Reading Online Novel

Nothing Like the First Time(17)

I couldn't miss the blush on his cheeks.

"No. I guess it's time to admit that I practiced that one phrase to impress you when we were teenagers."

I laughed, I couldn't help myself.

"You're so sweet, I never knew that. I practiced that phrase over and over-only to find you don't know what it means," I teased.

"So are you going to tell me?" he asked.

"It means you own my heart and soul" I said as I leaned over to kiss him.

He kissed me so fiercely, it was hot and dangerously sexy. Dangerously  so because if he kept it up, we wouldn't be going inside-we'd be turning  right round and going back to my place.

"Thank you," he said as he broke the kiss.

"For what?"

"For learning that just for me, and for the record, you own my heart and soul, too."

Katrina opened the door and waved at us, cutting our conversation short.  She walked towards the car and we got out to greet her. Grey helped me  by taking the cake, which was heavier than the flowers.

"Is that the cake?" Katrina asked, kissing me on the cheek.

"It sure is," I said as I reached into the backseat to pick up the flowers.

"Can I peek?" she asked as she made her way to kiss her son on the cheek.

"Certainly not, Mother. Carly worked hard, as always, and the cake is  incredible. Let's get it into the house before I drop it and completely  ruin the cake and the driveway," Grey answered.

We went inside and Grey put the cake down on the perfectly polished  black granite kitchen island. Everything about Katrina's home was  immaculate. It had been when we were young, too. She had the money to  pay a maid, but she chose to do it all herself-she was proud of her home  and I couldn't blame her.

"Let me get the box off, Grey. Can you pick it up a moment, please?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

He picked the box back up and I carefully took it off as he held the cake.

"Wow, Carly, this looks fabulous, darling," Katrina said as she took in the sight of the giant pink and purple cupcake.

"Thank you, Katrina." I beamed, proud that I had created it rather getting a shop bought cake.

"What flavor is it inside?" she asked, still in awe.

"Red velvet, Aunt Lizzie's favorite," I replied as I set about putting  the flowers in the sink with some water while Grey found a vase.

"Marvelous, she's going to be so happy," she replied as she took my hand  in hers. She twirled me round for a better look at my dress.

"You look absolutely stunning, darling. Doesn't she, Greyston?" Katrina looked at Grey for his response.

"Of course, Mother. She always looks incredible," he replied as he came to stand by me, vase in hand.

I filled the vase with water and arranged the bouquet.

"Well, the guests will be here shortly and the guest of honor is on her  way over, too," Katrina told us as she walked toward the kitchen door.

"Okay, Mother, you go and do what you have to do, we'll have a quick coffee, if that's okay?"

"Of course, Greyston darling, you know where everything is."         



Grey put a pot of coffee on and we sat at the breakfast bar, as the island was full with the flowers and the enormous cake.

"Mother always gets edgy before parties," he said quietly.


"Just in case they don't go to plan."

I smiled. Katrina's parties always went to plan, she wouldn't have it  any other way. She'd been the same at all of Grey's birthday parties.  She was always throwing dinner parties for her friends too, so she was  well practiced at perfection.

Lizzie arrived and the party officially started. When she saw Grey and me together, she pulled me close in a hug.

"It's about time you two got yourselves sorted out!" she exclaimed as  she pulled Grey in for a hug, too-she squeezed us both tight and we  laughed.

"She finally saw the light, Aunt Lizzie," Grey joked.

"Oh I did, did I?" I asked.

"You must have done!" Grey tickled me as he spoke.

Lizzie looked at us both and smiled. It was good to see her in good  health-the last time I'd seen her, she had looked a little pale.

Grey left the room and moments later returned with the cake with the  candles in place. Lizzie's eyes lit up at the sight of my creation.

"Did you do this, Carly?"

"I did."

"Wow, thank you so much," she said as Grey walked towards her.

Everyone started singing happy birthday and I joined in. I took hold of  her arm and walked to meet Grey so she could blow out the candles.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish," Grey said.

