Reading Online Novel

November Harlequin Presents 1(18)

‘What do you mean, Carrie? “Everything?”’

‘I mean, you’re the father of my baby, Nico—’

‘What?’ he exploded. His voice had gone instantly cold and, shaking his head, he turned away.

‘Nico, I swear—’

‘You swear?’ He turned back, head down, eyes full of a terrifying emotion she’d never seen before. She reached out to him, but he pulled away.

She was a liar. Carrie was a liar. She had reminded him in the cruellest way possible that he was infertile and could never have the family he longed for. Emotion swirled inside him, threatening to erupt. It escaped in words, harsh, ugly words: ‘I’m not the father of your baby, Carrie.’

He wasn’t prepared for the pain he felt saying that—the pain of knowing the child she carried couldn’t be his. It was unbearable, excruciating; he couldn’t bear to think of her with some other man. ‘We had sex,’ he said cruelly, instinct driving him to hurt as much as she had hurt him. ‘We had sex, and that was all—’

‘It wasn’t just sex to me, Nico.’

How could she think him so gullible? She asked too much. The travesty of wanting something so badly only to have it delivered to him twisted and spoiled…‘If it wasn’t sex what was it?’ The ferocity in his voice shocked him and he didn’t know if he could control the rage building inside him. If he couldn’t then he must end this now. ‘Did you think I would go down on bended knee the next morning and propose marriage to you?’ His eyes, his voice couldn’t have been harder.

‘Please, Nico—’

‘Don’t touch me!’ He shook her off. ‘You wanted sex every bit as much as I did and we both knew what we were doing. You hadn’t been drinking; I’d been watching you, so don’t go down that road. Sex that night had nothing to do with love, or long-term commitment, and I never let you think that once, did I?’

She couldn’t argue with him. She was too stunned, too sick inside to know how to answer him.

‘I’ll write you a cheque now if that’s what it takes to get you off my back.’

Nico’s cruel words forced Carrie to face the truth. Her child had been conceived in a ferment of lust, and her baby’s father couldn’t stand the sight of her. But she loved him. She still loved him. She always would.

‘Let’s stop playing games, Carrie.’

Something was nagging at her, something wasn’t right. Nico was so sure of himself, so very sure…

‘I don’t know who you’ve been with, or why he won’t support you, but if you’ve come here out of desperation just tell me how much you want.’

Carrie was stunned. She couldn’t believe what Nico was thinking. ‘I don’t want your money.’

‘Then, what do you want?’

‘I want nothing for myself. All I ask is that you acknowledge our child—’

‘Our child? I don’t have a child! And as for you?’ His stare lingered on her still-flat stomach. ‘How do I know you’re even pregnant?’ His gaze flashed up, demanding an answer.

‘Do you think I’d lie about something like this?’

‘How do I know what to think? You sneak into the palace like a thief—’

‘Don’t turn this into something squalid!’

‘Don’t you!’ Nico warned softly. ‘The Carrie Evans I knew wouldn’t use a child as a bargaining counter.’

‘And I’m not doing that now. Nico, how can you be so sure you’re not the father of my child?’

‘I know I’m not.’ His mouth flattened, telling her that was his final answer.

‘But there’s been no one else,’ Carrie said in confusion. ‘The baby is yours—’

‘No one else?’ Nico cut across her.

His silence now reminded Carrie of the frivolous underwear she had bought on the market, the underwear she had helped him to remove. Surely, he didn’t think…‘Nico, please believe me, I was a virgin that night—’

‘A virgin?’ He shook his head grimly. ‘This lie of yours has gone far enough.’ Taking hold of her, he tried to lead her from the room, but she had more strength than he knew.

‘I suggest you leave before I do something I might regret, Carrie.’

‘Like what?’ She refused to move another inch. ‘What would you do, Nico? Would you hit me? Would you force me out of here? Would you strike a pregnant woman?’

The blood drained from his face. ‘I wouldn’t touch anyone in mindless anger.’

‘Just as I wouldn’t lie to you,’ she assured him, holding his gaze, willing him to believe her.