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Nothing Like the First Time(25)

By:Keren Hughes

Millie came to greet me and I gave her some fuss before putting some  coffee on. I opened my mail and busied myself tidying up the living room  before hearing my phone ring. I fished it out of my pocket and saw  Jodie's picture on the screen.         



"Hey!" I greeted.

"Hey girl, you busy?" she asked in a happy tone.

"Not really. I just finished work and was hoping to come home to Grey,  but he's gone, so I'm just having a coffee and thinking about which book  to start reading."

"Well, forget trashy romance novels and get your butt round here, I have exciting news."

"You can't tell me that and not spill straight away!"

"Oh yes, I can, see you at my place shortly!" she said before hanging up. The cheek of that girl sometimes.

I went upstairs to change out of my work clothes and found a note on my vanity.

Carls, had to go run some errands. See you tonight. 8 p.m. Wear something nice like that slinky blue dress. Love you. G xx

I smiled and pulled the blue dress he was talking about out of my  wardrobe. Jodie had given it to me a couple of weeks ago, claiming she'd  bought it on sale but on reflection thought it would suit me better.

I got changed and went downstairs to grab my purse before heading out  the door to make my way to Jodie's place. It was a little apartment  across town. Her father had bought it for her 21st birthday.

I parked outside and made my way to the door. Before I even knocked, the door was thrown open and Jodie was pulling me inside.

"Couldn't you get here any faster?" she asked and smiled.

"Nope, sorry. I had to get out of my work clothes. You're lucky I skipped my shower otherwise I would've been longer."

"Don't you care about my news?"

"News?" I played dumb as I saw she was desperate to spill.

She punched me lightly on the arm and dragged me into the kitchen. The  coffee pot was on and two cups were already set out. I sat at the  kitchen island and waited for her to pour the drinks. She turned to me,  cup in hand and sat down opposite me.

"I'm moving in with Matt!" she blurted, unable to contain it any longer.

"Wow! So it's really serious?"

"It sure is, Carly. I am so in love with him."

"I'm so happy for you." I really was but was a little envious at the  same time. Grey and I had been dating for a while now and he still lived  at his mother's, even though he spent most of his time at my place.

"I couldn't be happier. We're packing my stuff up and moving it this week."

"That's great. I'm so pleased you found someone who's truly worthy of  you, Jodie. You're an amazing woman and you deserve the best."

We spent a little while chatting before Matt called and told her he was  on his way. I made my excuses, kissed her goodbye, and left. I wanted to  get home and grab a shower before Grey came by.

I pulled up at home to find a bouquet of purple calla lilies on my  doorstep. I smiled to myself, knowing who they were from without even  reading the card. I got out of the car and picked up the flowers as I  unlocked the front door. I set the flowers on the kitchen island while I  found a vase and filled it with water and a little sugar to keep the  flowers at their best for longer. I read the card which simply said:

Thinking of you. G xx

Once the flowers were in my living room, I went upstairs for a shower.

Fresh from the shower, I dried myself before doing my makeup and hair. I  slipped into the blue dress and found my silver shoes and clutch that I  thought looked cute with it. Lastly, I sprayed my favorite perfume,  Vera Wang's ‘Princess.'

Once downstairs, I was just slipping my feet into the silver kitten  heels when the doorbell rang. I answered the door, thinking it was odd  that Grey didn't just use the spare key I had given him. On the doorstep  stood man in a black suit-he held a blue and white corsage out to me  and stepped aside for me to see the black limousine I would be riding  in. It was a good job I was always ready early.

The man in the suit introduced himself as Jon and held his arm out for  me to take to walk down my steps. I turned and locked the door before  taking his offered arm and walking to the awaiting car. I held my purse  under the other arm and the corsage box in my hand. Jon held the door  open and waited until I was seated to close the door for me. On the seat  beside me, I found a note bearing my name in Grey's cursive script. I  smiled to myself and opened the note, my heart thumping a little in  anticipation.

