Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 1(42)

‘A formal agreement? Marriage is a formal agreement, and under the terms of that agreement any child of ours will be entitled to protection under the legislation of Niroli.’

Carrie felt the blood drain from her face. Nico had thought of everything and spoke so glibly about marriage. He made it sound like any other business contract with nothing more than legalese to bind them together. She already thought of herself and the baby as one entity, one family, while Nico was still looking at the future from the viewpoint of an individual. ‘I don’t want to marry you, Nico.’

‘What?’ His expression turned black. ‘Why not?’

‘Because you don’t love me.’

‘What has love got to do with this? I thought you wanted security for your child.’

The mockery of a loveless marriage…was that what Nico thought she wanted? Surely, everyone wanted and deserved to be loved? ‘So, we’d enter into a marriage of convenience to tie everything up neatly?’

‘Exactly,’ he said with relief.

‘But I don’t want that.’

He was growing impatient. This should have been straightforward. He was offering Carrie a brilliant match. A family was everything he had ever wanted, and as far as he could see this was the perfect contract with benefits on both sides. The tests were essential; he had no intention of taking any unnecessary chances. A marriage was easily dissolved, but he could not acknowledge a child until he was certain.

‘This is how it’s going to be,’ he said, feeling sure Carrie must be reassured by the thought he had put into his plan. ‘You will agree to marry me in order that your child is protected. I’ll take care of your baby, Carrie, whatever the out come of the test.’ From her expression he couldn’t be sure that she had grasped the significance of his offer. ‘Whether the child is mine or not,’ he stressed, ‘you will both have my protection.’

‘And if I don’t agree?’ she said quietly.

He couldn’t believe she was still prevaricating. ‘You agree, or you have nothing,’ he said bluntly.

‘And this offer of marriage is not because you love me, but because you won’t take the chance of a royal baby being born out of wedlock?’

Her analysis of the situation was bitingly correct. ‘It’s your decision.’ He eased off, confident now of the outcome. No woman would walk away from the wealth and status he was offering her.

The very last thing he expected was for Carrie’s face to darken with anger.

‘You still think this is about money, don’t you, Nico?’ Before he had chance to answer that, she added, ‘Money means nothing to me, and as for your royal status…’A look was enough.

‘Brave words, Carrie, but haven’t you forgotten something?’

‘My child? My baby is always at the forefront of my mind, Nico. By refusing your offer of marriage I’m protecting my baby from a man who doesn’t know how to love. Don’t you think I know that the only reason you’ve asked me to marry you is because you can’t be certain whether or not I’m carrying your heir?’

‘I’m not prepared to enter into a discussion,’ he said flatly, ‘Those are my terms. You can take them, or leave them.’

‘Then, I’ll leave them,’ she told him with contempt. ‘And please don’t trouble yourself with my transport arrangements. I can find my way to the airport without your help, too.’

It wasn’t that easy. He couldn’t let her go. The woman who might be the mother of his child. Unthinkable! He’d give her a chance to calm down and then he’d go to her and make her see reason. ‘Take your time to think about what I said,’ he called after her as she left the room.

He couldn’t be sure she heard him, and stood motionless until he could no longer hear the report of her angry feet on the stone steps. He took one last look around at the offer she’d rejected and then he followed her down.

It irritated him to know she was right about many things. How had he ever thought her a mouse? She had more character than he knew. He mustn’t rush this. He’d take a stroll around the grounds to give her time to come to her senses. Staying with him was a big decision, but she’d come round to it.

He loved having Carrie around, Nico reflected as he strolled across the lawn. Being with her was a real roller-coaster ride but even now he found himself looking for her in her favourite spot by the lake. He felt alive when he was with her, and even his days as an adrenalin junkie seemed numbered with Carrie who was enough adrenalin for anyone.

And she was having his baby.