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Nothing Like the First Time(42)

By:Keren Hughes

I was at my vanity with my robe wrapped around me. Underneath the robe, I had on the wedding lingerie I had chosen.         



Tasha began with my mani-pedi.

We all sat around talking and reminiscing about school. I had my iPod on  in the background, playing everything from Bruno Mars to Celine Dion,  Depeche Mode to The Plain White Tees. I had it on shuffle to stop me  having to get up to change albums. When the track "Pour Some Sugar on  Me" by Def Leppard came on, both Jodie and I burst into fits of giggles.  My mother and Tasha gave us funny looks, which made us laugh harder at  our private joke.

My phone vibrated on the vanity.

Love you Carls. Can't wait to make you Mrs Sterling. G xx

I smiled to myself and tapped out a reply.

Love you too Grey. I can't wait to be Mrs Sterling. C xx

We had decided to write our own vows for the ceremony and I had  memorized everything I wanted to say, hoping that nerves wouldn't ruin  the moment it came to voice them.

The morning went by quickly in a rush of nail varnish, curling irons, hairspray and girl talk.

Dean rang Mom to tell her he was outside. She gave me a quick hug  goodbye and left. She hadn't even seen my dress on the hanger, much less  my body. Still, I had to push down my anger and rise above it.

"Time to get dressed, Carly!" Jodie ordered as she poured another glass of champagne for herself.

I stood and unzipped the dress bag on the door. I pulled my dress out  and shimmied out of my robe. The girls each helped me step into the  dress. I waited until Jodie had done the dress up before looking at  myself in the full-length mirror.

The deep purple of the dress was accentuated with the lavender  fascinator that Tasha had put in my hair. It matched the bridesmaids'  dresses and looked perfect as I checked out my hair. It fell in long  brown curls that framed my face. My makeup was perfect. The eye shadow  was shades of purple blended together and my lipstick was a shade called  ‘Barely There.'

Jodie stood there in her dress looking absolutely beautiful, the  lavender really made her blue eyes stand out. Naomi had arrived at some  point in the morning and Tasha had sorted the girls' hair and nails.  They looked amazing and I couldn't believe I was getting married in just  under an hour.

The car service pulled up twenty short minutes later to take us to Farnham Castle.

The drive was surreal. I sat thinking to myself that the next time I saw  everything, it would all be the same but I would be different. I would  be Mrs. Sterling. I would be somebody's wife and not just anybody, but  the man I had loved since we first met. I would be Mrs. Greyston  Sterling.

Chapter Twenty

As we pulled up outside the doors of Farnham Castle, I looked up and  took in the beautiful sight. It really would be an amazing backdrop for  our photos.

Jodie and Naomi exited the car first and the chauffeur held the door as I  got out with my gorgeous bouquet of purple and ivory calla lilies. The  butterflies in my stomach must have been trained acrobats considering  the somersaults I could feel.

I walked up to the doors and saw Jim waiting just inside for me to take  his arm. We had a short walk to the ceremony room and as we got to the  door, Beethoven's "Symphony Number 9" began to play.

Jim and I began our walk down the aisle, followed closely by Jodie,  Naomi, some younger flower girls and the boys we had chosen to accompany  them.

I looked straight ahead and the sight stole my breath.

Grey stood at the front of the room, waiting for me to join him. He was  cleanly shaven and looked divine in his black tuxedo and a cravat that  matched my dress. Tim stood beside him in a tuxedo that matched. He  looked handsome but not nearly as handsome as Grey.

As we walked towards Grey, I could feel the butterflies dissipate. This was my place now, this was what I was meant to do.

All eyes were on me. I saw my mother and Dean, Saskia and Melyssa, my  father Bryan and his new wife Crystal. They were all watching me  intently. Katrina and Lizzie were there, looking elegant and beautiful  as always. Katrina had a handkerchief out, dabbing at her eyes. The  ceremony hadn't even started and yet I wanted to cry with her.

