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Nothing Like the First Time(26)

By:Keren Hughes

I finished before Grey did and he looked pleased that I had enjoyed it.

Again, he wouldn't let me help clear the plates. I sat in my seat  listening to the music that was playing more quietly now in the  background. I realized I could hear Grey singing along in the kitchen  and I smiled at the image my mind conjured.

Upon his return to the dining room, Grey poured us both another glass of  wine. He took my hand and led me to the living room. It was lovely and  warm thanks to the fire that still glowed in the inglenook. We sat in  front of the fireplace on a soft cream colored rug. The room was  tastefully decorated and had some lovely ornaments and paintings dotted  around. I asked Grey to put my corsage in the fridge to keep it from  wilting in the heat. He did so and then joined me back on the rug. We  sat drinking our wine and Grey wrapped his legs round me from behind. I  nuzzled into his warmth, craving his more than the fire.         



A short while later, I was dozing in Grey's embrace when he called my  name softly. I looked up to see him smile so broadly at me. I was  instantly awake.

"Would you like to come outside and sit for a while? I thought we could  watch the stars for a while, I have a telescope all set up."


We walked outside and I saw he had a blanket on the ground, a telescope,  and a little picnic basket. After our sumptuous meal, I wasn't sure  what he could have in the basket.

We sat on the blanket and Grey pulled another blanket around us. We  looked through the telescope at the stars and I was taken back to the  first time Grey and I had done this as teenagers. Back then, he could  name most of the constellations. I had later found out he had learned  them all in a bid to impress me, but what had impressed me most was that  he would go out of his way to learn all that for me.

Grey told me to keep looking at the stars because he had to go indoors  and put some more wood on the fire. I kept my eye to the telescope and  was only aware of Grey's returned presence because I heard the crunch of  the gravel path beneath his feet. A shadow crossed the telescope and I  looked up to see what the cause was. I saw Grey's smile light up even in  the dimness of the night. He got down on one knee and put his hand into  the picnic basket. He pulled out a familiar small box. I gasped in  shock, I hadn't foreseen this at all. I had managed to all but play it  off as a figment of my imagination. But here it was, the very same  purple box I had seen in the hospital. I looked up at Grey and saw the  smile playing on his lips. He opened the box and held it towards me.

"Carly Summers, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"I …  I …  Yes, of course!" I stumbled over my response.

He took the beautiful antique ring from where it lay nestled in the box,  then took my left hand in his right hand and placed it on my ring  finger.

I looked down at my hand and instantly burst into tears. They were happy tears, of course.

"Carls, are you okay?"

"Yes, of course. I'm just so happy," I said as I crouched down and threw  my arms around his neck. I leaned towards him and placed a gentle kiss  on his lips. He got up , took me in his arms, and kissed me. He held me  tightly and I could feel his heart was racing.

Grey led me indoors where the fireplace was burning brightly. We sat on  the sofa and I snuggled into him. I couldn't believe I was lucky enough  to be Greyston Sterling's fiancée. Mrs. Carly Sterling certainly had a  ring to it.

Chapter Twelve

My first morning waking up as Grey's fiancée was in a beautifully  decorated bedroom and a very comfortable bed. I had a smile from ear to  ear as I looked over at my fiancé, who lay wide awake next to me.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Just a few minutes."

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"I was admiring my fiancée in her sleep."

"Oh." I blushed.

"You looked so peaceful and so very beautiful. I just wanted to take a  minute to lie here and really admire how beautiful you are. You looked  incredible last night, as you do every time you dress up. But you also  look amazing without makeup, first thing in the morning with bed hair."

I put my fingers through my hair and Grey laughed.

"I didn't mean now, I just meant, well …  you know … "

I laughed and playfully smacked his arm.

"How about a morning shower?" he asked.


"Yes, together."

"How long do we have use of this place?"


"How?" I asked, shocked.

"Well, I bought this place when I first came home and told you I would  stick around for as long as it took you to come back to me. I did it up  while you worked at Jim's."

"It's beautiful and you have a very good eye for interior decorating. I thought you were living with Katrina?"

"I have been. I didn't want to live here without you and I thought that  you would rather see it finished. I didn't get the place finished until  last week-what with the accident and everything, I just didn't have the  time."

"What do you mean about not living here without me?"

"Well, I had hoped that we could settle down here. I know you always had  a thing for quaint little cottages and inglenook fireplaces. Why? Would  you rather not live here?"

"No, I didn't mean that, it's just … well …  I already have a house."

"Your place is gorgeous, but wouldn't you rather have somewhere that was  ours from the beginning? Not just yours or just mine, ours."         



"I would, it's just a shock. I mean, you only proposed last night and the shock of that hasn't worn off yet."

"Well, I'd like us to live together, too. Will you move in with me?"

"I can't really say no, can I?" I laughed and looked at my gorgeous fiancé as he flashed that dazzling smile at me.

"I can wait a little longer for us to move in so that you can get things  sorted with your place," he said. As he looked at me, he caught me  staring at my engagement ring.

"I can sell up. We can move in together now. I can just move all my  things in and sell what we don't need." My words tumbled over each other  in my excitement.

I was engaged to the love of my life, moving in with him, and hopefully,  not too far in the future, there'd be the pitter-patter of tiny feet.  Oh, what those children would look like if they took after their father.  There's no way I could be any happier than at this moment in time. But  somehow, I knew Grey would keep trying to make me so happy I could  burst.

Jodie screamed down the line at me as I told her the good news. I think  she might have made me deaf in one ear. She instructed me to get to  Jim's at once so she could see the ring.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, Jodie made a beeline straight for us.  She tackle hugged me, looked at the ring, and then tackle hugged Grey.

"I can't believe it. You're engaged. It's fantastic, and the ring …  the ring is …  stunning!" she squealed.

She threw her arms back around me and then took hold of my hand to get a better look at the ring.

"Oh my, this must have cost a bomb!" she stage-whispered.

"Subtle, Jodie. Very subtle," I laughed at my best friend.

"Well, I'm just saying! It's so elegant and beautiful, perfect for you."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before, he only proposed last night and …  well …  I was umm …  a little distracted."

"Hey, you don't need to tell me. He proposed and then you got laid!" Trust Jodie to be so crass.

I nudged her with my elbow and she doubled over laughing. Her laughter  was contagious and soon I was laughing along with her. Grey just stood  and looked at us as though we were lunatics.

We all decided to have breakfast together and Matt joined us shortly after we sat down.

"So how's living together?" I asked Jodie.

"I'm loving it. Matt's so kind and thoughtful and though we can both  work odd shift patterns, we always make time for each other." The smile  on her face told a story more than mere words could. She was practically  glowing.

"I'm really happy for you!"

"I'm so glad I asked her to move in," Matt said with a smile from ear to ear.

"I'm glad you did, too," I responded happily. "I only want the best for my best girl."

"As do I, Carly."

We ordered breakfast and sat for a couple of hours passing time with  small talk about the two moving in together and mine and Grey's  engagement. I didn't mention moving in to the cottage because I wanted  to talk about that with Jodie when we were alone-though I did tell them  how he had proposed. Jodie's face shone with her happiness for herself  and her best friend. I knew she was happy that Grey had finally proposed  and our lives were on a good course.

"I should really start my shift," Jodie said after a while.

"Okay, honey, well I'll call you and we'll talk weddings and start making plans," I replied.