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Nothing Like the First Time(34)

By:Keren Hughes

Grey's rhythm increased and so did my movements against him. I grasped  his muscular frame and held tight as we searched for oblivion, and in  that moment, we came together and tipped each other over the edge.

As we lay next to each other, Grey's hand traced a pattern over my body.  He teased my sensitive nipples with his fingers and then he moved in  with his mouth. I thought he was going to kiss my lips, but I was wrong.  He kissed down the length of my torso and stopped between my legs. He  inserted a finger into my already sensitive sex and I moaned and  squirmed against him. He was adamant that I wasn't getting away and he  proved this by replacing his finger with his tongue. His tongue darted  in and out of me as I writhed on the picnic blanket beneath me. Grey  maneuvered himself so that he was between my legs and hooked my legs up  over his shoulders. There was no getting away now because this was  exactly where I belonged.

After making me come again, Grey lay on the blanket, pulling me on top of him.

"You are the most beautiful woman on the planet, Carly Summers," he whispered against my skin.

"And you are the most delectable man in the universe," I said as I  kissed my way along his jaw and up to pull his lower lip into my mouth.

"I want to still be doing this when we are old and grey!"

"What do you mean, picnics or amazing sex?" I laughed as I bit his lip gently.

"Both. I never want us to become one of those couples that are only  together because we fit like a comfortable pair of slippers or because  we're afraid of starting over with someone new. I want us to love each  other always. Even when we fight, I don't want us to go to sleep at  night angry."

I was momentarily quiet as I chose my next words.

"Grey, I promise to love you always. To be there for you through the  good and bad days. I'm here because I don't want to be anywhere else."

"The same applies here," he said as he pulled me flush to his still gloriously naked body.

Chapter Fourteen

I finished my article for the local paper, a piece on a local girl by  the name of Carrie. She had penned a novel and my article told about her  successful book launch at the local outlet of a huge bookstore chain.  I'd known Carrie in school, though she was the year above me. We hadn't  hung out but had always been pleasant to each other in passing. I was  pleased for her recent success and hoped she would go on to become a  famous author. Once upon a time, I had dreamed of becoming an author,  but when it came to it, I was more suited to journalism.

I had just put a fresh pot of coffee on when the doorbell rang.

I got up and opened the door. Grey stood there with a look on his face  that I couldn't quite figure out. He walked in and sat down at the  kitchen counter. I poured us both a mug of coffee and handed him the  sugar and cream.

"The results are in. The doctor wants to see me this afternoon."

So that's what the look had been about. He was apprehensive and scared  of the outcome. It would change his life if he was the father to this  four year old boy. He'd not only have a son, but a sick one. He would  have to do whatever it was Selena and her partner were willing to let  him do in regard to being in Kai's life.

"Do you want me to come with you? I'm sure Jodie could cover my shift. I won't breathe a word, I'll just say I'm not well."         



"I'm scared, Carls. I've never been scared of much in my life except for  when I thought you would never take me back but this, this is  different. It has the potential to make a huge change to my life and if  you stay with me, to yours."

"If I stay with you? Grey, I'm marrying you, for heaven's sake! For better, for worse. I'm here for you ‘til death do us part."

He reached over for my hand and squeezed it tight.

"I knew I made the right decision coming home."

He smiled a tight smile.

"I'll call Jodie."

Jodie answered on the third ring.

"Hello," came her chirpy voice.

"Hey, it's me. I was wondering if you could cover my shift, I feel like shit. I think I ate something that disagreed with me."

"Oh sure thing, honey. Hope you feel better. You let me know if you need anything."

I felt bad for lying but Grey's secret was not mine to share.

"Thanks. I'm sure I'll be okay. Grey has come over to take care of me."

"Oh good, at least you aren't alone. When you feel better, we need to discuss things like the cake, the photographer, etcetera."

"That we do! I'm leaning towards red velvet and cream cheese. As for the  photographer, Grey has a friend who can fly in to do that. He's good  and the price is right."

