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Nothing Like the First Time(14)

By:Keren Hughes

"Well, there are things we need to talk about, Jodie. When the air is  cleared, then and only then would I consider a serious proposal."

By the silence that greeted that comment, I knew Jodie was choosing her next words carefully-a first for her.

"Yes, there's a lot to be talked over, I understand that. He left you  high and dry ten years ago and now he's back and proposing. I know it  must be a lot to take in, but Carly, you have never loved another like  him and you would be a fool not to marry the man who owns your heart."

"There's nothing like the first time. No one can compare to your first  love," I said as I sat at the end of the dock with the blanket around my  shoulders.

"Exactly," Jodie said. I heard Matt's voice in the background and was  happy that she was happy. Was I selfish to want some of that kind of  happiness for myself?

"I'll call you later, Jodie. I have things to think through," I said as I  got up and fished my car keys from my pocket. We said our goodbyes and I  walked towards my car.

"Going somewhere?" Grey's voice startled me.

"I … " I couldn't tell him I needed space, but I couldn't just run away, either.

"I hoped that last night proved undoubtedly that I love you, Carly  Summers, and wherever you are, I will follow you to the ends of the  earth to make you Carly Sterling."

"I have to get going, Grey, I'm sorry. Jodie can't do her shift at work so I said I'd fill in." The lie rolled off my tongue.

"Really? And you couldn't come in to tell me that?" he said as he walked towards me.

"Sorry, I was in a rush and I didn't think. Look, I'll see you later.  Meet me at my place tonight if you're free," I said, trying to backtrack  and make things better.

"Okay, I've got some errands to run today-I was going to ask you along  but it looks like you're needed elsewhere. I'll see you about what, six  o'clock?" he asked as he brushed a kiss across my cheek.

"Sounds great," I said as I got in the car. I wound the window down and  Grey crouched beside the car so that he could look at me.

"I love you, Carls," he said as he leaned in to kiss me.

I pulled him closer and kissed him with all the fire I felt behind the uncertainty.

"I love you too, Grey. I'll see you this evening," I said as I put the  car in reverse and backed slowly out of the drive. I waved goodbye and  drove in the general direction of home. I wasn't really working, so what  could I do with myself all day? It wasn't that I didn't want to be in  Grey's company and accompanying him on errands could have been fun-doing  anything with him could be fun, but I needed some space. I needed some  alone time to think about Grey's proposal and about letting go of the  past.         



Chapter Seven

It was 5:55 p.m. and I heard Grey pulling into my driveway. I hurried to  apply a last coat of lip gloss and made my way to the front door.

The doorbell rang as I stood and took a last look at myself in the  hallway mirror. I opened the door and my breath hitched in my throat as  Grey stood on the top step, looking devilishly handsome in a black shirt  and black trousers-he'd sure dressed up, and as I inhaled, I could  smell my favorite cologne.

That heart-warming smile of his played on his lips as he greeted me with a kiss.

"How was work?" he asked as he followed me through into the lounge.

"Oh, you know, boring."

"Well, I'm here now, let the fun begin." He smiled at me. There was a hint of lust in his eyes.

"I thought we'd go out like a normal couple on a date and then I might invite you back for coffee, if you're a good boy."

"Really? Where did you have in mind? A restaurant? A movie?" he asked as  he pulled me close and nuzzled my neck-his warm breath making the hair  on the back of my neck stand on end and goose bumps break out on my  arms.

I wrapped one arm around his neck and used my free hand to turn his face  towards me. I kissed him lightly along his jawline, knowing what it did  to him.

"If you keep that up, we won't be going anywhere, Carls," Grey whispered into my ear, sending a shiver right down my spine.

"Oh really?" I laughed and playfully pushed him away before pulling him  back to me for one long, slow, delicious kiss. "That's all you're  getting …  for now."

"You're such a tease, Carly Summers," Grey laughed and took my hand, leading me to sit on the couch.

"Me?" I tried for an innocent tone, but failed miserably due to my giggling.

"Yes, you-now come here and kiss me once more before we go on this date  to who knows where," he said as he drew me into his arms and kissed me.  As the kiss ended, I remembered to breathe. I'd forgotten what Grey's  kisses did to me in our youth-it was like he stole my oxygen as well as  my heart.