A silence fell upon the room as the music ended and the minister began  the ceremony. He thanked everyone for being there, the usual speech  about being there to join us in holy matrimony. Then came the time for  our vows.

I didn't think it was possible for silence to get quieter, but it felt  like it did. I couldn't hear anything except my own breathing as Grey  cleared his throat to begin his vows.

"My darling Carly, the first time I saw you, you took my breath away and  I knew I was going to marry you. Don't ask how, I just knew that you  were it for me. You have always been the most beautiful woman, inside  and out. Your caring, compassionate nature drew me to you like a moth to  a flame. Words can be beautiful but it's actions that are meaningful.  From this day forth, I shall endeavour to give you the life you  deserve-one full of laughter, joy, and precious memories that we can  build on and use to shape the future for us, our children, and  grandchildren. You are the sun, the moon, and the stars for me, Carly.  My world begins and ends with you. I want us to grow old and grey  together, to be as in love in fifty years as we are this day.         



"We stand here with our friends and family to witness us dedicating the  rest of our lives to each other so it is with all the sincerity in my  heart that I say this; you are my best friend, my lover, my soul mate  and now my wife. I love you more than mere words could ever express. I  want to thank you for choosing to spend the rest of your life with me. I  am humbled that a woman like you could love a man like me."

I wiped a stray tear from my cheek as he took my left hand and placed my  wedding band on it. I looked up at him and my heart felt such joy that  it wanted to burst forth from my ribcage.

It was time for my vows and I didn't know if I could express my love for him even if I used all the words in the world.

"My wonderful Grey, you have held my heart for as long as I can  remember-from our first kiss, to the moment we are in now, and you will  continue to do so for the rest of my life. The day we met was one of the  happiest days of my life. We were so young but I knew that one day we  would be wed. Sure, there have been hiccups between then and now, but I  couldn't begin to imagine my life without you in it. You don't just own  my heart and soul, you are my heart and soul. I would not be complete  without you. I stand before our family and friends this day to make a  promise to do everything I can to make you happy-to be all that I can be  for you and with you. We have a bright and brilliant future out there  waiting for us to discover and none of it would be the same if we  weren't together. You're my best friend, my lover, my soul mate and now,  my husband. This day will live on in my memory as the first day of the  rest of our lives."

I took his hand and placed the wedding band on his ring finger. I held  his hand for a moment before looking into his beautiful eyes and seeing  the shine of unshed tears. My hand drifted to my belly briefly and Grey  and I shared a secret smile before the minister announced that we could  kiss.

The kiss was chaste yet sweet and full of promise. Our family and  friends cheered and applauded us as we walked back down the aisle,  together as man and wife.

After having our photos taken outside the castle, we made our way to the  wedding car. Family and friends waved us off as we made our way down  the long gravel driveway. As I sat beside my husband and held his hand  firmly in mine, my other hand drifted to my belly and the tears flowed  freely on my cheeks. I couldn't sum the moment up in words, but if there  was one word that sprang to mind, it was bliss.

We arrived at Katrina's for the reception and saw that she had strung  fairy lights on the porch-it looked so beautiful, so perfect-a reminder  of the first night Grey had taken me to the cottage.

Grey got out of the car and held his hand out for me. I took it and  stood from the car. He pulled me into an embrace and though people were  starting to arrive, he kissed me deeply like there was no one else in  the world.

Everyone was in the garden where a tent had been erected. Chairs, tables  and a makeshift dance floor had been assembled and yet more fairy  lights adorned things-but there was so much more than that. Katrina had  gone all out with balloons, floral centerpieces for each table, little  name tags for each person to see where they were seated. The whole thing  looked like something from a wedding magazine, it was all executed to  perfection. There was a small booth where the DJ we requested was set  up. He started to play some music as we entered.

We sat at the top table and waited for the rest of our guests to arrive.

"I love you, Mrs. Sterling," Grey whispered.

"And I love you, Mr. Sterling," I said as I squeezed his hand.