Carls, open the champagne and have a glass. You have a long journey  ahead of you though, so don't drink too much because we both know what  you're like when the bubbles go to your head. See you in about half an  hour. G xx

I saw the champagne and a flute in an ice bucket in the back of the  limo. I poured myself a glass and then opened the corsage box. I took a  closer look at the flowers, they were beautiful blue and white orchids. I  slowly sipped my champagne, determined to only have one glass.         



As we arrived at our destination, I saw a quaint looking little cottage  with fairy lights strung all around. It was 8 p.m. on the dot. A  handsome figure approached from the doorway of the cottage as Jon opened  my door and held out his hand to help me.

Grey stood still at the bottom of the path and waited for me to exit the  car. He was illuminated by the fairy lights and I saw he was wearing a  pair of black slacks along with a blue shirt that matched my dress.

I walked towards my handsome boyfriend and was greeted with a soft kiss.  The glint in his eyes said he liked what he saw before he even opened  his mouth.

"You look divine, as I knew you would."

I heard Jon pull away from the cottage and Grey offered his arm.

"Thank you. I'm pleased you like the dress."

"Oh I do. But I love the woman in it more and I can't wait to see the dress on the bedroom floor."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and saw Grey's smile at seeing me blush.

We made our way to the front door of the cottage. I saw even more fairy lights strung around the doorway.

"This all looks so beautiful, Grey."

"I'm glad you approve," he said as he showed me inside.

The cottage actually turned out to be bigger on the inside than I had  first believed. It was beautifully decorated, and when we entered the  living room, I saw a lovely little inglenook fireplace with a fire  burning. I took my heels off and walked around inside, Grey just walking  silently hand in hand with me. He wouldn't let me go upstairs,  promising that the time would come for that later.

We walked into the dining room and the table was set for two with  candles and a beautiful flower arrangement. No wonder I had smelled some  gorgeous aromas in the kitchen, Grey was cooking.

After pouring us both a glass of wine, Grey went to the kitchen to check  on the food. Not wanting to get in the way, I stayed where I was and  drank some of my wine. It was simply delicious. I wanted to drink more  but on an empty stomach, it wouldn't be wise, especially considering my  earlier glass of champagne.

Grey walked back into the room a few minutes later with two plates in  his hands. He placed mine in front of me and then sat down opposite me.  From nowhere, I heard a song start to play. It was "Blue Dress" by  Depeche Mode. I found it a little amusing that I was told in Grey's  earlier note to wear the blue dress and I wondered what he would've done  if I hadn't worn it. Grey seemed to pick up on my amusement.

"Something funny?"

"I was just wondering what you would've done if I hadn't worn this dress."

"I don't actually know because I had this song picked out especially." He chuckled.

"This food smells divine," I said, changing the subject.

"Thank you, I've been cooking for the last couple of hours. It's why I  left your place not long after you left for work. I wanted to get to the  market early to get the freshest pick of the ingredients."

"Well, I can't wait to eat." My tummy rumbled, punctuating what I said.

"What are you waiting for? Tuck in."

I did as he suggested and the first bite had my taste buds tantalized. I  was trying not to eat too quickly and not to get any on my beautiful  dress.

We made small talk while we ate and I told him about Kenya and her crush  on Jason. He found that funny. He knew as well as I did what Jason was  like when it came to women, we'd all gone to school together, after all.  But then you can't judge a person by the choices they make as younger  versions of themselves-Grey and I were proof of that.

Grey cleared the plates and told me to stay seated so he could bring dessert through.

"For madam's delight, tonight we have lemon cheesecake and double cream."

"Is this home-made, too?" I couldn't help asking.

"Actually, yes. I rang Aunt Lizzie and she talked me through some  options for dessert as I didn't want anything too messy and my cake  making skills aren't like yours. Cheesecake seemed an easier thing to  make."

"It looks fabulous," I said before taking my first bite.