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Nothing Like the First Time(16)

By:Keren Hughes

"I came backstage to try to find you, but you'd gone."

"I sang my song and left, I couldn't bear to be there knowing you were within touching distance and I couldn't have you."

"I'm sorry I wasted so much time ignoring you. I honestly thought you  were with Maggie and I was feeling guilty and ashamed that we'd slept  together."

"It doesn't matter now, Carls." He looked me directly in the eye as he spoke.

"We Belong Together" by Mariah Carey was the next song to play. My iPod seemed to know how I was feeling.

I put the cake in the oven and cleaned the kitchen so it was ready for me to decorate the cupcake.

"I'd better get to the florist," Grey said as he helped me clean up.

"You getting Lizzie a nice bouquet?" I asked.

"I sure am. Her favorites are calla lilies, so I asked the florist to  make up something special with them," he said as he found his car keys.

"Okay, well, I'll see you later at the party then."

"Don't you want me to come back here so we can go to the party together?" he asked, pausing at the front door.

"You don't have any clothes with you," I said as I poured myself a glass of OJ from the jug in the fridge.

"No, but I can go home, grab a change of clothes, and come back."

"Great. I'd love to go together-and you know Lizzie and Katrina will be pleased."

"Pleased? That's an understatement." He laughed.

"I'll see you in a little while then," I said as he came to kiss me goodbye. He took me in his arms and kissed me passionately.

"Love you, Carls, baby," he said as he opened the front door.

"Love you too, Grey."

He shut the door behind him and I smiled to myself. After all these years, Grey and I had a chance to be happy.

Chapter Eight

The cake was decorated and it was time for me to take a shower. Grey  would be back soon and I wanted to find something special to wear to  Lizzie's party. My phone rang, flashing Jodie's picture on the screen.

"Hey girl!" came Jodie's cheery tone.

"Hey yourself," I replied with a smile on my face. Jodie's happiness was always infectious.

"I'm going out with Matt tonight and we wondered if you and Grey wanted to double date."

"Sorry, Jodie, I'm going to Grey's Aunt Lizzie's birthday party with him tonight-can we take a rain check and come next time?"

"Oh. Yeah, sure." She sounded disappointed.

"Sorry, honey, if we weren't going, then we'd come with you for sure."

"Sure, it's late notice, anyway. Matt didn't know he had the night off until he checked the rota last night."

"Next time, I promise, we'll make it up to you."

"Okay, sweetie, no big deal. Enjoy your party, I have to go in to work for a couple of hours now."         



"Speak to you later, honey."

I turned my iPod dock on and selected an old album by a band called  Another Level-I skipped to my favorite song "Freak Me" and took another  shower, knowing I had gotten flour in my hair while making the cake. I  couldn't help but think about when Grey and I were in there together-I  closed my eyes and got lost in the memory.

After my shower, I sat at my vanity to do my hair and makeup. When that  was done, I went to my wardrobe to select an outfit. I had a nice purple  wrap dress that I hadn't worn in quite a while.

Another favorite track started playing-"From the Heart"-I couldn't help but love the lyrics and began to sing along.

I finished getting dressed. I put a pair of stockings on then found out  my nude shoes and clutch. Hopefully my choice of outfit would please  Grey.

I picked up my phone and was surprised to see no texts or missed calls  from him. I went to make myself a coffee and put my iPhone on the  kitchen island.

My phone rang about fifteen minutes later. I smiled as I saw the photo of Grey on the screen.

"Hey, babe," I greeted.

"Hey, Carls. I've got the flowers but Mother sent me on another errand  so I'm only just finished. I'll be back in about ten minutes, sorry I  couldn't ring you before," he said, sounding a little frantic.

"No problem, baby. I'm ready, so all you have to do is shower and change."

"Great, how's the cake?"

"It looks awesome, even if I do say so myself. Now get off the phone and get your sexy ass back home."

"Okay, see you in a few minutes. Love you."

"Love you too, Grey."