"I've already had my wish come true," she said as she looked from Grey to me.

He smiled at me and we watched Lizzie blow out the candles. She took the  knife Katrina offered and made the first cut in the cake.

"It's red velvet!" Lizzie exclaimed happily "You remembered it's my favorite!"

"I sure did, Lizzie."

"Thank you. It's so wonderful to have all my friends and family here-you  two, most of all. I'm so grateful for the beautiful cake, Carly-thank  you so very much."

"You don't need to keep saying thank you, Lizzie-we all love you so  much. Grey couldn't find a cake good enough for his favorite aunt in the  shops, so he asked me to put my skills to good use. It wasn't an easy  cake to make, but it was a lot of fun."

"It tastes sublime," she said as she took a mouthful.

I blushed at the compliment and took the piece of cake Grey had cut for me.

We stayed late into the evening-everyone was dancing and singing along  to the karaoke machine Katrina had set up. Lizzie even convinced Grey  and me to sing a duet. We sang "I Don't Know Much" by Linda Ronstadt and  Aaron Neville.

As we tidied up, Grey kept looking across and smiling at me. I smiled  back, knowing that this party had cemented our relationship-showing his  family we were back together after all this time.

"Aunt Lizzie had such a great time," Grey remarked, coming up behind me  to wrap me in his warm embrace. He nuzzled my neck and I couldn't help  the hairs rising on the back of my neck along with the goose bumps that  ran down my arms.

"I'm glad she did."

"She's upstairs with my mother doing something that's supposedly top secret."

"Oh really?" I asked, wondering what the two women could be cooking up.

"Yeah, I told Mother we'd finish tidying up then I'd drive you home."

"Are you staying with me tonight?"

"If you'll have me, Carls, I'd love to stay," he said as he kissed across the top of my back.

"Mmm, definitely," I said, turning to kiss him. He kissed me softly and ran his hands up and down my back.

"This dress would look better off," he said against my mouth.

"Well, if you're a good boy, I'll show you."

"What happens if I'm a bad boy?" He kissed his way down the side of my neck.

"Then I'll definitely show you." I laughed.

We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat at the door. I  looked up and blushed as I saw Katrina and Lizzie both standing in the  doorway.

"Well, at least the young lovers are happy," Lizzie remarked as she looked from us to Katrina.

"It seems they are," Katrina replied as she began to help us finish clearing up.

"We are," Grey said to the pair.

"That makes me happy!" Lizzie remarked. She smiled at us both and then began clearing the last of the plates.

After tidying up, Grey left the room to get our coats. A few minutes later, he returned and helped me into my coat.         



"We're going now, Mother."

"Okay, darling. Will you be back tonight?"

"No, I'm staying over."

"Okay, darling, see you tomorrow. Thank you for the cake, Carly."

"You're most welcome," I replied.

"Yes, thank you, sweetheart," Lizzie said as she came out of the  kitchen. "It was simply delicious, but then your cakes always were the  best."

"Thank you." I felt the blush color my cheeks.

"Safe drive home," Lizzie said as she kissed us goodbye. "See you soon, I hope, Carly."

"Definitely," I said with a smile. I had forgotten just how much I had loved Katrina and Lizzie.

We got into the car and the ladies waved goodbye.

"I had so much fun tonight," I said to Grey with a smile.

"So did I," he replied with a smile of his own-it was that secret kind of smile he reserved for our moments alone.

"I'm so glad I came. Lizzie loved the cake, the karaoke was fun-even if I did have to sing."

"Hey! I sang too, remember!"

"I know, but you have a great voice."

"As do you."

"Thank you."

We drove along in relative quiet except for the radio in the background.  It was still a little snowy from Christmas, so Grey was driving  carefully, sticking to the speed limit, if not slower.

I was happy that we'd had such a good night, but I was also glad that it  was over-I was tired and would be happy to get to bed, not that I  envisioned much sleep being had.

Before I knew what was happening, Grey was trying to regain the steering wheel-it seemed we had hit a patch of black ice.