Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 1(46)

Carrie paled. ‘Your mother—’

‘My mother’s fine. It’s something else that won’t wait.’

She would have heard if the king’s health had deteriorated, Carrie thought, determined to hold her ground. ‘My home is here in London, Nico.’

‘If I could stay longer, I would. But I’m needed in Niroli.’

As he leaned across the table to stress the urgency of his commitment Carrie’s thoughts flew immediately to Princess Anastasia. And she had done with playing second fiddle to Nico’s prospective bride. She refocused as he started speaking again.

‘My younger brother, Max, is struggling to control a vine crisis on the island and he badly needs my help…’

She felt guilty for thinking the worst of him, but after Nico’s tactics in Niroli she had to be sure this wasn’t another ploy.

‘I’ll do anything I can to help,’ he continued, ‘and I need to get back to him right away. I’m sorry, Carrie, but that’s how it’s got to be. I need your decision now. I can’t wait.’

She guessed Nico had spent longer than he had intended looking for her. But this was typical of Nico; he was all business, all practicality. He was going to Niroli to help out his brother, but he would multi-task along the way, tying up the loose ends in his personal life. The baby was just another loose end and so was she. She had to wonder how he could be so matter-of-fact about a child that occupied her every waking thought. Maybe Nico couldn’t imagine the moment he held his child in his arms for the first time; neither could she, but her heart was ready.

‘You could have a full health check in Niroli,’ he went on, instinctively homing into her weak spot again. ‘Not to mention your first scan…’ He looked at her expectantly.

‘I’ve already got one booked, Nico. I’m going for it tomorrow—’

‘I’d like to come with you….’

She stirred her coffee round and round, anything rather than look at him.

‘Well?’ he prompted. ‘What do you think?’

Without raising her head, she told him the truth. ‘I think that’s a low blow, Nico. I think you play dirty.’

‘When I have to,’ he agreed.

She looked up at him then. ‘And what will Princess Anastasia think of this arrangement?’

‘What’s it got to do with her?’

‘Quite a lot, I’d say, if you’re going to be married.’


As Nico grimaced she looked away. She didn’t want to fuel the little bubble of hope inside her. It was always looking for an excuse to grow.

‘Forget her, Carrie. Put Anastasia out of your mind. That’s never going to happen.’

She was so relieved she almost threw her arms around his neck, but luckily she didn’t and focused on her concern for his brother. ‘I understand that you’ve got to return to Niroli. Family must always come first. When this crisis at the vineyards is over, perhaps, we can talk then. Or do you intend to stay on in Niroli?’ It was easier than asking him straight out if he was going to be King.

‘My head office is in London,’ he said without emotion.

‘So, you’ll be coming back here?’

‘How about you, Carrie?’ He asked rather than answered a question. ‘Will you come back to work for me when the baby’s older?’

‘I don’t know, Nico,’ Carrie said honestly. She wouldn’t rule anything out until she felt confident she could support her child. ‘With the baby and now my painting, I don’t know if I’ll find it easy to work in an office again.’

‘We’ll miss you….’

Nico knew just how to pull her heartstrings. He had transformed everything she felt about him in the time it took to drink a cup of coffee. She pushed the cup away, reminding herself that Nico had blackmailed her and that was why she had run away from him. But he was making her want things like belonging somewhere, like being back in a familiar neighbourhood with friends around her, like having him around….

She tried hard not to stare at him when staring at him was all she wanted to do.

‘You’ll come back with me to Niroli and we’ll talk?’

Nico’s voice was so persuasive. And now she couldn’t look away.

She should have remembered that he could never sit for long. When he stood she almost did, too, but then she remembered the fiasco at the banqueting hall and stopped herself just in time. ‘You mean, you’ll talk and I’ll listen, Nico? That’s not how it works; not anymore…’

‘Then you’d better tell me how it does work.’ Reaching into his jacket pocket, he brought out a pen. Writing something on the back of the menu, he handed it to her. ‘Here’s my number. Call me when you’re ready….’