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November Harlequin Presents 1(11)

By:Susan Stephens

Everyone would be attending to her, Carrie reasoned, taking care not to touch any of the expensive clothes. She realised she must have strayed into one of the most exclusive designer boutiques on the island, and didn’t need to look at the price tags to know there was nothing here she could afford. But she could hardly walk out. The best thing was to wait and ask one of the assistants for directions to the nearest high street store.

Carrie pressed back, making herself invisible as a customer appeared in a flurry of self-importance. The older woman was tall and svelte, and a group of young women rushed in her wake, each of them carrying an elaborate evening gown cloaked in a transparent protective cover. A sleek black limousine swept up to the kerb right on cue, and a chauffeur in full uniform leapt out. Opening the rear door with a flourish, he bowed low as he waited for his elegant passenger to step inside. Once settled, the woman dismissed him with a flick of her wrist.

Carrie was fascinated and, as the limousine swept away and the street fell silent again, she knew it only reinforced her impression that the island Nico called home was out of her league. What more surprises lurked behind the island’s beautiful face?

‘And that was just the principessa’s lady-in-waiting…’

As the young assistant burst through the door Carrie had to laugh as the young girl made a fanning motion in front of her mouth as if her fingers were on fire.

‘I’m sorry to keep you waiting, signorina,’ she said, still smiling at Carrie. ‘Can I help you?’

Seeing herself in one of the mirrors, Carrie lost confidence for a moment. Even after straightening herself out at the hotel, by comparison with the young shop assistant she looked unfashionably dull. ‘I was hoping you could tell me where to find the nearest department store?’

‘A department store in Niroli?’ The girl quickly hid her amazement. ‘We don’t have one, signorina. But we do have a lovely market,’ she added, ‘and that’s just down the street. There are some very good clothing stalls on the market. I use them myself. Would you like me to show you?’

Warming to the young girl’s friendliness, Carrie found it went a long way to restoring her self-confidence and allowed her to ask the question she was dying to ask. ‘When you said that was just the principessa’s lady-in-waiting, to whom were you referring?’

‘To Principessa Anastasia.’ The girl pulled a face. ‘The woman you saw was the Contessa di Palesi.’ She pulled an even bigger face. ‘They are staying at the palace and the contessa is the principessa’s principal lady-in-waiting.’

As the girl continued to grimace comically Carrie forced a laugh, but inside she was in pieces. She had always known it would turn out like this and that Nico would choose someone from his own class, but having her worst fears confirmed made her heart clench tight. She hated the thought of a princess staying at the palace with Nico, but as there was no hiding from the truth and she was curious…‘Why was the contessa so angry?’

‘Because there is an important dinner at the palace tonight and the principessa’s gown is missing a button.’ The girl shrugged. ‘She won’t wear it, of course. Not even if we sew it on again. “How can the principessa wear damaged goods?”’ The young girl started to giggle after doing a good impression of the contessa’s voice. ‘And so we have provided the principessa with a selection of gowns to choose from.’

Carrie could only wonder at the sort of wealth that allowed someone to discard a dress merely because it was missing a button, and the girl’s phrase ‘damaged goods’ rang in her ears. Would that be how Nico saw her now?

Carrie forced her thoughts onto another, more practical course. ‘Do you think I’ll be able to buy a summer dress and some sandals at the market?’

‘Certo,’ the young girl replied, smiling encouragement. ‘There is a lovely stall where I buy such things, myself. You will find it just beneath the walls of the palace. Here, let me show you. Can you see it?’

Carrie’s pulse picked up pace as she stared at the palace. She already knew that the ancient building was much bigger and far more impressive than the photographs in the in-flight magazine had suggested. Even from her bedroom window at the top of the hotel she had to crane her neck to see the pennants flying on the battlements. Pennants she knew now must be flying in honour of Princess Anastasia. It didn’t take much to imagine what a prominent member of another European royal family was doing at the palace with Nico, or why there was an important dinner tonight…Could she have chosen a worse time to deliver her news? Nico was rich in his own right, he was highly successful and well respected, plus he was the grandson of a king. Why else would Princess Anastasia be staying at the palace if not to announce their betrothal?