"What?" Treyvon frowned at his second. He'd never heard of a species that was a mix of the three most powerful ones in the Known Universes.
"I know, it is very confusing. Until we can get them to use an educator with the Kaliszian language, we can only speak to them in either Ganglian or Zaludian."
"What are you talking about?" Treyvon demanded.
"Ganglian and Zaludian seem to be the only languages they understand. I spoke with the one that seems to be their leader, and he says the Ganglians captured them on their home world. A place they call Earth. Those were the only languages they were taught. I don't recognize the language they speak among themselves."
"That's impossible. Our educators are programmed with every known language. For it to not recognize theirs can only mean..."
"That they are a previously undiscovered species," Gryf finished for him.
"Take me to them."
“Yes, General." Gryf nodded then turned and led the way to the cave. "There's one more thing, General."
"What?" Treyvon demanded.
"There was an injured female that Warrior Kozar discovered in one of the outer caves. I ordered him to take her back to base for treatment. In your transport."
"In mine?"
"Yes, it is the fastest, and she seemed in bad shape."
"Alright, so what is the problem?"
"It seems the female is one of the unknown species, and they have been demanding to know where she is."
"What did you tell them?"
"That she was being treated for her injuries. It's this one." Gryf gestured to the cave opening to his left.
Ducking down, Treyvon stepped into the cave Gryf had indicated and was grateful he was able to stand to his full six-foot, eight-inch height once inside the room. The Kaliszians created these caves as they mined the powerful and abundant energy crystals that Pontus once contained. The crystals began to disappear five hundred years ago until only very weak crystals remained. They stopped all mining on Pontus hundreds of years ago as there was no market for the weaker crystals. It seemed the Zaludians had found one.
Before him, huddled together in a corner, stood the males Gryf had mentioned. They were just as Gryf described, only he left out how filthy they were or that the coverings they were wearing would be considered rags on the best of days. There was no way they could evacuate them with what they were wearing. The Pontus sun was setting, taking with it the heat of the day, and he didn't know if these creatures’ bodies could compensate for the temperature change as the Kaliszians could.
"Have capes brought," Treyvon ordered over his shoulder.
"Yes, General." Gryf pulled his comm from his belt relaying the order.
"I am General Treyvon Rayner, Supreme Commander of Kaliszian Defenses," Treyvon spoke in Zaludian, his gaze moving over the sorry-looking group. "Who speaks for you? Who is your leader?"
A thin male with dirty, matted hair on his head and face separated himself from the group. "I am."
"What do you call yourself?"
"Craig. My name is Craig Collins."
"And your species?"
"How long have you been here, Craig Collins?" Treyvon knew it couldn't have been long, not with how small and weak they appeared. The amount of work the Zaludians would have demanded of them would have killed them within days.
"We have no idea." Treyvon saw the others nod their heads in agreement. "Where is Mac? What have you done with her?"
"You speak of the injured female we found?" Treyvon asked.
"She is currently being transported to our base so our Healer can better treat her injuries."
"Why should we believe you?" another male demanded.
Gryf's deep growl had all the males moving fearfully deeper into the cave. As it should. The insult the small male had just delivered to his General brought into question the honor of a Kaliszian Warrior. No one did that and lived. Treyvon put a restraining hand on Gryf's arm as he went to draw his sword, and then Treyvon turned his head toward Gryf.
"It seems you were right, Commander, they know nothing of us. Just as we know nothing of them." Treyvon's gaze returned to the group. "They do not understand that insulting a Kaliszian Warrior's honor in such a way is tantamount to challenging him to a death bout." He watched as the males sank even deeper into the cave.
"We shall be generous to them, this one time," he stressed the word 'one.' "That it was the male’s ignorance that had him speaking and not that he was issuing a challenge." When no one spoke, he continued. "Good. Now as I said, your female is being transported to our base. Is there one among you that is her mate?"