, I just didn’t know it at the time.’

As his face creased into the familiar smile, she wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close.

‘And now we’ve got a party to go to,’ he reminded her, gently disentangling himself.

‘A party?’ She didn’t want to go to a party. She wanted to stay with Nico and hear him tell her he loved her a thousand times more.

‘The reception I told you about?’ he prompted. ‘And maybe we could think about celebrating our engagement at the same time….’

‘But I haven’t even said yes, yet,’ Carrie pointed out.

‘But you will,’ Nico said confidently.

She felt as if she were floating, or maybe walking on air. Nico had made the announcement of their engagement formally in front of his whole family. King Giorgio had surprised them by saying there were some things that even a king couldn’t change and that love was one of them. He’d wished them both well and said he looked forward to the birth of a great-grandchild. Princess Laura was ecstatic and promised to come and visit them frequently in London.

‘You must come very soon,’ Nico had said, proudly tightening his hold on Carrie’s waist, ‘My wife-to-be has an exhibition pending of her paintings.’

This reminded Carrie of her gift she had brought with her for Nico’s mother and so she excused herself and ran back to her apartment to collect the painting she had completed…the painting of Princess Laura’s private garden.

‘My secret garden,’ Princess Laura exclaimed with delight when Carrie handed it to her.

‘Not so secret anymore, Mother,’ Nico told her dryly. ‘The gallery owners have chosen this image for the front of Carrie’s programme.’

The princess was delighted, and even King Giorgio was impressed. As for Carrie, the only thought in her head was Nico. She’d have to paint him…But first she would have to find a way to make him stand still.

‘Why are you smiling?’ he said, drawing her aside.

‘Because I’m in love with the most infuriating man on earth.’

‘That’s good,’ he said.

‘Good?’ she said, frowning as she looked up at him.

‘I can’t bear coming second,’ he told her dryly, pulling her close.

‘No more competitions, Nico,’ Carrie implored him. ‘I couldn’t bear it. You don’t understand. I’ve never had so much to lose before—’

‘You’re enough danger for me,’ Nico assured her, sweeping her into his arms in front of everyone present. ‘When I wasn’t looking, Mother Mouse grew teeth, so I know to be on my guard.’

‘And you’re pleased about that?’

‘What do you think?’ he said, sharing a private look with her.