"Red velvet and cream cheese sounds perfect. It's good that Grey has a  friend who's a photographer. As for your reception, at least that's  sorted, the Sterling home is just so beautiful. Have you sorted an  invite list?"

"Yes. I've sent a list off to the printer."

"Okay hun, well, I better get ready for work, have you let Jim know you won't be in?"

"No, I'll do that now."

"Okay, love you, Ms. Summers!"

"You too, kiddo," I replied and hung up.

I dialed Jim and told him I wasn't well. Now all that was left to do was  wait. We had a couple of hours before Grey's appointment.

"Would you like to go for a walk?" Grey asked.


I grabbed my coat and took Grey's hand in mine as we left my house and went for a walk.

"I can't just sit around and wait, you know?"

"I know. Just try not to stress. Let's talk wedding stuff or something."

We walked for about an hour and discussed venue ideas for the ceremony.  It helped Grey to focus on something other than his potential son and  whether he was a match for bone marrow.

At the doctor's office, we were seated by a pretty redhead receptionist.  She told us the doctor was running a few minutes late but assured us he  would be along soon. She made us both a coffee and we sat in the  waiting room waiting for the doctor to turn up.

A few minutes later, Doctor Tressenbaum introduced himself and shook  hands with us. He led us into his office and closed the door behind us.

Once we were seated, Grey took my hand. He held on a little tight but I couldn't blame him.

"Mr. Sterling, Ms. Harriet is on her way. I just spoke to her and she  was stuck in traffic. Can I get you anything while we wait for her?"  Doctor Tressenbaum's manner was impeccable. He was polite and had a  fatherly sort of way about him.

"Nothing for me, thank you, Doctor."

"Okay. Is there anything you wish to discuss separately from Ms. Harriet before the results?"

"No, Dr. Tressenbaum, nothing."

"Okay then, we'll just wait."

We sat in silence for a few minutes before the office intercom buzzed  and the receptionist announced that Selena Harriet was here.

The doctor got up and opened the door.

There she stood, the woman I had wondered about for the past few days.  I'd not asked Grey anything about her, I didn't want to pry. She was  gorgeous. She was tall, with long blonde hair and blue eyes. I could see  why he had liked her. She also wasn't alone. There was a handsome man  with her, holding her hand. Kai wasn't with them so I wondered where he  was.

"Ms. Harriet, please come in and be seated," Dr. Tressenbaum invited.

"Thank you, Doctor."

Even her voice was silken, though it trembled slightly.

They came in and were seated with us. Quick introductions were made. Her partner was Brad. He seemed friendly enough.

"Let's get straight to the matter of why we are here, shall we?" The doctor was friendly yet efficient.

There was a moment of silence as everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath.

"Mr. Sterling, you are not Kai's biological father."

I felt a small amount of tension drain away from Grey as he relaxed slightly.

There was a sharp intake of breath from Selena. I could tell she had been sure it was Grey.         



"However, by some twist of fate, your bone marrow seems to be a match."

The tension ratcheted back up in the room.

"It …  it is?" Grey asked hesitantly.

"Yes, Mr. Sterling. Kai would benefit immensely if you were to consider donating a small amount of bone marrow."

"I'll do it!"

I knew he would. He was an upstanding kind of guy and would not see this  woman lose her four year old son if he could do something to make him  better.

Selena burst out crying. Brad comforted her but she sobbed relentlessly for a few minutes.

Once she had calmed down and the doctor had brought her a glass of water, Selena looked at Grey.

"Thank you so much, Greyston. I'm sorry about all this-I really thought  you were his father. The only other person it could be is Kevin, and he  died a couple of years back."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Selena. I'll donate my bone marrow, between us, we'll get your little boy well again."

"Between us?" she asked.

"Yes. My bone marrow will be given to Kai, then there's your part in it  all. You and Brad will take him home and get him better."