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November Harlequin Presents 1(32)

By:Susan Stephens

They held the heady stare as Carrie slowly began to walk forwards, until she stood just in front of Nico. ‘You look beautiful…’ It wasn’t enough, not nearly enough, but he couldn’t find the words. He only knew that the woman standing in front of him was complex and elusive, and he wanted her.

‘Thank you.’

It seemed incredible now that it was Carrie who was self-possessed and he who was struggling for composure. He was so proud of her. He would never have guessed she possessed such confidence, or such elegance. The simplicity of the couture dress suited her. The designer had wisely concluded there was no need to flaunt her assets, knowing that to the connoisseur they were more than apparent beneath the cunningly cut silk. He found himself standing back to give her space, to show her respect, and then he found himself bowing low from the waist to her as he might to a queen.


THE speeches seemed endless, and with Nico seated next to her Carrie found it hard to concentrate. It had become like musical chairs at the royal table, with Anastasia having persuaded someone to move so she could sit next to Nico. He was a charming and practised dinner companion, and appeared content to share his time between Anastasia and herself.

Princess Laura did her best to distract Carrie with amusing anecdotes from Nico’s childhood, which Carrie guessed not many had been invited to share. She had to admit they made him seem almost human, but then she reminded herself that this was his mother talking, and Princess Laura clearly adored her children. Anastasia’s laughter proved a constant distraction, reminding her that whatever compliments Nico had heaped on her initially she could never compete with an international beauty like the princess. As if to rub it in, Nico glanced at her from time to time, perhaps to check that she was behaving properly and not disgracing him.

It was after a particularly lengthy clash of stares that Carrie sat back with her heart thundering. She should have known better than to try and boldly stare him down. There had been an edge to his expression she had recognised at once. It hadn’t been the look of an employer, or a prince; it had been the look of a man who wanted a woman in his bed.

That was how Nico would always see her, Carrie reflected, staring down at her hands. However he’d behaved towards her when she’d walked into the hall she remained a convenience upon whom he expended his excess energy. Princess Anastasia, on the other hand, was playing for far higher stakes.

‘You seem preoccupied…’

Carrie started with alarm. She hadn’t even realised it was her turn to receive Nico’s attention. As always the quick-witted remark escaped her, and he had already turned back to Anastasia who had found some reason to distract him by the time she had composed herself.

The next speaker received Carrie’s full attention. The elderly king made a point of welcoming Princess Anastasia to Niroli, and then went on to extol her many virtues. Nico murmured agreement, Carrie noticed, feeling her confidence slowly leaching away. King Giorgio went on to hint that one day his grandson Nico might find himself on the throne. This came as a huge and unwelcome surprise to Carrie. She had never imagined Nico aspired to the throne. A king would have no place in his life for a child born out of wedlock, and a woman careless enough to become pregnant by him could only bring shame on the house of Niroli. Nico hated gossip, and he had always avoided the possibility of becoming tainted by it. How much more determined would he be to do that if he were King?

She didn’t even know she was wringing her hands until Nico’s warm touch stopped her. Before she had chance to consider what he’d done and why, the waiters, who must have received a signal to refill their glasses, came between them.

Did Nico care about her feelings? Had he changed towards her? Did he believe her now? Carrie so wanted to believe it was true that when the orchestra struck up and Nico rose to his feet she half rose with him. But instead of turning to her he offered his arm to Anastasia.

She felt humiliated as she watched them bow to the king, and then Nico escorted Anastasia onto the dance floor. It was the first dance, Carrie told herself firmly, determined not to let her feelings show. Princess Anastasia was the guest of honour, and Nico was expected to dance with her; it was his duty….

But nothing helped to soothe the hurt inside her and every minute seemed like an hour as the dance went on and on…Anastasia was so proud and regal in Nico’s arms, appearing to everyone, Carrie was sure, as if that were her rightful place…How could she stand it?

The answer came straight away. For the sake of her child she could stand anything.

‘Well done,’ Princess Laura whispered so discreetly Carrie couldn’t be sure she had spoken at all.