I selected a favorite track-"Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now"-on my iPod and  turned the volume up. It was the main song from a great film I'd  watched repeatedly over the years, Mannequin. Andrew McCarthy was  seriously good eye candy.

A few minutes later, Grey knocked on the door. I let him in and pulled  him for a kiss. It started off as quite soft and gentle but then his  tongue sought out mine and the kiss quickly turned hot and passionate. I  pulled away breathless, I still forgot to breathe whenever I kissed  him.

"Wow," he said as he finally got to look me over.

"You like?" I asked as I spun round for him to see the full effect.

"Like? Oh, I more than like it and when we get home later, I'm going to  show you exactly how much I like it," he said as he pulled me in for  another kiss.

"Go and grab a shower, there's no time for being naughty before we have  to go-blame your mother for the other errand she sent you on." I laughed  as I smacked that great ass of his.

"Yes, Miss!" He mock saluted and then went for a shower.

I picked up my iPod and selected "Locked out of Heaven" again and turned  it up so Grey could hear. One thing true about the song is his sex does  take me to paradise. I sang along as I put on a fresh pot of coffee.

As Grey came out of my room, what I saw completely stole my breath.

He was wearing a black tailored suit with a purple shirt. He looked  beyond gorgeous-he was clean shaven, his hair had that sexy look about  it like he'd just combed his fingers through it-I couldn't help the gasp  that came from my mouth.

"See something you like, Miss Summers?" he asked, giving me a smile that showed his perfect white teeth.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed as I rose from my seat.

He came over and took my hand in his. He twirled me around and then  dipped me down over his arm before bringing me up to meet his lips. The  kiss was slow and sensual. I could smell cologne and a hint of whatever  it was that made Grey always smell so good.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah, just one last coat of lip gloss, as you kissed off the last lot." I laughed as I reached for my lip gloss from my clutch.

"The flowers are in the car. I don't think I'm forgetting anything," he said as he reached for his car keys.

"Let me grab the cake and we can go," I said as I walked over to the  sideboard closest to the fridge. I picked it up and placed it on the  kitchen island.

"Wow, that looks amazing, Carls," Grey said as he saw the cake for the first time.

"Thank you. I tried to do something different," I said as I admired my handiwork.

I had decided to take the giant cupcake from the silicone case I cooked  it in-then I had dirty iced it before rolling out the pink fondant icing  I had made. I had made that pink fondant look like the case of the  cupcake-then I had set about decorating the top. I had bought pink,  glittery, edible butterflies. Aunt Lizzie loved butterflies and had a  collection of rare ones that she had bought at an auction many years  ago. I had whipped up a batch of pale pink buttercream-I had spread this  over the top of the cake and then used purple edible glitter-adding the  butterflies as the final touch.         



"Need help getting it into the box?" Grey offered.

"That'd be great. If you can hold the cake, I will carefully slip the box around it," I said, picking up the box.

I held the cake on my lap in the car to save it from being damaged on the ride over to Katrina's house.

"You're really amazing, Carls. Did I tell you that?" Grey said, offering me a heart-warming smile.

I felt myself blush at the compliment.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"I mean it. You're so selfless, beautiful, caring-so much more than  that. But your best attribute is that you don't know how amazing you  are."

I felt my entire face heat in a blush. I was so in love with this man  and here he was telling me how he felt-I couldn't have been happier.

"You're pretty fantastic yourself, Grey. I'm so happy you came home-I  can't put into words how much I love you," I said as I looked at the man  who felt like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle-the puzzle being me.

"Ti amo con tutto il mio cuore," Grey pronounced in perfect Italian.

"Si possiede il mio cuore e l'anima," I said. I'd been practicing the  Italian phrase that means ‘you own my heart and soul' over the last  couple of weeks, knowing I couldn't say it to him until I could  pronounce it perfectly.

"What does that mean?" Grey asked, looking at me as we parked in Katrina's driveway.

"I thought you knew Italian?" I asked.