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Nothing Like the First Time(21)

By:Keren Hughes

"Well, Greyston, it's nice to see you looking better. I must say, you had your mother, Carly, and Lizzie very worried."

"I can imagine. So, Doctor, what should I know about what happened?"

Dr. Danning recounted the details for Grey while I slipped out into the  corridor. I didn't want to listen, as I had replayed the night over and  over in my mind every time I fell asleep.

I sat on a chair just outside the side ward and Katrina slipped out to sit with me.

"I simply couldn't listen to any more and Greyston told me to wait  outside. Perhaps I should go and get some more coffee?" she said as she  sat and took my hand.

"We could go and get some fresh air," I offered. I had been out of my  wheelchair since the previous day and had been missing fresh air but  hadn't wanted to leave Grey's side. Now neither Katrina nor I could  stand to listen to the discussion between Grey and the doctor, so it  seemed like a good idea.

"Yes, darling, that sounds like a good idea. We can get coffees on the way back in."

We went downstairs in the elevator and went straight out of the double  doors at the entrance of the hospital. We went and sat in the Peace  Garden, where relatives could seek out some peace and quiet from the  goings on.

"I'm so very glad Greyston has come back to us," Katrina said as she put an arm around me.

"It was a scary time for a while there," I admitted softly.

"It certainly was. I haven't wanted to ask you about the night of the  accident, not really. I didn't want to put you through the ordeal of  remembering, but darling, I'm here if you should want to talk about it.  You don't have to bottle things up-I'm always here for you, Carly."

I started to cry softly and wiped my face with the sleeve of my top.  Katrina sat holding me and let me cry into her shoulder. She smelled  like vanilla and sandalwood. I inhaled her soothing scent and dried my  tears.

"My darling, it will get better. Greyston is awake now and we have much to be thankful for."

"I know, Katrina. It's just …  I was so scared I would lose him, and now he's back …  I … "

"I know, sweet girl, I know," she said as she rubbed my back gently in circular motions.

Katrina was the kindest, most thoughtful person. I could see where Grey got it from.

We got up and walked to the coffee shop. Katrina called Lizzie to tell her the good news while I placed our order.

When we got back to Grey's ward, he was resting and Dr. Danning was  nowhere to be seen. We walked in quietly and sat on opposite sides of  the bed, both wanting to be close to him. We drank our coffees in  relative silence, sharing the odd smile here and there when we caught  each other's eye. It wasn't long before Lizzie arrived and sat with us,  waiting for Grey to wake up. None of us wanted to disturb him-after all  he'd been through, he deserved to rest peacefully.

The three of us sat waiting, but at least we knew this time he would  wake up. None of us had been sure what would happen but now we had  answers.

A short while later, Grey woke up. He looked at all of us and smiled-it  was that heart-warming smile, the one that lit up his whole face.

"Darling, how good it is to see you with a little more color in your  cheeks," Katrina said as she took his hand and held it firmly in hers.

"It's so good to see you rested," Lizzie chimed in.

"Thank you, Mother, Aunt Lizzie. It feels good to be awake even if my  ribs are hurting and my damn leg is in a cast. The doctor explained  everything and let's just say I'm just glad to be back with the people I  love most. It could have been so much worse, so I am thankful for just  the minor injuries."         



Grey smiled at me and my heart skipped a beat. We were both very lucky.  We had survived and we had the rest of our lives to look forward to. I  just couldn't help but wonder about the ring. Had he been about to  propose or was my mind just making connections where there weren't any?  The ring had looked to be white gold with a diamond set in a sort of  Celtic knot. It was beautiful. But I couldn't ask him about it, I didn't  want him to know I had seen it.

Chapter Ten

The next day Grey was discharged from hospital and though I had wanted  him to come home with me so I could take care of him, I had a job to get  back to, so it made better sense for him to be under his mother's  supervision and I would visit every day.

I went into work and saw Jodie was bussing her usual tables while  Khelsey was bussing mine. Jason was working the bar as usual and Jim was  in the back office. I went to put my purse in my locker and grab my  apron and Jim looked surprised to see me.

