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Night Shift 2(42)

By:Toni Aleo

A ringing sound erupted suddenly, and Bella jumped. She pulled out her cell phone. “Oh, I have to go!”

She hopped up, but Kyle took her hand.

“I want a parting gift, Duchess. Before you go.”

Her eyes widened, her breasts rising and falling with her quick breathing. “Like what?” she asked in a low voice.

Standing, he smiled. He touched her cheek. “A kiss.”

She blushed harder, and it was so adorable Kyle couldn’t help but trace the color along her cheekbone. “Yes, all right,” she murmured finally.

He didn’t wait for her to change her mind. Pulling her into his arms, he wrapped an arm around her waist and continued cupping her cheek with his right hand. He felt her warm breath brush across his lips, her soft breasts pressing against his chest.

Then Kyle kissed her.

He’d kissed dozens of women. So many he couldn’t remember them all. Recently, they’d all blurred together, the kisses merely a prelude to sex.

But this was different. He didn’t know how. He didn’t want to think why. But the moment his lips touched hers, it was like being transported to another place. She tasted sweet and luscious, and her lips were pillow soft. His thumb stroked her cheek.

Kyle didn’t push her, though. He kept the kisses sweet and closed-mouth, mere touches that would hopefully have her craving more. Sure enough, she twined an arm around his neck, a low moan emitting from her throat.

He pulled away slightly. “Open for me,” he said in a low voice.

Her eyelashes fluttered. She gazed at him. Then she opened her mouth.

He thrust his tongue inside, mimicking how he’d like to thrust inside her body. Her moan turned louder. Blood had already pooled in his groin, his cock so hard it was painful. His hand moved from her waist to her ass, and he pressed her against his erection. She jumped a little, but after a moment she began arching against him, like a cat wanting to be stroked.

“God, Bella,” he murmured against her mouth. “I want you.”

He kissed her until her eyes looked dazed, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care if she left this room looking like she’d been kissed for hours. He wanted her to remember him. He wanted her to touch her lips and have the memory of him flood her mind.

But then Bella’s phone sounded again. Kyle stopped kissing her, albeit reluctantly. Although he desperately wanted to take her right there on the couch, he had a feeling that would be way too fast for her. So he stroked her sides and kissed her neck until she pulled away.

“I have to go,” she said.

“When will I see you again?”

She hesitated. Bit her lip. “I don’t know. I’m sorry.”

“Can you at least tell me where you’re staying?”

She rocked back on her heels, as if considering.

“Or maybe you could come to our after-party?” he said. “It’s at a dive bar called Chez Charlie’s in the Bronx. We go there because nobody bothers us. The owner doesn’t give a shit if you’re famous or not, and neither do the patrons.”

Bella sighed sadly, like she was feeling torn about something. Kyle had never wanted to see another woman again as much as he wanted to see her, and the fact she was hesitating made him almost howl in frustration.

“It sounds fun. But I’m not sure…” She fiddled nervously with her hair, much like she had when she’d first arrived. “I have to go. Thank you, Kyle. For talking with me. For that kiss. For making me feel less lonely, if even for a few minutes.”

She then unlocked the door and walked out.

It was only after she’d left that Kyle realized he had no way of getting in touch with her. He didn’t even know her last name.

I’ll find her, he vowed to himself.

I’ll find you, Bella, and when I do, we’ll finish what we started.

Thank you for reading this excerpt from Royally Deep, Book 2 in my Going Deep Series, coming soon.

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Other Books by Virna


Book 1: Bedding The Wrong Brother (Rhys): Click here to learn more

Book 2: Bedding The Bad Boy (Max): Click here to learn more

Book 3: Bedding The Billionaire (Jamie): Click here to learn more

Book 4: Bedding The Best Friend (Ryan): Click here to learn more

Book 5: Bedding The Biker Next Door (Cole): Click here to learn more

Book 7: Bedding The Best Man (Gabe): Click here to learn more

Book 8: Bedding The Boss (Eric)**


Book 1: What Love Can Do (Quinn): Click here to learn more

Book 2: The Way Love Goes (Conor): Click here to learn more

Book 3: I’m Gonna Love You (Brady): Click here to learn more

Book 4: Best Of My Love: Click here to learn more


Book 1: Say It Sexy: Click here to learn more

Book 2: Say It Sweet: Click here to learn more


Book 1: Rock Strong: Click here to learn more

Book 2: Rock Dirty: Click here to learn more

Book 3: Rock Wild*

Book 4: Rock Free*

**Coming Soon

About the Author

Virna DePaul is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of steamy, suspenseful fiction. Whether it’s vampires, a Para-Ops team, hot cops or swoon-worthy identical twin brothers, her stories center around complex individuals willing to overcome incredible odds for love. Bedding The Wrong Brother, which begins the Bedding the Bachelors Series, is a #1 Bestselling Contemporary Romance and a USA Today Bestseller.

Virna loves to hear from readers at www.virnadepaul.com.

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Royally Deep (Excerpt)

Copyright © 2016 by Virna DePaul

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.

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Brenda Rothert

His bonus epilogue by Brenda Rothert – Andrew and Quinn are settled in to their happily ever after when a friend turned foe returns.


Two years after the epilogue…


Tucking my flat iron into one of my bags, I decide the packing is complete. And not a moment too soon. Roy, Andrew’s driver, is waiting to drop me off at the airport where Andrew and I will fly out on the plane he chartered.

I can hardly contain my excitement. We’re celebrating our first wedding anniversary at a secluded beachfront home in Fiji. Andrew bought the house to mark the occasion, and from the photos he showed me, I have a feeling it will become our favorite getaway spot.

The house is modest—around 1500 square feet with two bedrooms. There are hammocks outside where we can relax and take in the whitest sand and the most beautiful ocean views I’ve ever seen.

After a grueling fourth semester of college, this is just the break I need. Andrew’s been grumbling about not seeing me much, which is funny coming from my workaholic husband, but I love him more every day—grumbly, overworked and all.

I carry my bags out to the living room, where Roy and one of the security guys take them out to the car for me. I follow behind them but am stopped in the kitchen by Don, another member of the security team.

“Mrs. Wentworth, there’s a man out front asking to see you,” he says.

“Who is it?”

“Says his name is Bean.”

I freeze for a second, not having thought about my former friend in so long. The last time I’d seen him was when Bethy and I fled from Mexico after he’d turned on us.

He’s got balls, showing up here. I want to tell Don I won’t see him, but what if he knows Bethy lives here, too? He could show up again, or follow her when she leaves home. I can’t risk it.

“Go ahead and send him in through the front,” I say.

“I’ll escort him in.”

Don knows Andrew will fire him if anything happens to me. Not that it would. I may not have to fight for my life every day on the streets anymore, but part of me will always be the scrappy survivor I once was.

I’m standing in the warehouse’s living room, arms folded over my chest, when Don walks in with Bean.

Bean’s hard, dark eyes soften a little when he sees me. He’s not quite as lean as he used to be, and there are new lines in the corners of his eyes—whether from age or the sun, I don’t know. But his calculating gaze is unchanged.

Bean was always a great ally when Bethy and I were on the streets. He was ruthless and fearless. But when he chose to turn against me and my sister, he lost my trust forever.

“Quinn,” he says in greeting.

“What do you want, Bean?”