"I thought we'd go to a restaurant outside of town," I said, remembering my plan for a real date.

"Okay, I'll drive, just tell me where to go," he said as his fingers ran lightly down my arm.

"Let me get my coat." I got up and retrieved my coat and purse before he  could tempt me any further into forgetting about tonight's plans.

We drove over to Luigi's Italian Restaurant, making small talk about  Grey's day running errands. Turned out he'd been arranging some things  for Lizzie's upcoming birthday. I felt bad that I hadn't helped-I  could've made his job easier but I really had needed time alone.

"So do you have everything sorted or is there anything I could help with?" I asked.

"Are you still as good a baker as you used to be? Mother wants a nice cake but I couldn't find anything I thought suitable."

"Sure, I could make a cake. Red velvet was always her favorite, right?"

"You remembered?" he sounded mildly surprised.

"Of course! I love Aunt Lizzie like she's my own family. I guess I  really should've visited more while you were gone but … " I paused before I  could start to cry-I took a breath. "There were just so many memories,  Grey."

"It's okay, she understands."

"She does?"

"Sure. We talked about it when you and I weren't talking. She said that  she loved you and understood why you hadn't come around more often. She  also said a good many things about me being a fool for letting you go."

"Well, Aunt Lizzie has always been one for telling the hard truths."

"She sure has!" he replied as he turned the engine off.

"I hope you like this place," I said as we got out of the car and walked across the parking lot.

"I'm sure I will. It's new, isn't it? This used to be Marco's Pizzeria."

"That's right, how could I have forgotten that?" Oh, the amount of times  we'd come here for pizza after school …  I guess I just blocked those  memories.

We walked through the door and were greeted by a good looking Italian  waiter. He may have been cute, but nowhere near as good looking as Grey.  He seated us at a booth by the window to give us some privacy. We  looked at the menus he handed us and ordered a bottle of wine while we  chose what to eat.

We talked and ate and laughed for a couple of hours without knowing  where the time went. It was just like the old days when the conversation  came easily and the jokes he made had me nearly crying with laughter.         



On the drive back to my house, I looked at Grey in profile and was taken  back to a time when we used to ride home like this every day. I would  sit and look at him, not believing this man could love me-I always  thought he was too good for me.

"Hey, pretty lady, Earth to Carly, come in," Grey said to me as he  snapped his fingers in front of my face. We'd pulled up at my house and I  hadn't even noticed. I got out of the car and walked to open the front  door.

"Do I have to say goodnight on the porch or do I get that coffee?" Grey teased.

"What would you do if I said I was out of coffee?"

"I'd drink tea in a pinch." He laughed.

"Tea it is, then," I said as I unlocked the door and turned to face him, crooking a finger at him in a ‘come here' motion.

I pushed the door open and felt his hand slip into mine. I led him into the kitchen so I could put the coffee machine on.

"So are you sure all you want me to do is the cake?" I asked as I  puttered about getting the cups from the cupboard and putting the water  into the coffee machine.

"Sure. Aunt Lizzie will be over the moon," Grey said as he moved to put his arms around me.

"Behave yourself, mister," I warned.

"Behave? I'm not sure I know what you mean," he said as he ran one hand up my thigh.

"This coffee won't make itself, you know!" I chided in a mock stern  voice-though my insides were quickly turning to jelly and my legs  wouldn't be able to hold me upright if he carried on.

He moved his hand under the hem of my dress and as I hadn't worn  stockings, I could feel his touch like a tiny electric charge as it  roamed my skin. He found the edge of my panties and though I tried to  bat him away, I was unsuccessful because he ran the other hand up the  other thigh and then pulled my panties down to my ankles. I stepped out  of them, wondering what would happen next. He spun me around and his  lips met mine eagerly. He unzipped the back of my dress as he kissed my  lips, my jaw, and my shoulder as it was bared-he pushed down my bra  strap and kissed a trail to the top of the cup. He peeled the dress from  the other shoulder and kissed a trail the same as he had on the other  side.