"It's good to see you back in one piece," Jim said.

"Thanks, Jim. It's nice to be back. Seems Khelsey has my shift covered, though!"

"Oh no, honey, between her and Jodie, they have covered you well, but  they could both do with a rest. I'm sure Khelsey would be glad to go  home."

"Okay, well, I'll ask her."

"You do that, honey, I have some things that need tending to, then I'll be out front with you."

"Okay," I said, putting my apron on and locking my purse in my locker.

I went out front and spoke to Khelsey. She was glad for the rest but  wanted to know if I was up to it. She said she'd stick around for a  while in case I got too tired.

Thankfully, the place wasn't too busy and I managed to get through my  shift without incident. Khelsey helped me clean the tables down  afterwards and when we'd finished, Khelsey, Jodie and I sat at the bar  and asked Jason for a drink. I was taking tablets, so I had to have a  soft drink, but it was good to be in good company and relax a little.  Goodness knows I needed to unwind.

My phone beeped with a text.

Hey gorgeous, are you coming to see me after work? G xx

I smiled as I thought of Grey being on the mend. I couldn't wait to see him.

Just having a quick (soft) drink with the girls after our shift. Be over in about twenty minutes. Love you. C xx

Love you too baby! G xx

I said goodbye to the girls and got in my car. I made the short journey  to the Sterlings' home and was wrapped in a hug the moment the front  door opened.

"Hey," I whispered softly.

"Hey, Carls. I've been waiting for you."

"I've been looking forward to seeing you all day," I said as I took his hand and walked into the living room.

We sat down next to each other and Grey wrapped his arms around me. I  nuzzled gently into his chest, wary of his ribs, and listened to the  sound of his heart beating. It reminded me how strong he was and that  his injuries would heal.

"I'm sorry, Carls."

"Sorry?" I looked up into his eyes.

"Sorry that I couldn't control the car. Sorry I got you injured. Sorry for everything, really."

"Oh, Grey! You don't need to be sorry. I don't want your apologies. You couldn't control what happened."

"That's just my point, I couldn't control the damn car."

I stroked a stray lock of his hair behind his ear and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"You did nothing wrong, you hear me?" I said softly as I cradled him in my arms.

"I'm just so glad we're both here, and while we may have a few cuts and bruises, we're in one piece."

"Me too, Grey. There was a time I thought I had lost you and I didn't  know what I would do. I lost you once over ten years ago and I don't  plan to lose you again. Ever!"

We sat in the living room cuddled up for a while until I realized the  time and said I should be getting home. He got up with the aid of his  crutches and walked me to the door. He held me tight before tilting my  face up to him for a kiss. What started as a soft and gentle kiss turned  into Grey working my mouth open with his tongue. He sought out my  tongue and I surrendered to him. There would never be a time when I  wouldn't yield to him. He was everything to me and now I knew that  better than ever.

The next couple of weeks passed in much the same routine; work, home to  change, round to see Grey, home to sleep, rinse and repeat. He hadn't  been able to drive since the accident because of his cast. The insurance  paperwork had been sorted for the car, which had been a total  write-off. The conclusion had been that the air bag hadn't been faulty,  it was just that as Grey had been driving slowly because of the ice-and  we had impacted sideways-the airbag hadn't deployed as it would if we  had been going faster or in a head-on collision. That didn't make either  of us feel any better, but what's done can't be undone. He was getting  better and that's what really mattered.         



It was a month after the accident when Grey finally decided to start  looking for a new car. He'd been driven anywhere he needed to go by  either his mother, Lizzie, or me. But now, having finally had his cast  removed, he was ready to get back behind the wheel, so I took him to  look at a car he had seen on the internet.

The seller was a nice guy, said the car was in good shape, had good  mileage, and the only reason he was selling it was because he was buying  a newer car. That same day, Grey drove home in his new car, a 2009 grey  Pontiac Vibe. He was a little nervous as he took it for a test drive,  but soon felt better as he relaxed.